Author note.

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Writing this story was so special it's like each Character spoke trough me sometimes I just zoned out and wrote and wrote. Stepping each character step as I wrote.
I care about them so deeply.
You may ask why I killed Ciara. Well Ciara was always supposed to die. I had planned it long time ago but it surprised me a lot when I brought Justin to life cause I never intended to do that but Jesus that girl had been trough so much in her short life she deserved some happiness. Ciara was supposed to go with her own hand just like her sister but when the time came I couldn't do it. I just couldn't kill her I felt like I had to give her something more just something.
You may asks why ms Albi didn't like her? Well she was the typical snob. Ciara was below her and she couldn't accept some cheap girl into the family. She wouldn't believe how she had both her boys wrapped around her finger until she left them.
If you have anymore question don't hesitate to leave a comment and I'll answer it!
And I'd like to thank you all to read my story it means a lot to me! I never though I could finish a story this long. But I did it! Thank you all and just wow!

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