Chapter 12 -Wedding.

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I wake up by Bella screaming.


I instantly stand up hugging Bella

"I'm getting married!"

I squeal

"Your getting married!"

She squeals

We jump around screaming like teenage girls fangirling over some celebrity.

I instantly go to shower then straight to make over!

This is the most exciting day of my life!

I'm getting married To the most handsome guy on the planet.

I look at Bella as she's in make over to she's so beautiful with her brown long hair and green eyes. You can see her pregnancy glow now and just how happy she is.

I remember when I first saw her.
She was so unhappy and angry and was an hot mess.

Maybe just little bit like me.

Now thinking how she's always smiling and laughing and finally taking care of her self.

I couldn't be more proud of calling her my best friend!

"Ciara stop staring at me"

she laughs and im ripped back to reality and I laugh

"sorry, just admiring how beautiful you are!"

I admit honestly.

"Oh so cheesy are we?"

"It's my wedding day! Don't attack me hoe!"

I mock And we both laugh.

I'm finally in everything.

I'm ready.

I look into the mirror and smile.
I wish my family could see me now. My sister would be so proud.

I wipe a single tear that's fallen.
Bella smiles at me.

"Come on it's time"

And I grab her hand as we walk to join the ceremony.

Josh was going to walk me down the aisle and he was more then happy to come for my fathers place.

"are you ready sweetheart?"

I hear the wedding song starting to play meaning we should start walking. So I look at him giving him single nod.

"Let's go."

I see him there waiting for me.
He's so beautiful! Like my prince in shining armor I can't stop staring at him I just look at him until I hear the priest say

"Will you take Ciara Wilson as your wife?"

He smiles at me. Squeezing my hands.

"I do."

I grin and I can swear I'm blushing like crazy.

"Will you Ciara Wilson take Andrew Albi as your husband?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride!"

Andrew pulls my waist closer and kisses me like never before.

This is love!

He's mine forever now.
Nothing can come between us now. I'm completely in love.

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