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Vaz Zappinen party people. Just so you know my crush is still talking to me even though its awkward for me. HE IS SO NICE. I know 100% that he knows I like him but.,...whatever. We will see how it goes. THIS BITCH THOUGH is trying to still him from me even though I TOLD HER that I liked him. THE NERVE.

Comment if you have any relationship avice for me. Vote if you think I should just reach out and kiss him. (pls) Like if you agree that I should have kept my mouth shut instead of yelling to the world that I liked him.



(Leon (Mr. Lexington's) POV)

With a resigned sigh, Violet got up from her seat on the couch and walked towards the backroom, her disgustingly purple hair floating behind her.

The smug smile slipped from my face, replaced by an emotionless stare as I watched the one person on this earth that I hated to the core.

Was is wrong to wish harmful things on one's daughter?

I'm not sure. If it is then I will burn in hell.

I slipped one aging, wrinkly hand into my tan pant pocket, pulling out the aging photo out of my pocket. The photograph was cracked, turning yellow with disuse, and torn at the edges. Yet it portrayed my love beautifully.

Rebecca's brown hair tied up in an intricate bun, her white dress fitted to her petite form, her small hand placed protectively over her swollen belly that held the demon that killed my wife.

I smiled, thinking about the day I had taken this candid photo. Thinking about happy, easier times.

Becca's surprised, loving, vibrant green eyes staring back at me set fire to the love that I still had for the women who had died eighteen years ago. And the vengence for the incolent girl who had killed her.

I thought about the years of lonliness that have come and the years of lonliness that have yet to come, hate and revolution rolling in the back of my throat.

No one knows how painful it is to lose that one thing that you wake up every morning for. No one.

My eyes slimming to slits, I carefully slid the photograph into my pocket.

When Violet- oh how it burned like poison to say that name- had turned five, I had promised myself one thing.

I would destroy her. I would suck all happiness from her life like she has done with mine. I will manipulate her relationships and make everyone see the unlovable retch that she is.

A bitter smirk tugged at the corner of my lips.

I had devised the perfect plan.

(Leon's Flashback)

I sat in my office, staring out the glass windows yet not seeing anything. My foot tapped impaitiently at the carpeted flooring.

Behind me, I heard the door opening.

Spinning around in my chair I caught sight of Violet's friend. She waltzed into my office, her eyes searching its contents. I frowned at the revealing outfit she wore.

"Your late," I muttered.

Her eyes found mine and an eyebrowed lifted, showing the annoying attitude she carried around like a purse.

"Sorry," she said, coating sarcasm in her words. She walked towards the chair across from me and sent me a cocky, sickly sweet smile. But I could see through her exterior. She was nervous, desperate, and willing.


"So Dawn," I started, leaning forward and resting my elbows on the glass table standing between us."Have you thought about my offer?"

Dawn looked down at her lap where her nervous, twitchy hands played together.

"Yes," she replied, her New Yorkern accent evident reminding me of my daughter. Personally, I prefered the English accent I had picked up on from living there so long. More classy. "But before I decided, can you explain it to me again? I just sure."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, frustrated. Do all kids of this genertion act this slow?

"As I said over the phone," I, once again, began. "My people have become aware of your living problems. Or lack there of. They have put to my attention your questionable habit to bounce from home to home trading sex for shelter." She winced but I continued. "This must be a horrible living condition, is it not? And I understand that you and your parents aren't exactly on the greatest terms-"

"How do you-" she interupted, her voice rasing a bit. 

"It's all apart of the job," I answered, leaning back into my seat a bit to a more comfortable postition. "So I asked myself, how desperate are you? And where does your relationship with my daughter stand compared to your living situation?"

I paused, letting her think about the rhetorical question. Something inside of her eyes wavered and broke.

"My deal," I continued, making my voice persuasive and understanding. "is that if you gain information about my daughter, I will provide you with food, shelter, and a monthly check."

And she looked down at her lap. For a minute I stared at her, watching the gears working in her head. I tried to decipher her answer from her facial expression, hoping for the right one.

Finally, she looked up and there it was.

The answer.

(End Of Flashback)

I will tear Violet's life apart. I will make her wish that she had never been born. I will avenge the love of my life.

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