Making Fun

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"So. I have places to be and people to meet. Boys, this is my daughter." My father waved his hand towards me without looking at me. "Her name is Violet. She will be going on tour with you. No funny business." The last sentence he directed my way as he walked past the boys and into the elevator.

I sent the fakest smile I could at his retreating figure as the elevator door closed. Then my gaze turned to scrutinize the boys. Because my father didn't technically introduce them correctly I still had no idea what name belonged to which hottie.

"So! Umm..Sorry but I kinda don't know which boy is which so..." I raised an eyebrow and cocked my head hoping that they would get the point.

"Well," the boy with light blue eyes and short brown hair stepped forward. "Im Louis. Im the fun one." He then smiled warmly at me and continued introducing the other ones. "This is harry..."

I looked toward Harry. I could explain him with one word:


He had curls that were luscious and pink, plump lips that I could just- well. Lets just say I was attracted to him.

Harry looked towards me and thats when I saw it. He gave me that look that I had seen in the eyes of the guy I had been caught with last night. Me and Harry were going to get along. I winked at him.

"He is my boyfriend," Louis said. My jaw almost dropped.

"Oh...well. That's-" I was dumbfounded.

As I tried to search for the right words to say all the boys laughed.

The blonde one stepped forward and threw his arm around my shoulder. "Don't mind Louis. He jokes around a lot. I'm Niall. The cute one." He then smiled down at me and I instantly liked him. He had an irish accent that made wanna pinch his cute little irish cheeks.

"Nice to meet you Niall" I laughed.

"Niall get your arm off of her. That's rude." This boy had shortish brown hair and a cute birthmark on his neck. Normally I would have melted at that little birthmark but...he looked at me almost like the way my father looked at me. Disgusted. Whats his problem? "Liam."

I nodded. Niall shrugged beside me but he didn't drop his arm.

"And last but definitely not least...I'm Zayn." He was sultry and sexy.

"Our buddy Zayn here is vain." Louis playfully punched Zayn on the shoulder. Zayn shrugged either used to people calling him this or accepting it.

"Nice to meet you Zayn," I looked at the five boys and said something that I didn't think i'd ever say. "Lets get this tour on the road!"  


Downstairs there was a car waiting for us. We piled into the eight seater Mercedes. The boys nodded to the driver. In the middle row Zayn,Harry, and Liam sat. Niall, Louis, and I sat in the back. I sat closest to the right window and blocked out the banter of the boys. I needed some time alone.

Pulling out my phone, I dialed Dawn's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Violet," she practically screamed. "What the actual fuck! Why haven't you called me yet?! I thought that you had been murdere-"

"Dawn, I'm being sent away." I decided to just pull the bandage off.

She was quiet for a second and then:

"What the hell do you mean your being sent away?!"

I explained to her what had happened in the last twelve hours.

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