First Reprimand

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I don't know when Harry and I fell asleep. All I do know is that one second I was dreaming about what it would be like to be a turtle in the sea and the next I was being shaken awake. Apparently I had fallen asleep in Harry's arms and had stayed there for a few hours. I could see the stars and half-moon shining and providing a soft glow in the room behind the curtains. I took a moment to appreciate how beautiful Harry looked when his features were lit up like that before blinking, sleepily, up at the person who had disrupted our peace.

Harry's mother stood at the edge of Harry's bed, the mattress coming up to her thighs. She wore a night gown and an apprehensive, hesistant gaze.

For a moment, I thought that I was still dreaming. Surely I wasn't really in England? Weren't the boys in the other rooms sleeping? Was I not having a weird dream about the woman I had never met before? But then my foggy brain cleared and I remembered that the woman before me wasn't an apparition, but a real human being.

But, still, why was she here?

"Hmm?" I mumbled, not quite awake yet. My eyelids drooped, desperate to close again.

After a moment of silence, Anne apoke.

"Come with me," she said. Then she briskly turned around and walked out of her son's bedroom.

For a moment I thought about ignoring her and falling back asleep. Then I remembered my last thought before I had slipped into unconsciousness a few hours ago.

I had to earn and gain Anne's approval. Harry loved his family but, still, he had said that he should have left because they had been rude to me. Me, a random girl he had met only five and a half weeks ago. I couldn't come in between him and his family. Therefore, I would just weasel my way into it...somehow.

With these thoughts, I dutifully followed Anne out of Harry's room and downstairs into the dark living room. As my eyes adjusted, I was able to see that the couch was now decorarted with a small white pillow and a folded puke green pillow. Anne stood in the middle of the living room, staring at me as if we were in a play and it was my turn to recite my lines.

I don't know how I knew to sit down on the couch but this had been the right decision because as soon as my butt struck the seat, Anne let out a long sigh that seemed as if it had been held for a long time.

An unfamiliar feeling of nervousness and excitement rose inside me. I would be stupid to deny the obvious dislike she held for me. And that's why I was nervous. What was she going to tell me? Was she going to ask me to leave her home?

Then there was the excitement.

I had been ten years old when I had seen a boy being reprimanded by his mother. He had done something minor, ran to far away I think, but still the mother had leaned to his height with a scowl and raised her voice to tell her son to never do that again. And at that moment I had wondered what the boy had felt. Fear from having a woman three times his size yell at him? Respect because the woman had loved him enough and cared enough to worry about how far he was away from her? Defiance at being told what to do? I had been obsessed with the idea of being reprimanded. That week,I had done a series of things wrong to make my nanny at the time reprimand me but she never did it. Eventually I had stopped trying. First because it was obvious she didn't care what I did and second because even if she did reprimand me, it still wouldn't satisfy me experiment. She wasn't my mother. I wanted to be reprimanded by my mother whom I had never met.

This silly feeling of curiousity and excitement rose inside me now. I knew it was silly. I knew that Anne was not my mother but still she was a mother who was talking to me. Some silly part of me thought 'close enough'. How stupid can I get?

"Violet," Anne sighed again. I could sense discomfort from her. "I came upstairs to tell you that, while under my house, you and Harry can't sleep in the same room."

I resisted scoffing at her comment. She was worried that me and Harry would do stuff. I wish...

"And something else," she continued.

I waited for her to continue, looking in her eyes trying to decipher what she was going to say next. First there was hesitance, then doubt, anger, annoyance, resent, and finally courage.

"I don't like the idea of you and Harry," she stated her voice confident and steady. I gulped. "I understand that my son has...appeal. He is rich, handsome, kind, affectionate, everything a girl would want in a young man. And I understand the appeal he has towards you. You are a good looking girl with the disablity to keep her hands to herself.

"But I just can't allow this relationship to happen. You aren't right for my son. It's obvious that you have a variety of issues that need to be taken care of before you could pursue a healthy relationship. Harry is just lonely. He needs a warm body to hold at night. He will get over the novelty of having a beautiful girl like you soon. And that is why I won't interfere. Harry wouldn't forgive me if I broke you and him up because he thinks he likes you. I know, though, that eventually he will see you the way the rest of us do. A young woman with daddy issues and a hobby of....let's just say you've obviously been kissed alot. I'm sorry that I have to be the one to say this to you. I know that you don't understand because you have never had one...but mothers need to protect their children. I am just protecting Harry before he falls for you only to notice how bad you are for him. Good night."

And with those words Anne quickly turned from me and walked upstairs, disappearing from my sight and leaving me in a shocked silence.

Anne thought I was a slut. Anne thought I was a gold digger. Anne thought that I was bad for her son. Anne thought that Harry's attraction towards me was a phase before he moved on. Anne thought that I had issues that would cause a rift in my future relationships. Anne believed all the media that called me 'America's Rebel Child' and 'That Girl Who You Don't Want Your Children To Become'.

And I've never felt so hopeless.

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