Chapter 5 Where the hell have you been?

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I stand stiff.

I'm so surprised that I can't move.
I'm also furious how dares he leaving me hanging?!

"Where the fuck have you been Andrew? I was at the hospital! Did you know that?! I was nearly beaten to death! I nearly died and you did not care for visit! Then this agent was always bothering me!"

I yell at him.

"You need to calm the fuck down babe."

How dares he ?

I was alone he left me!

I can't even explain how angry I am!

"We need to go Ciara! You need to calm the fuck down so we can go! I'll explain everything when we're home. Okay? "

he kisses me hard and I'm so furious but I've missed him so much so I kiss him back.

He grabs my waist and pulls me closer and my fingers and tangled in his hair he smells fresh like the ocean i love his smell!

He pulls away and starts talking

"Ciara we need to go!"

he grabs my hand and we run into fancy silver car.

He kisses me and starts driving into the darkness.

We park in front of a white mansion.

"Andrew why are we here?"

He says nothing he just shuts down the car and walks out giving me look I should follow him I grab his hand for confident and suck on my cigaret to pin the stress down.

He takes one key and opens the door. I'm not sure what's going on why we are in front of this huge fancy mansion and why we are going in it.

We walk in the house when two Rottweiler dogs greet us.

They run at me growling and showing their teeth I hide behind Andrew and he snaps at them telling them to go and they leave.

Next comes lady walking toward Us wearing black dress and fur over her shoulder she's maybe like 40 yr old.

"Oh Andrew your home!"

She yells and hugs him

"and who is your friend?"

"This is Ciara Wilson mom."

She grabs my hand and says

"Oh Welcome mrs. Wilson, I'm lady Albi."

"Mom we are really tired we have been driving all night we are going to sleep."

"Oh sure my golden boy!"

I'm so shocked did I just Andrew mom?

And he's rich?

He never talked about his family before?

Andrew takes my hand and guides me to his bedroom. It's amazing bedroom so fancy and clean!


"Yes Andrew?"

"I'm sorry I didn't come to you while you were at the hospital. It was to much risk."

"It's okay. I understand, so this is where You live ?"

"Where I used to live"

He starts to undress and change into sleeping cloths.

"Andrew I don't have any clothes with me. And I look like crap!"

"babe, it's okay! You can go shopping soon but until then you can get borrow cloths from my sister"

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