Chapter 3-The doctor.

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It feels like forever until a doctor finally shows up in my room.

A red haired woman, good shaped and nice face in a white doctor coat walks in smiling to me

"how are we feeling today mrs Wilson?"

She asks softly and I groan.

"My rips hurt badly and it hurts to breath also I have stinging pain in my face."

Telling her everything hoping to get more pain killers Because being asleep I feel closer to Andrew.
Than I'll ever be awake.

"Doctor has anybody come visit me beside that FBI agent?"

She looks at me like she going to say something but instantly turns around having her back at me so I ask again.

"doctor has anybody other than the fbi come to see me?"

She hesitates then turns to me looking her into the eyes she finally whisper


my heart jumps somebody came here while I was at sleep?

Why didn't they wake me?

was is Andrew ?

"Doctor do you know who came?"

She looks like she doesn't want to talk to me now but she answers

"he didn't leave name he had brown hair and blue eyes like really blue he didn't stick for long I asked him if I should wake you up but he told me not to. then i asked him if I should tell you he came and he said no and walked out im sorry Ciara I should had insisted on name or something but he just walked in saying he was important."

She says guilty and I frown.

"it's okay doctor."

I don't get it why wouldn't he want me to know he came?

Is he waiting for the right time ?

Will he be back?

"Ciara your body is still progressing the healing I'll be putting you to sleep again okay?"


I sink into deep dreamless sleep.

I could be dead right now and not being sure of it.

Like my body won't move but im thinking clearly, like awake person.

The nurse walks in and checks my pulse then she leaves again.

I am so sick of being here I'm so bored and lonely.

Where is Andrew?

Did he come to see me last night?

Why isn't he with me now?

I hear someone walk in someone. Who's clearly not the doctor or nurse Because this person makes almost as none sounds.

The person sits down besides my bed and I feel it staring at me,

I'm getting kinda creeped out who is this person I try to open my eyes I'm getting to curious to function now.

all of Sudden the person takes my hand and is kneeling beside my bed I hear it whisper something in my hand

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry"

I need to wake up the person is Andrew he's here!

He's here going to get me out!

Wake up Ciara! Wake up!

He stands up and kisses my forehead

"I love you so much"

and he's gone.

He left me and I'm alone again.

How boring can one place be?

I've been on the hospital 3 days already I feel fine I want out of this place.

I suck on my cigarette as the doctor lady walks in.

"you know you shouldn't smoke it kills"

she says carelessly I thought doctors where supposed to be super caring and stuff but somehow she doesn't give a dang and just acts like an normal 25 year old.

My sister was the same age when she killed herself as this lady doctor. it's an awful reminder of her.

"When Can I get out of here I'm sick of this place"

"We need little more testing than you can leave"

this sounded like Christmas in my ears finally leaving this god Damn hospital.

The lady doctor takes some tests then leaves the room leaving me to pack my stuff, not that I have much.

I change back into my jeans and crop top and finally put my leather jacket on I wish I had some make up on I look like an 10yr old.

As I'm about to walk out of the room agent Daniel appears from nowhere.

"mrs Wilson we need to talk to you"

I try to get past him but he blocks the way.

"mrs Wilson this is extreme important can we talk?"

"I told you to never come back I don't want anything to do with you! Goodbye agent Daniel!"

I Brutally hit his shoulder with mine and walk into the hospital lobby. where do I go now?

I sit down in the most comfy looking chair worrying about where the fuck I should go now.

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