Chapter 1 Ciara?

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"Ciara Wilson?"

"Ciara Wilson are you awake?"

I wake up to my name, trying to open my eyes but my eyes won't open.

I try to move my body but I can't move its like my body is resisting me the voice starts calling my name louder

"Mrs Wilson you need to wake up."

I force my eyes to open and I see a man standing in front of me.
handsome looking guy in suit.

"mrs Wilson glad your awake,do you know where you are?"

I look around and I see I'm in a hospital? So I answer him nervously saying hospital not knowing why I'm here or what happened to me.

"Mrs Wilson I'm Daniel I'm from the FBI you've been in an accident.You are seriously injured but the doctors tell me you can go home in couple of days."

why is the federal agent here and why is he talking about me going home I haven't been home in months and where the hell is Andrew?

"We believe you've been dating man named Andrew Albi and we have prove that he's the reason why you are here.Do you remember Andrew?"

"Andrew would never hurt me Daniel so I don't see the reason why you are here?"

"Mr Albi is dangerous criminal he is diagnosed highly intelligent psychopath and we've been looking for him for 2 years now. He covers his tracks so well that he could be a ghost and he only lets us know what he wants us to know.
Like I know you two have been dating in 3 months now since you ran away from home and that your dad is an narcissist who used to hit you before he passed away 4 months ago when you apparently met Andrew for the first time in bar named American Dream."

My mind is about to explode is he accusing Andrew of my fathers death?

How could he even know about my family troubles?

and why would he say Andrew is dangerous?

yeah I knew Andrew was psychopath or sociopath that was one thing that was so incredible hot about him!

Andrew loved me in his incredible fucked up way and I love him so I need to get this Daniel out of here so Andrew feels save to come!

I must come with something amazing to say to Daniel.

"Mr Daniel I don't know how you know about my father but I can assure you there is nothing wrong between me and Andrew and for all I can say Andrew is not criminal the criminals are those who try to hurt those who are less then them!"

"Mrs Wilson"

"please call me Ciara, Daniel"

"okay Ciara do you know why you are on hospital?"

He asks and I raise my eyebrow.

"No I don't have any idea."

"you got beat up so badly that you bled out and when you came here you where near death than life. If you call that love you sure do not know better."

He says and I feel the anger boil inside of me.

"Don't you dare telling me what is right from wrong! Andrew has never hit me. we did never hit each other we did other things with our anger we never abused each other!"

My heart is beating so fast I'm getting angry who Does he think he is coming here telling me what is love accusing Andrew of beating me nearly to death I don't want him here I want him gone and I want to leave this hospital!

"Ciara I'm sorry to upset you. But we need your help to find Andrew he's accused of several murders and you are our only clue right now"

I give Daniel bitter look and then finally say.

"im tired I want you gone and don't come back. I have no business helping you and there is nothing I can tell you so do not come back."

He look startled but he turns around and walks toward the door.

when he is almost out of it he looks at me and tells me that im making mistake and I will regret it.

I will not be threatened by cop! I'm about to scream at him all ugly things but my medicine starts kicking in and I fall asleep.

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