Take Off

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In a matter of seconds, I pulled my phone from my pocket and pressed ANSWER knowing a part of me would die if it wasn’t who I hoped it would be.

“Hello?” I asked, my voice quiet and hopeful.

Please, Please, Please, Please, Plea-

“You need to hurry up. Someone will be waiting for you outside to give you your tick-”

I didn’t wait for my father to finish. Not thinking about what I was doing, I hopped from the couch and sprinted into my room.

I hurriedly pulled my hair into a messy bun and glanced at the clock.

My eyes went wide.


It was 12:30pm. How had time passed so quickly?! The plane in exactly thirty minutes and the ride to the airport was 45 minutes away.

Stressed out, I spun around in a circle. I don’t know why. I just did.

“What the fuck is wrong with me?!” I screeched.

Snatching a duffel bag off of my bed, I threw my wallet, phone, laptop, Ipad, and a few pairs of underwear. I didn’t have time to pack properly.

I didn’t glance back when I sprinted out of the villa.


The drive to the airport was excruciatingly slow. By the time the driver pulled up to the airport I had only fifteen minutes left.

Without saying a word, I threw some money at the front seat, grabbed my bag, and sprinted out of the car.

“Excuse me!” I hissed, pushing pass people. Unfortunately, there were so many of them. I tried to dodge rolling bags and children around my feet, occasionally tripping and earning nasty glances.

My heart was beating fast in my chest and when I paused at security the woman gave me a ‘calm-the-hell-down’ look.

Ignoring her, I took off once again. Harry’s oversized black sweat pants flapped around my sore legs. Admittedly, I was crazily out of shape. My breathing was shallow and my lungs burned.

Over the intercom a woman announced that flight 32B was now boarding. I was supposed to be on that plane.

With a long drawn out curse, I picked up the pace. Some part of my brain was fully aware that I probably looked crazy to the people around me but another part of me didn’t give a fuck.

I needed to be on that plane.

For a moment, I got lost in my internal worry and my surroundings dimmed. That was probably the reason I found myself running in one moment and toppling over something in the next.

I came into contact with a warm body. As we both fell into a tangle of limbs, I heard him let out a surprised grunt. The sandwich that he was holding in his hand spilled everywhere leaving a huge white smudge on his jeans and jacket. His eyes were covered by sunglasses but by the furrowing of his eyebrows I could tell that he was annoyed. Oops…

“Sorry!” I called over my shoulder as I hopped back up and took off. Usually I would have stayed and offered some help but I had my own problems. He could handle a little smudge.

I could see the boarding place. It was literally right in front of me. I could feel Harry’s arms around me. I could hear him and the boys tell me about how much I was going to love England. They were so close.

My steps slowed as I approached the boarding place. As I looked out the window my heart stopped.

Because I could see the plane that I was supposed to be on taking off into the sky.

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