Chapter 6-Josh

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I walk back into Andrews room and I see bunch of clothes and a note on it

"everything for my love"

I look through the clothes and see
3 pair of underwear's.
1 satin night dress
2 jeans
4 t-shirts
And one hell of a nice ball dress
I immediately change into jeans and a grey t-shirt.

I don't like wearing someone else clothes And change my hair into ponytail and spray some perfume on and then I head down to the kitchen.

I can smell bacon when I walk in and I see tall man cooking bacon and eggs.

It's a handsome man. He's like the older type of Andrew actually.

Shit! I need to find Andrew!! I haven't heard from him since this morning and now it's 3 pm !

"Emm excuse me sir?"

He turns around and looks me in the face God he's handsome.

He may be something around 45 maybe?

Shut up Ciara you need to find Andrew!

"Oh hello you must be Ciara?"

The man says smirking.

"Yes I am"

I say giving out a bit awkward laugh.

"oh you must be hungry!"

And he fills plate with bacon and eggs. My stomach growls and before I know I'm starting to put bacon in my mouth

"I've heard so much about you"

"Oh and I'm Andrews father by the way. You can call me josh"

"Nice to meet you josh and thank you so much for the food!
I was actually looking for Andrew do you know where he is?"

"oh he must be at his training room."

I stand up planning to go there as I realize I have no fucking idea where the training room is, josh is analyzing my body.

"Do you practice something?"

He asks me.

"No I don't. I've never had the change to. But can you show me where the training room is?"

"Yes of course sweetheart"

he stands up and put his hand around my waist and leads me in to the hall. There are lot of doors in this house and it's bit confusing.

"So where are you from angel?"

"I'm from Sweden but I moved to America when I was a child. So I've lived here most of my life."

"Sweden,huh interesting"

He squeezes my waist, I'm bit confused he's acting bit weird but he's a sweet guy.

"Are your parents Swedish?"

My mom was. My dad is american.

"I once visited Sweden. Beautiful country"

"Yes indeed it is"

We are almost at the end of the hall when he stops

"we're almost at the training room sweetheart, but Andrews been in really bad mood so in not really sure you should bother him now maybe just let him cool down first?"

I look at him. I know I can cool him down but I'm not sure I should tell his dad that and he's really acting like I shouldn't go in the room

"I mean I can show you the house? Or has Andrew donee that already?"

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