Chapter 26 I missed you

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"Ciara shut the fuck up"
He stand up from the bed staring at me with anger.
"I'm serious Ciara.."
"Me too! My wrist hurts! And I need to use the toilet and im hungry and your just sleeping!!"
I yell at him in frustration.
He stares at me blankly.
I whisper.
"Please. I love you"
"No listen I fucking love you but I want to die! It's hard to wake up and staying okay for a whole day... Im sorry if I hurt you or anybody it's just I've lost control."
I'm staring to cry. He stares at me startled.
Then he sits next to me and brushes his finger on my cheek.
"I love you to."
And he kisses me.
"Now let me go."
"Then you have to let me help you."
He slowly unlocks the handcuffs leavings wrist free. I rub it then I look up and smile at him.
"I'm going to take a quick shower."
Then I walk to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I look at the mirror I look like a mess.
I feel sorry for people who have to look at me. Then I jump into the shower and wash all the dirty smell of me and wash my hair.

I walk into my closet and look at my cloths. I want to be pretty today and I want to go shopping I'm sick of wearing long sleeves so I'm going to buy like dozen of bracelets to cover my cuts.
I pick out shorts and a crop top then I wear a red flauel shirt over. I head into the bathroom again doing hair. I put it up in a messy bun and I put some cute flower hair band in it. The put on full makeup cover how shitty I look.
Then I give my self a final look in the mirror.
I look cute.
Then I put on cute sock and white converse. I walk out of the bedroom and head into he kitchen where I see Andrew making a smoothie.
He looks up and his eyes wander around my body and his mouth drops open.
"Wow you look beautiful!"
I walk toward him and stand in my toes kissing him softly.
And he hands me a smoothie.
I look at it for one minute then I start drinking it. getting a thankful smile from my husband.
"I want to go shopping."
"Yeah I want to go shopping im sick of being inside"
Then he grins at me.
"Everything for you my love"
And he kisses my forehead.
"I'm gonna go get ready for going. I'll be back in 15 minutes."
"Okay babe"
And he walks away leaving me in the kitchen.
"Lola darling"
I shout calling for the sweet dog As I see the beautiful Rottweiler run inside the kitchen nearly jumping in my arms.
"Hey there girl."
I smile at her and play with her.
"You look good"
And my head snap up at the unknown voice. Then I see josh looking at me.
And I start petting lola again.
"Good to see that your doing good"
"Thanks josh"
"I'm ready lets go!"
Andrew walks in before josh is able to say anything else.
"Well bye josh see you later."
I wave at josh as I grab Andrews arm grinning.

"Does this look good?"
I walk out of the dressing room in a slim green dress.
"Wow you look sexy as fuck!"
I laugh and ouch him playfully on the shoulder. Then he grabs me and pulls me closer to him and kisses me.
"Buy it"
"You sure"
And I head back into the dressing room and changing back into my cloths.

"Wow Ciara do you need all these bracelets?"
He stares at me like I grew another head.
"What can I say. I like them"
And I hand the lady 20 bracelets and she gives strange look as I pay for them.
"Well are you happy about today's shopping?"
He looks at me smiling.
"I need one more thing"
"You serious? You already have like 15 bags?"
"Hey don't judge! I've haven't been out of the house for moths"
"Fair enough. What do you need?"
"I want to get a piercing."
His head snaps to me.
And I grin.
"Yes I want smiley its pretty cool actually."
"You better be fucking kidding me"
"Not at all"
He stares at me for minutes looking at me as if I was serious or not.
And I jump up and down with big smile on my face.

"You ready?"
The tattooed woman asks me.
I nod as she starts to pierce under my lip I close my eyes and try to hold back the tears that are about to come because of the pain.
"All done"
And I open my eyes and look at myself in mirror and I grin.
"You like?"
I ask Andrew.
"Your beautiful as always."
And jump up and kiss him .
I hand the tattooed lady her money and we walk out of the piercing shop.
"So are you happy"
And I nod as we sit back in the car.

"Oh my god you went shopping with out me?!"
Bella stand in the lobby watching us come back in me holding 15 shopping bags Andrew holding 5.
"Sorry babe girl gotta shop"
And I walk past her into our closet and start sorting my new things.
1x skinny jeans
1x leggings
2x crop tops
3x sweaters
2x dresses
2x shirts
1x skirt
20x bracelet
3x shoes
And new makeup.
I feel big hands grab my waist and kiss on my neck and I look up to see Andrew.
"You sure bought a lot"
And he laughs.
"I love this"
And I look at all my new things.
"I sure as hell hope so we spent 3 hours at the mall."
And I turn around and wrap my hands around his next hand kiss him hard on the lips.
"Thank you. I love you"
And he smiles as he pulls oft cloths letting his hands wander around my body as I do the same. I feel the butterflies in my stomach.every time his bare skin touches me
And that makes things so lot better.

I sit in the maze smoking and looking at my phone thinking of I should contact him or not.
I pick his number in the phone and send him a text
Hey man.
It's Ciara.
Can I get your finest weed?
Also id love to meet after all this time.
And I press send. If I'm going to stay this I'll need to help of marijuna I hear my phone buzz
Hey sexy.
Yeah of course babe.
Long time no see let's meet at the bar and catch up and I'll bring ur weed.
Meet me at 11pm
I look at his text as I smile. Well guess I'm going clubbing I walk back inside the house and offer the other living people there a smile then I walk inside my bedroom and I whole off my make up and brush my hair then straighten it. I put on my party make up and I walk into my closet putting on my slim green dress. It's short and its sexy I love it. Then I put on matching green heels. Then Andrew walk in the bedroom looking at me stunned.
"Wow where are you going?"
"Meeting an old friend"
"Looking like this?"
"Yes we're going clubbing"
"Can I go to?"
"Why not?"
"Don't you trust me?"
"N-yes I just don't want you to be alone."
"I won't as I said I'm meeting an old friend"
"Okay then"
And he brings me closer and kisses me passionately.
I pull away slowly looking at the clock it's 10:34 pm
"I better get going."
"You'll call me if you'll need me!"
And kiss him goodbye as I step outside into the taxi.

I walk into the club it's filled with people dancing and loud music. I smile as I head toward the bar.
I order a margarita.
Then I feel hands grabbing my waist and I look around seeing him. Handsome in suit his blond hair and green eyes.
"Long time no see Ciara looking sexier than ever"
I laugh as I kiss him in the cheek.
"Nice to see you Justin."
He sits next to me and orders a vodka.
"So how have you been?"
And he places his hand in my thigh.
"I've been good"
"I like the new look."
He says as his eyes look through my body.
"Thanks how have you been"
"Ahh you know broke up with Stacy crazy bitch!"
And he laughs.
"Well you know how to pick them!"
And he laughs with me.
"So your married?"
And he looks at my ring
"Who's the lucky one."
"His name is Andrew Albi."
"So your Ciara albi now?"
"I haven't changed my name."
"I see"
And he takes the vodka he has left and gulps it down.
"Wow easy there"and he looks at me smiling.
"Should we get out of here?"
I stare at him for one moment.
"I have your stuff"
"Okay let's go"
And he grabs my waist and leads me out of the club. We step into a black limo.
"Wow you sure have upgrade"
I say as I step into the limo.
"Well I own the business now"
And he sits next to me pulling me next to him his hand around me and other on my thigh.
"I like this dress Ciara"
"Well he's new just bought him."
"Soo lets get down to business"
He whispers as he starts to kiss my neck.
I turn around and sit on his lab my hand around his neck as I kiss him hard on the lips.
"Oh sweet girl."
He moans as he he pulls my dress off. Leaving me on my Bra and thong.
He pulls away and looks at my body for a second.
"God your even hotter Than I remember"
I start to move my hips slowly on his lab feeling his bulge through his pants I move my hands slowly and rub his hardness as I whisper in his ear
"I did this"
And he moans as he pushes me on the limo's floor and he rips my thong off as he zips his pants down and thrusts into me and I moan as he repeats again and again.
"Oh Justin"
He hold my hands over my head as we both loose perfectly control over our body and I scream out his name.
He pulls out off me and pulls his pants back up and I lay on the floor naked trying to catch my breath again after a big orgasm. I feel his eyes on me.
"Enjoying the view?"
I smirk at him.
"Your just to dang sexy you know"
I crawl on my knees closer to him and I play with the zipper on his pants.
"You sure your done?"
I whisper as I zip his pants down again. His hands playing with my hair.
"Ciara just do what your best at"
At I kiss his hardness and play with it for awhile giving him amazing blowjob as I crawl next to him and sitting on his lab.
"I missed you"
I look at him satisfied.
"And I missed you!"
And he pulls me into hot kiss.

"Well Ciara here you got your weed. Call me when your out! And we'll meet again!"
I kiss him bye and I step outside the limo.
It's 3 and I sneak inside the house trying not to wake anybody and I hide my weed and crawl into bed and fall asleep.

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