Chapter 15 -Family.

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We're back home finally!

And I'm so sick of this.

Bella isn't home she's at the doctors.
Mrs.alibi is shopping and josh is at work so we are alone.

I walk into the library. I love this part of the house it makes me feel save.
I walk around looking for something to read when I see photo album with the with big letters FAMILY.

I stare at it thinking if I should look at it or not. Finally my curiously takes over. I take to the the album and walks to the couch. I open it it's beautiful. With every photo there is a text,
about the memories and the names.

I see professional photo there is a boy on the photo with them. Same age as Andrew. It's weird the same boy is on every photo with Andrew. I look at him closely. The last photo of them together is when they're about 17-18 yr old.

I close the album.

Taking it to the our bedroom.
Andrews gone to the gym.

He does that when he's mad.

I put it on my table and walk outside to my smoking area.
Taking my phone up dialing Bella's number.

"hey slut! You home yet?"

"Yes been home about hour or so now. When are you coming I need to talk to you."

"dun dun dun dun"

"️hahah just kidding 5 minutes mostly. Are you smoking?"

"Yes why?"

"Okay I'll come to or spot wait there "

I look at the water fountain and suck on my cigaret. I have to admit I'm nervous for what im going to ask her.

"Hey slut ! Welcome home"

I give her a grin.

"Miss me hoe?"

"how couldn't i?"

We both laugh

"So let's get down to business."

She gives me serious look.

"How was the honeymoon?"

She asks.

"Can we talk about it later I have something's to ask you."

"Oh damn girl I was gettin excited for all the dirty little details"

I shoot her strange look.

"Okay okay speak slut"

I take up my phone showing her the picture of Andrew and the boyAnd she looks at it and her body tenses all up.

"H-How d-did yo-you find this?"

She stutters.

"Who is this?"

She stares at me with pure terror in her eyes.

"Where did you find this?"

I look at her not understanding why that's important.

"At the library ? Why is this a secret? Who is this??"

"Haven't Andrew told you?"

She asks confused.

"Told me what?"

"About his twin brother."

And I go silent as she stares at me.

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