Im AT A phone...

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I got back to the hotel room, giggling. Already James had sent me five texts telling me that he missed me. Silly boy...

I opened the door and found five suitcases near the door. Louis and Niall were arguing over some carrots while Liam tried to calm them. Louis was going to lose. Zayn and Harry were sitting on the couch. I sat on Harry's lap, surprising him.

"Where have you been?" he muttered while placing a small kiss on the top of my head before sniffing my hair. It was a habit that I hope he never stopped.

I poked his dimple, also a habit, and placed a kiss on the base of his neck. "See James," I said vaguely.

He nodded and let out a little 'mmhhmm' sound before kissing my temple softly. I continued to kiss up his neck until I reached his lips. I meant for the kiss to be short but I got caught up in how rough and amazing his lips were. He deepened the kiss and heard Zayn scoff and leave the room muttering something about 'getting a room' and 'hormonal teenager love birds'. I didnt care. I felt Harry's hand trace the outlines of the top of my bra. Honestly I was surprised that Harry had kept up on his 'no sex until ready' rule. My right hand found its way to his the back of his head where I pulled his locks softly earning a moan from him. My other hand made a trail down his abs and to his crouch area. Not only did I notice that he was a little 'excited' to see me but also his zipper was unzipped. If the other boys weren't here then I would have thrown us on the floor and said 'screw the rule'. But I have some self control...

I zipped up his pants causing him to groan a little before getting up and walking to the kitchen with a smug smirk.

"Where is Harry?" Louis asked. He was glaring at Niall who was devouring a bag of carrots. I heard the bedroom door shut and snickered.

"Give him five minutes," I said while winking towards four confused boys.


"Who wants take me shopping?" I randomly asked. We were leaving DC at 12 midnight and today was a free day.

"Me," Niall, Louis, and Zayn said at the same time.

"I need to help Harry with something," Liam called from the kitchen.

"Suit yourself," Niall said back. We all grabbed our phones and wallets and left.

When we got downstairs there was a crowd of girls outside the door. They were singing 'Torn' in unison. By this time, I was used to the boy's dedicated fans.

Zayn had called for a car once we had left the room so there was a car waiting for us in the garage.

"Shotgun!" Louis called while opening the passenger door and saying/shouting hello to the shocked driver. I felt sorry for him (The driver).

Niall, Zayn, and I scooted into the backseat.

"What's your name?" Louis asked the driver. The driver had on a white shirt and normal blue jeans. He looked about fifty.

"Larry," the driver mumbled. He put the car in drive and we started rolling.

Louis gasped.

"Thats me and my best mate's bromance name! Larry Stylinson," Louis commented. "Some of our fans think that we have you know...a 'thing' going on behind closed doors but it's not true because Harry is really dating-"

"LOUIS!" Me, Niall, and Zayn yelled at the same time in a warning tone. Louis was going to be the death of me! Seriously. Someone needed to get him a muzzle.

The driver gave Louis a weird look and we all tuned Louis out while he rambled on and on...and on.

"Where here...finally!" the driver said a little bit to excitedly coming to a screeching halt in front of the mall.

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