Quiet Before The Storm

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WAZZ UP!!! Hey people. Umm...yea...my life is PRETTY boring....OH I KNOW!!! I have this guy who I have a HUGE crush on. And I know its huge because he is the only american guy I like. (I literally have 25 english/south african husbands). SO I was talking about my birthday party with my friend @tshelle and she was like 'You should invite (Insert name of my crush here)' and I was like 'oh yea that should def happen' and she was like 'im still mad that you didnt dance with him at homecoming' and I was like 'but at one point he saved me from falling by grabbing the back of my arms. I love Ja- I meann...(Insert name here) he is so romantic'....that is when I looked back and found that the whole math class behind me was staring at me. GUESS WHAT CLASS (INSERT NAME HERE) WAS IN THAT PERIOD!!!! YOU GUESSED IT MAATTTHHHHH!!!! I literally died on the spot and I havn't talked to him since which is weird because we are kinda friends...but not really...we talk sometimes....



There is a certain peaceful yet worrying quietness before a storm. A moment in time when the air stills. A build up of emotion. A change in the air. Everything becomes tense as one become's aware of what is to come. The ending of the moment. Then the ugly, fat raindrops begin to fall complemented with thunderous noises.

"What the hell do you mean Niall and Violet are going to be boyfriend and girlfiend?" Harry shouted, his head snapping from the back of the couch. He settled a muderous glare on Mr. Lexington's rather smug expression. I was worried by the prominent vein near his temple.

The boys were now fully into the conversation, banishing their childish games to listen to a situation that could cause trouble in the future.

Niall and I shared an awkward glance before looking away.

"No," Niall said, looking back at my father.

"Niall and Vi can't go out," Liam said, agreeing with Harry and Niall.

The boys shouted over one another, each of them providing their own reasons why Niall and I couldn't date yet not reveiling the true reason.

And me? 

I stared at the table seperating the couch me and my father sat on and the couch the boys sat on.

"I can't do that," I said firmly, cutting off the boy's protests and looking up to meet my father's amused smile.

"And why is that?" Mr. Lexington replied, his greying caterpillar eyes rising to meet where his hair line once was, now a patch of balding skin.

And in his eyes I saw a dare.

 Why can you not date Niall Violet? Is there another person perhaps?

I saw the challenge in those evil brown pits. He was playing a game with me, I noticed. He knew more about my life than he was letting on. I was sure of it. How he knew that information, I was uncertain of. All I knew was that I had to make a decision. Should I confess to dating Harry and end his games? Should I not reveal anything and play his game? A few twitches around the muscles of my mouth would control how this conversation would end.

Like a fool, I chose to play.

"I just won't," I replied.

"Listen," Niall said, leaning forward from his position on the couch and linking his hands together. "I don't think it's a good idea for me and Violet to date because-"

"It's just wrong!" Harry cut in. 

Unlike Niall who was trying to remain calm and collected, Harry was the picture of irration. 

"Wasn't it one of your rules that Violet couldn't date one of us?" Harry continued, putting sarcasm behind his words. 

Zayn and Louis nudged Harry in the side, probably to tell him to calm down. 

But I thought Harry's actions were perfectly reasonable. How could I date Niall if I was dating Harry? There would undoubtly be some tension between them. Harry would get jealous and Niall would let guilt consume him. Niall is very sensitive to other people's emotions. For some reason, he thinks that everybody's pain is somehow his fault.

On another hand, I would hope that someday me and Harry could go public. Of course I would have to break up with Niall someday but...how would that look? I would look like some slut going through the band One Direction like a To Do List. And yes. I was a self-proclaimed slut but I wouldn't put a rift in the relationship of brothers. Because that's what the boys were. Brothers. 

"I think I should talk to my father alone," I said, interupting the words that my father was about to say. 

The boys paused, obviously not wanting to leave. 

A gave them a pointed look and one by one they left the room. 

Silence fell upon us when I looked to my left at my father. We sat as far apart on the couch as possible. 

"So I see you've formed a good relationship with the boys," my father said, blessing me with a small, fake smile. 

"I don't have time for small chat," I hissed, rolling my eyes. "What the hell do you think you're doing?! I will not date Niall."

And the asshole laughed. A full, boisterous laugh that shook his body and made it seem like we were two people having a lovely father-daughter talk. 

I wanted to vomit. 

"You will do whatever I want you to do," he snickered back, crossing one leg over the other in a manly fashion. 

"Why?" I scowled. "Why all of a sudden am I allowed to date one of them when I wasn't before?"

He shrugged, picking up his beer can and taking a small sip. 

"Press," he replied, gulping down the alcohol. "For some reason, the british like you. There was something in the papers about style and beauty. I don't know. Also, they love the blonde so-" 

"Niall," I hissed. He couldn't even get his name right!

"Whatever," he said, giving out another shrug. "You and Neil together will equal alot of press and alot of cash." 

"It isn't just about cash!" I yelled, losing my temper for a moment. I took a deep breath. "There are people and emotions and relationships involved." 

I recognized my mistake the moment my father's eyebrows raised at 'emotions' and 'relationships'. 

"I trust that there are no relationships that I don't know about?" 

"None," I said, shaking my head slowly. 

"Fine," he said, clapping his hands together in finaity. "I expect you and the blonde to start acting like boy friend and girlfriend when the break ends and the boys meet back up in London."

And when I opened my mouth to protest he sent me an angered look.

"Just shut up Violet," he sneered. "We both know that it doesn't matter what you say. You will do as I say or you will be cut off. End of discussion."

And there was nothing I could do.  

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