Chapter 24 If id knew

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"You need to back the fuck off leo!"
"I'm not going to back off ANDREW! She's my friend and she doesn't need people leaving her now! She's in pain!"
"That's my problem not yours! She's my wife not yours so stop kissing her ass and let me deal with her!"
"Your such a selfish ass!"
They are fighting over me. I was making my way to the library when I hear them fighting in the gym. And of puss as curious as I am I stick around listing to every word they are saying.
Andrew seems to be jealous over the relationship me and leo has.. Boys are such fools. They really are.
"Grow the fuck up Andrew."
"You need to back off I don't like how close you two are!"
"Why? Thinking I'll use my charm on her?"
Uh no he cannot go to far now. He won't say anything about our real affair...
"That's exactly what I'll think you do"
"Why now worry you've been gone for weeks!"
"Because you two weren't close when I left! When I came home you two don't leave each other sides and she rather talk to you than me is a big problem to me!"
"I love to see you jealous brother. But your wife is not a cheater and she did not fall my charms so you don't need to worry.."
"So you tried to charm her?"
"Yes of course I did!"
"You're an jackass!"
"Did everything work okay in Europe?"
"Yeah the guy is dead."
"And you got rid of the body?"
"Yeah of course I did! I'm professional not just some kid playing with toys!"
"Sorry man!"
"Well does Ciara know about this?"
"Well not all. "
"You should tell her. She's a sweet girl and her heart is filled with love."
"I know man"
I've had enough I can't listen to more of this.
I walk to the library and pick the book im currently reading and get myself comfy in the sofa and start reading.

"Ciara are you here?"
And she comes closer to me leaving me to face her and actually having conversation with her..
"We need to talk"
"I'm not interested"
"I don't care"
"Okay Ciara for real though."
"Then spit it out."
"The reason why i got angry was I thought you though my baby was gross. Because you wouldn't hold her or touch her. Then you ran off the hospital again. It just ticked me off. Specially dealing with my mom alone.
You know how she loves Chris well your the only person who let her keep her distance. But because you weren't there she used all that time in my room annoying the living shot out of me."
I giggle because I know how she hates her mom and how her mom hates me.
"And then I came home and you weren't home. Even after I told you I was coming soon. I thought you would greet me with cakes or something like welcome home. But the only thing I saw was leo and he was like super worried about you. Said you just took off out and had been out with lola for 2 hours already. And it was raining like crazy and I didn't know why you would do such thing because that doesn't sound like you. I didn't believe leo a bit. Then I saw you comin home rain dripping out your clothes and dirt cover half of your legs. And I tried to make conversation with you but you weren't interested and just left again. It was bugging me how much you let leo to be with you but would even look at me. I started to think it was Ana's fault and that you were jealousy because of her. But I knew deep down it couldn't be it. Then Christopher told me how you looked at Ana like she was the most beautiful baby on the world and that you even admit it. He also told me about your hospital history and your dad. You never told me how far your father really went. I knew your dad was abusive but if you had only told me I would had understand. Ciara I'm sorry that I hurt you I didn't mean to I love you so much and your my best friend and Ana's godmother and I need you in my life."
And she's sobbing like baby.
In to numb to cry or do anything I just stare at her. How could she think of me like that.
She looks up totally startled about what I said. She obviously thought I would say no. But I don't have the heart to.
And she laughed and pulls me into a big hug.
"Thank you so much!"
"Now let's talk boys!"
I giggle knowing she's totally back to normal.
"Have you been getting laid?"
I God only if she knew.. But not with who she thinks.
"My brother is a sex maniac"
"He sure is"
Leo sure is Andrew not so much.
"But tell me what's the deal between you and leo?"
"What do you mean?"
"He cares about you."
"Why do you say that"
"Do you think I'm stupid? You could see that miles away! My brother is a stone cold soul! But around you he's this big softie and he does everything for you and when you're sad he makes it his deal to make you better and when you ran off the hospital he followed you with such worried face!"
"Well he's a good friend."
"He doesn't have friends Ciara!"
"We're friends?"
"Why do you think we are something more?"
"Because I've seen yoU two together."
My heart stops beating shot she knows
"Yeah he smiles a lot around you and he's always touching you and hugging you!"
"That's it?"
"Oh no!"
"You have totally done some more!!"
I blush like idiot no don't blush she figure out I need to lie myself out of this disaster!
"No we haven't im just supposed that all it takes to think he's head over heels over me"
"Ciara your totally blushing right now!"
"And you're doing this thing with your hand that you always do when your lying!"
"So you're cheating on my brother with my other brother?"
"Don't lie. I won't tell Andrew I swear ."
"I'm not a cheater."
"Girl yeah you are"
"How did this happen?"
"He's just so damn charming!"
"He's a psychopath of course he is!"
"I'm a terrible person.."
"Aren't we all.."
And she pulls me into hug.
"Your secret is save with me."
"He took care of you when no one else did and for that I'm glad. It shows he isn't the monster everyone thinks he is."
Then I hear cry in the baby monitor as Bella's eyes fly open.
"Guess that's my hint to leave. Speak soon"
And she's out of the door. I pull my blanket over my head and fall asleep

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