The Phone Call

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The sound of foot tapping against the hardwood floor nervously and the shuffling of clothes as Harry piled them in his suitcase, slowly and untidily, filled the otherwise quiet room. Every few seconds, I would glance at my cell phone only to be disappointed at the lack of calls and the time that now read 11:30pm.

I sighed for the millionth time that day and Harry sent me and my phone a worried glance, biting his lip nervously. We had just woken up fifteen minutes ago and a word hadn’t been spoken between us.

I had opened my eyes to find Harry staring at me helplessly. Ever since then, he has been sending me worried glances. Which only added to my distress.

Outside our room, it sounded like a tornado was happening. Louis was yelling random things about carrots while Niall laughed at him loudly. Zayn was out on the balcony, having a smoke, and Liam was shouting at Louis to calm down. I flinched at the sound of glass shattering and Harry sent me another glance.

Finally getting sick of the silence, I got up and walked out of the room.

Shutting the door, I sulked towards the living room.

Collapsing on the couch, I giggled when Louis ran passed me wearing only white boxers and a superman shirt. He winked, looked behind him, and sprinted away yelling, “Suuupppeerrmannnn!!!”

A flustered looking Liam ran after him and sent me a reassuring smile.

I returned it hesitantly.

A large pile of suitcases were piled haphazardly next to the door, none of them mine. Next to me on the couch, Niall was laughing and watching the barely dressed Louis get chased buy an annoyed looking Liam.

A daily occurrence in the One Direction household.

Niall grabbed a chocolate bar out of the pocket of his black shorts and began to eat it.

I groaned loudly and collapsed my head on Niall’s shoulder, the soft feel of his white t shirt and familiar smell comforting me slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Niall mumbled around a mouth full of chocolate. He threw an arm over my shoulder.

“Everything,” I sulked, pouting slightly.

I heard the sound of another glass breaking in the other room and flinched.

“PUT YOUR DAMN CLOTHES ON!” Liam shouted, cursing and letting Louis know that he meant business. His command was met with a laugh and a sassy comment.

Niall paused, not knowing how to comfort me before reluctantly waving the half-eaten chocolate bar in my face, offering me some.

I grinned. Niall never offered people his food.

“No thanks,” I smiled.

“Tell brother Ni what’s wrong,” he said, finishing his bar in one bite.

I rolled my eyes at him.

Honestly, I seriously doubted if Niall even knew that I was leaving them….or that they were leaving me. Niall was always pretty clueless but, now, I was starting to wonder if people even told him what was going on most of the time. He is a more of a ‘go with the flow’ kind of guy. A care-free mofo.

“Niall,” I said, slowly like I was talking to a child. Not rudely, jokingly. Half of me didn’t want to say the words that I was about to say because then I would have to face that it might come true. Apart of me had already accepted it though. Nothing ever goes my way. “You do know that I might not be going back to England with you, right?”

I winced. It hurt to say that.

Niall spit out the water that he was drinking out of his mouth and gaped at me. I shimmied away from his saliva-infested water.

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