Directioners Are Crazy People

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We made it to the mall where the signing was located with minutes to spare. I may or may not have forgotten to tell Liam about their plans that afternoon but it was MOST DEFINITLY not my fault. Kind of…

The guys were immediately ushered down a hallway quickly while I followed at my own pace. The sounds of screaming girls, which I was now starting to believe was the soundtrack of the day, could be heard from a distance away.

I recognized the security guard that had thrown me over his shoulder, Paul, and waved. He sent me a kind smile and waved back.

Finally, I got to the, propped open, door that led to the boy’s signing. With a raised eyebrow, my eyes scanned over the hundreds of screaming fans that all had their eyes focused on the table where five of everyone's favorite boys were sitting. My five boys.

Don’t blame me if I have become a little…protective.

Bored, I pulled my phone out and texted Harry.

Me: Hey babe. I see you…;)

I clicked send and leaned my head on the side of the door. While he was signing somebody’s book, he jumped and pulled out his phone.

For a moment, he looked at it and a small smile spread across his face.

After signing a few more things, he looked back and winked at me before texting me back.

Hazzi babexx: I see you to…looking cute.

I scoffed.

Me: Cute. Is that what you think of me

Hazzi babexx: There are a few things I think of when I think of you. But I wanna keep this conversation PG…. ;)

I raised my eyebrows and my inner demon’s horns peeped out behind its blanket.

Me: What if I don’t wanna keep it PG?...

Harry paused before shaking his head and signing a girl’s tshirt. I noticed that some fans were getting antsy because Harry wasn’t putting all his attention on them Oh well…

Hazzi babexx: Oh god…I’m going to end this conversation before you get out of hand. Talk to you later.J

Laughing lightly, I pushed myself from the doorway and decided to walk around the mall a bit. Once I found my way to the main part, I ambled through the mall, looking for something interesting to do.

Everywhere I turned, there were girls –and sometimes boys- wearing shirts with the boy’s faces on them. Conversations about ‘One Direction’ was could be heard at every corner.

‘I cant get away…’ I thought with a smile.

Pulling up Harry’s sagging sweat pants, I walked into a book store and headed straight for the starbucks.

“Hello! What can I get for you, miss?” the man behind the counter asked. I rested my hands on the cold marble counters and stared at the menu, biting the corner of my lip.

“Umm…may I have coffee please?” I replied.

“No problem!” he replied. While he pressed a few buttons on a screen, my eyes roamed over his uniform. Green smock over a black t-shirt. His blonde hair hidden beneath a green hat.

How do they do it? I wouldn’t be caught dead in that get-up. I must admit, though, that he was able to pull it off.

I sauntered towards the book shelves and took a tentative sip from the hot coffee cup.

“Fuck..” I cursed silently, spitting the liquid back in the cup. That was GROSS. I mean, it tasted like every other kind of coffee I had ever had but, for some reason, the thought of coffee was suddenly repulsive.

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