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Violet POV

I ran out of the penthouse and went to the top of the hotel. I mean the VERY TOP. I opened the door to the roof and slowly walked towards the edge. Sobs still racked through my body. I felt every possible horrid emotion that I could.  I hated this. My life. And that only made me hate me more. How could I, a rich little pampered spoiled girl, hate my life? I didn't deserve it.

When I reached the edge of the the building I looked over it. I saw my tears, as if it was slow motion, fall from my eyes to the hard cement below. It was a high building. More than 50 stories.

Why don't I just jump?

It would end my misery. It would be simple but effective.

My father would pay for a funeral that he wouldn't attend. His business partners that I had talked to over the years would show up. They would cry fake tears over a body that they didn't even know because they would think that it was appropriate. Then they would go back to their lives.





I stood at the edge of the building. And stood.

And stood.

And stood.

All the while my sobs got heavier and heavier until I knew that I would die of dehydration. There were times where I just knew that I was going to jump. When I tensed my muscles and got ready. But I couldn't I was to weak.

I was scared.

Finally, I just fell down on the roof top and curled up in a ball still crying.

I was alone.

Could you believe that after all these years of being alone, my biggest fear was being alone?


Niall POV

As usual, it was a great day. I loved this life. Everyday I got to experience the life of One  Direction and it was amazing. And I got to do it with my four best friends.

I had a feeling that I would soon be getting another best friend.


When I said that I would never date her I hadn't been lying. It would never work out between us. We were to different but that didn't mean that we couldn't be besties.

Even though it had been a great day, it had also been a long day. It was only four by the time we got back to the hotel but we all retreated to our bedrooms as soon as we got there.

Louis POV

I, along with the rest of the boys had retreated to our bedrooms as soon as we entered the house. It had been a fabuLouis day but for some reason Harry had been sort of quiet.

Weird lad.

As I threw my body on the bed and snuggled into my pillow. I thought about Violet. That chick was hilarious!

I couldn't help but think that we would soon be gaining a sixth member in the band.

Hopefully, she doesn't start a fight with me. Whatever, Zayn will come for me...

I fell asleep.

Zayn POV

I was so. tired. I shut my door and walked to the bed. Smiling, I thought about last night. I had enjoyed sleeping next to Violet. Not in a perverted kind of way! She was warm and   adorable when she slept. It was if the guarded expression she put on when she was awake slipped off at night. Only to be placed back on during the day. Her and I were alot alike. I to acted rough but honestly i'm just as emotional and caring as the next guy.

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