Mummy and Daddy Don't Approve

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I loooooovee the albummm!!!!!!! Vote, Comment, and like if you do to! Vote, Comment, or Like if you have any ideas for the story, or like it. ;P. Over there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>is a video of Violet in WMYB. And its probably going to be a picture of Violet


"Oh," Harry's mom said, her mouth tightening into a thin line. Harry's sister scoffed a little before disappearing inside the house.

I looked up at Harry, noticing how his bright smile had faltered a bit. 

"Umm," I finally said, looking back at the two people in front of me. I smiled shyly. "Nice too meet you?" 

I didn't mean for it to sound like a question. This had to be one of the most awkward greetings I have ever been through. Harry's mom and step-dad stood at the door, just staring down at me. Harry's hand slipped from mine only to wrap around my waist and pull me into him. His expression had changed from a kind one to a 'whats your deal' one. 

"Well," the man coughed. His ran a hand through his greying hair, looking nervously down at his wife. "Come on in."

No thankyou, I thought. I'd rather wait in London for a week. See ya later Hazzi Babe!

But Harry practically dragged me into the house, wrapping his large hand around my smaller wrist. 

Once I was inside the house, I took a look around with raised eyebrows. The house, or flat as Harry likes to call it, was decorated like...somebody lives here. Nothing like the hotels I had lived in in the last 5 weeks or even my apartment back home. My NYC apartment had been decorated by a professional and it looked more like a museum than a house. But this flat was definitly lived in. The walls were painted a cute yellow that, surprisingly, wasn't unsightly to the eye. To the right of the door when I walked in, a flower vase sat on the table. It held small white flowers and upon further inspection the flowers were actually real. Next was the living room that had two white couches and had tan carpeting. A flat screen tv, that looked a bit out of place in this country like house, was perched on the wall. Next to the tv was a tall bookcase filled with photo books that were titled things like Gemma's First Years, Robin & Anne's Marriage, and Harold's Life Book. Next was the kitchen that had a glass table and the usual appliances. Connecting to the living room was a set of stairs that leaded to the bedrooms, I guess.

Harry walked throughout the house with a small smile on his face, not bothering to look at the furniture that must have been familiar too him. Despite my discomfort of being in a new place, or the discomfort of having three people eyes burining into the back of my head, I couldn't help but smile at how happy he looked. 

"You put the tv up," Harry said, pointing at the flat screen. He looked down at me. "I got that for them last month."

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Harry was always buying stuff for people. The necklace that was hidden under my shirt could attest to that.

"Of course we put it up," Gemma said. I looked at her just as she looked away from me. She smiled at her brother and winked. "The last tv was complete shit."

"Language," Anne (or Ms. Cox. I didn't know what to call her) and Mr. Twist chasticed at the same time.

"How long has Harry been gone?" I asked, finally talking after two minutes of internally fighting away the shyness that I had suddenly gained.

"Too long," Ms. Cox said, walking away from her husbands embrace and walking over to me and Harry. I couldn't help but notice the way she pulled her son a little bit away from me when she put her arm around his shoulder. She looked down at me with an acidic smile. She was tall like her son. "Your father keeps taking my baby away from his mother."

I narrowed my eyes a bit. It wasn't my fault her son was popular.

"Uncle Lex helped me get a job and enough money to take care of myself," Harry laughed, his dimples on full display. 

I was 100% sure that he was unaware of the tension in this room or the way his family was glaring at me, probably wishing that looks could kill.


"Who is Uncle Lex?" I asked Harry, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Your father," Gemma laughed, rolling her eyes. "Obviously."

This bitch was about to meet the creator of the eye role.

"Well," Mr. Twist said suddenly, his booming voice filling the room. "I guess its been a long trip from America for you guys. How about Harry shows his...erm...girlfriend up to his room for showers and a bit of rest."

"Dinner will be ready in a while," Ms. Cox smiled, giving Harry a warm smile and ignoring me.

"Thanks mum," Harry said, waving his hand as he wrapped his hand around mine to lead me upstairs.

Six eyes followed our movements, no doubt planning on ways to ship me back to America.

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