Louis' Advice

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Harry's (POV)

The first thing that I noticed when I woke up in my bed was that it was cold. Not only the kind of cold that you can touch and feel, but the kind of cold that I havn't experienced in a long time. The cold that you feel inside. With my eyes still closed, I reached my arm out expecting it to come in contact with a warm body. Insead I found cold, empty sheets.  

Raising my head from the pillows and cracking an eye open, I looked around my room hoping to meet a pair of bright green eyes. When I found none, my eyes landed on the clock on my bed side table where '3:30AM' glowed in bright red letters.    

I rubbed the tiredness from my eyes and climbed out of the bed. For a little less than five weeks I always saw Violet sleeping beside me, her warmth wrapping around the both of us. Not seeing her laying right beside me...it just didn't feel right. So I climbed down the steps in search for her. I just didn't like the thought of her being away from me. Call me a hopless romantic, I don't care, but when I look at Violet an overwhelming feeling of protectivness washes over me. That feeling was now heightened by the sight I had seen only a few hours ago. It broke my heart to see her on my floor crying. It was like a physical pain that made me angry at anyone who could ever make such a perfect girl feel sad.  

"Violet?" I whispered once I stepped off the last step, shaking out my curls that were probably matted and wild from being slept on. I rubbed a cold hand down my arm, finding that I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday when my fingers brushed against the cotton of my shirt.

The living room was dark but I could still see a head pop up from behind the back of the couch.

"What're you doing down here?" I mumbled, walking to her until I loomed over her figure and the couch which she was laying down on.

My tired eyes were slowly adjusting to the darkness and, because of this, I saw her raise her shoulders and drop them.

My eyebrows furrowed. Recieving silence from Violet was a rare occation.

I sat down on the couch and brushed a soft strand of purple hair away from her eyes. She averted her eyes away from mine but I could still see that the green depths were outlined by red and puffiness.

"Your mom says I'm not allowed to sleep in your room with you," she said quietly, her voice catching at the word mom.

Anger swelled up inside of me. My mom and I weren't exactly the best of friends right now. Actually my family and I were having...disagreements. I could sense their hatred toward Violet. Hell, anybody could. I just couldn't understand why. How could you hate Violet? She was everything any man could want times a hundred. She was smart, nice, witty, cheeky, and a whole bunch of other adjectives.

"Fine," I huffed, before climbing into the couch with her, wrapping my arms around her waist, and pulling her into my body.

"Harry!" she whisper/yelled, a laugh evident in her voice. "What do you think you're doing!"

"Shhh," I groaned, pulling her body tighter to mine. "I'm sleepy."

Violet gave another quiet laugh before relaxing into me. I buried my face into the crown of her head, breathing in the peppermint smell of Violet. The cold feeling inside me melted away and was replaced by warmth. Without Violet, I feel incomplete. She was my drug and I don't think I ever want to let her go.

"I think I know why your family hates me," she stated suddenly.

I sighed, not wanting to be reminded of my family right now. Nonetheless, my curiousity won and I yawned a "why?"

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