Chapter 28 Hang out

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Hey justin.
Was thinking r u busy rn?
So sick of this house can we hang out?
And I press send.
I can't lie having my childhood friend back is pretty sweet.
We grew up with different backgrounds. First when we met we both were poor kids from poor families then when we were around 10 something changed.
His family moved from the hood to more classier house and bigger.
Justin became really fancy boy but somehow we never lost our connection even though I was still poor. In school when I got picked on he would always defend me. Middle school was shit.
Then high school started that was a whole another story!
He of course got really popular and I got kind of left out.
No one could deny that Justin was the whole package he got the looks the money and the girls.
Beginning of freshman year was shit. Everybody loved my best friend and he slowly begin to forget me.
My sister which was two years older than us was really popular so they got to know each other pretty well trough their popularity..
But the middle of sophomore year when it begin to be obvious on how much I got bullied he slowly begin to notice me again. I came to school bruised after dad and then the girls in school would pick one and even the guys would.
One day I was getting my launch and I was making my way to an empty table when a guy pushes me making me fall on the ground and all the food over me.
I remember him standing there for awhile staring at me on the ground and I could see the sympathy in his eyes then his head snapped to the guy who pushed me and he grabbed his collar and pushed him to the wall and yelled something at him and punched him in the face. Then he hurried toward me helping me up I remember that so well.
Memory begins
"What the fuck is wrong with you!?!?"
He screams in the guys face I feel my cheek blush. I though he had forgot me or didn't care anymore.
Then he hits the guy in the face and guy falls to the ground.
Then his beautiful blond face turns toward me and he walks to me offering me hand.
I give him one confused look then take his hand.
He wipes away food from my face and I feel tears bursting out my eyes.
"I'm so sorry Ciara."
He whispers to me and I nod.
I can feel so many eyes on us right now and it's making me uncomfortable .
Everybody loves Justin he's the ultimate golden boy and I? I'm nothing they're all probably thinking 'what's this peasant doing with him?' God I hate my self.
Then he does something I never would have guessed he would do he grabs my hand and leads me out of the cafeteria. I hear bunch people whispering as we walk past them. It's strange feeling curls into my stomach as Justin stops right in front of his black mustang.
He says and I do what I'm told.
He asks in concerned voice. I take a deep breath before answering.
"How bad?"
We used to asks this as kids. When either of came with bruise from home or just in a shitty mode.
I stutter I nearly never talk to people anymore so this is very hard for me.
"I'm sorry."
"It's nothing you could have done."
I whisper slightly.
"I could have been there for you."
I look out the window not sure what to say.
"Ciara of you let me I'd like us to become friends again. I can't handle seeing anything like this again. Ever."
-Memory done
And after that I always had Justin's protection and no one messed with me specially after we started dating.
Until he moved away beginning of senior year.
No one really messed with me because I had an personality switch i am everybody's worst nightmare.

Hey babe!
Yeah definitely I let someone pick you up in 10 minutes be ready
- J

I look at the text and start panic a little I'm still in my pj!!
I run into the closet and pick out black skinny jeans and ruby red top.
I walk into the bathroom and apply make up on and brush my hair.

Then I hear the doorbell ring and someone opens the door.
"Ciara! It's for you!"
Christopher yells. And I hurry in leather boots and put leather jacket over me.

Then I run it and into the the black limo.

"Hello ms.albi I'm Joshua and I'll be your driver"
And I nod.

We pull up infront of big mansion.
And I gasp when we walk in the house.
"Ahh Ciara!"
And I see Justin come toward me.
When I look around I seen lot of macular men's with guns standing here and there.
He pulls me into hug and I hug him back.
"I have to tell you I was pretty surprised to get your text."
He grins at me.
"Seemed like your living such wonderful life with the Albi's"
And he gives bit laugh.
"Well yeah wonderful.."
"So what you wanna do?"
I ask slightly.
"I have bit work to do. You can join me then we can chill."
"Sounds good! What kind of work?"
"You'll see.."
He says as he grabs my waist and leads me to another room.
It has long table and on the end of it are two guys with suitcase.
Justin sits me down.
"You have the money?"
He asks with dominant voice.
And the man nods and opens the suitcase which is filled with money.
My eyes widen as I see it and I feel my heart beat faster.
Justin nods and takes the money.
"Good job"
And the man smiles a little about the compliment.
Then he waves at the guy at the door.
The man comes and grabs the suitcase men's arm and shows him out.
Justin stands up and starts counting the money.
I sit still not quite sure what I should do.
"Hey babe?"
He finally says as he looks at me.
"Do you know how to shot a gun?"
And I shake my head.
"Well I'm gonna teach you!"
And he grins.

His hands are in my waist as I aim at the shot mark.
"Just focus"
He whisper into my ear and I shoot.
We've been doing this for an hour or two and I finally can hit the target.
"You know it's like you were born to do this."
He smirks at me.
"Well I got a good teacher"
And I blink him as I put my gun down.
"You know your meant to be sexy badass girl!"
"What you mean?"
"Like this, shooting and fighting and that's kind of shit. It suits you."
I stare at him kind of confused but still I like the confidence he has in me.
"I can see your not really that in shape.. So I'm gonna get you in shape you are going to be training with me. You are going to learn to fight and shoot a gun well. Okay ?"
And he smacks my ass.
"I missed you babe"
"And I you."
And he grabs my cheek and leans down for a kiss.

"Where were you?"
Andrew asks me right when I walk in.
"Justin's checking out his new house it's pretty sick!"
I say proudly. I will never tell Andrew that Justin is training me. He doesn't need to know. I mean he doesn't tell me everything.
And kisses me quickly.
"You know that I'll love you right?"
And I nod.
"I'm glad that you found your friend and tube happy. You deserve being happy."
"I love you"
I whisper to him as I kiss him on the cheek and walk into our room.
How do you guys like Justin?
I kind of like him. He's a blast from the past and definitely the one who can make Ciara feel like home. He got this bad boy thing going on and it's kind of hot I think. Then there is the training? Why would he want to train her?
I feel like really no one can guess what's coming..

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