Misplaced Kisses

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The club was packed tonight. When the boys and I had arrived the bouncer had glanced at me and had immediately let us in. I was given curious glances by the boys. They didnt need to know how often I had been here...

I, being the daughter of a successful manager, actually knew alot of people. By people I meant Drake, Chris Brown, Gym Class Heros, etc...They were really fun people. Thankfully, I had been able to keep out of the magazines and stuff because there was nothing exciting about being a managers daughter. I liked it this way. I dont like to flaunt my wealth. I just like to enjoy it.

At the club, I saw some familiar faces and waved and smiled to them. Spotting my usual table, I walked to it. There were alot of sweaty, closely packed bodies grinding on the dance floor to a good remix of 'Somebody That I Used To Know' by Gotye. I fought my way through them and collapsed into our table. The boys were following right behind me.

Our table was a semi circle and I scooted to the middle. Niall, Harry, and Liam sat to the right of me. Zayn and Louis sat on my left.

As soon as everyone had sat down, my favorite waiter came. Daniel.

"Hey Vi!" he shouted over the music. "Hows my favorite trouble maker?"

I laughed loudly and I saw the boys smirk.

"She is dandy. Dani, this is Liam, Zayn, Niall, Harry, and Louis." I said, pointing my fingers at them. The boys waved.

"Right! Your from One Direction!" Dani said.

How did Dani know about them? Was I just living under a rock or something?!

"Yes. They are," I said. "Now i'm gonna tell you something that will break your heart. .I'm going on tour with them...and leaving New York."

Dani stared at me in shock. I saw something flicker in his eyes. Annoyance? Anger? I don't know. It was gone before I could properly detect it.

"What?! Who am I gonna flirt aimlessly at?!" he said. Its true. Dani and I flirted but thats it. We hadnt done anything.

Harry put his arm around me and pulled me to his chest.

"Sorry Dani boy," he said jokingly. "She is ours now."

"Uh...Harry? I DO NOT belong to anyone!" I said, shrugging from under his arm.

Harry frowned.

"Ha! Well Im gonna be off of work soon. Save me a dance?" Dani asked.

"Sure," Louis answered.

I slapped his arm.

"Sure," I said. "In the mean time, I need something to drink! You know my usual."

Dani smiled and nodded at me. Then he took the boys orders. Finally, he reminded me about the dance I owed him and left the table.

"Oh!," Zayn said. "Vi has a secret boyfriend!"

Liam and Harry frowned while Louis, Niall, and Zayn laughed with each other.

"That would be a no," I said.

I have to admit that Dani was attractive. He had blue eyes that practically glowed, a fit body, and black hair. I was especially drawn to guys like this but...I have never had a boyfriend before. Embarrasing, I know. There was the two day relationships but that doesnt count...At least I hope not...

I want my first boyfriend to be someone who wants me because of my personality rather than my body!

"Right. Sure." Niall said sarcastically.

Just then a lady waitress brought our drinks and left.

I grabbed mine and took a sip. It was orange soda and vodka...my favorite.

Lucky Punishment (A One Direction FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now