Chapter 27 Invite.

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Everybody's already awake and they are pretty surprised to see me out of the room.
I sneak out to the maze and light a joint there is such a long time since I smoked weed last time it's incredible.
The first puff is amazing end with every puff I start to feel amazingly well I feel like a huge blackness has lifted from me.
I wait a bit before i try I stand up knowing I will trip if I do.
I play music in my phone then I finally stand up making my way inside.
I see leo in the living room and I walk to him smiling.
"Hey man.."
He turns around and looks at me.
"Hello beautiful"
I giggle as I sit at the sofa next to him.
He's playing some video game I don't know.
"You know you have a really pretty eyes."
He looks at me weirdly and I giggle again. I feel my limps getting numb as I try to lift them.
"Thanks I guess"
He stares at me as I feel myself sink into the sofa.
"Ciara are you okay?"
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
"Because of Andrew or something"
"Andrews my husband did you know that?"
And I giggle again.
"Yeah I did"
"He's hot! Like really damn hot!"
"Yeah,yeah okay"
"You two are a lot a like."
I mumble as I cuddle up to his arm and drift asleep.

"What's going on in here?"
I hear voice near I open one eye and see Andrew standing over me.
"Hey that's my husband!"
I pinch Leo's arm and make him look at Andrew.
Then I giggle as my hands fall back on my chest.
Andrew says confused
"Ciara are you okay?"
"Yeah.I love you"
"I love you to."
"Hold me"
And he scoops me up like a baby and I giggle as my face meets his chest.
"Your so strong."
He laughs at me.
"I'm hungry bring me food"
I say as bossy as I can.
Then he lets me down and I walk next to him into the kitchen.
I stumble toward the fridge and I grab ice cream and then I grab a spoon and start to eat out of the box satisfied.
I focus on my ice cream and smile at every bite I take.
"Your so cute"
I look up surprised that he's still there because I totally forgot that he was.
He says finally.
"Nothing I just forgot you were there"
"Oh wow thank you"
And he walk slowly toward me.
His hand on my cheek.
"Your so beautiful Ciara."
And he slowly leans into a kiss and I kiss him back. I let my hands explore his abs and his hands pull me closer.
"Wow guys get a room!"
Andrew snaps up and I look slowly around where I see Bella.
I laugh at the face she's making.
"Hey bella!"
I greet her.
Then I look at Ana which is in Bella's arms.
I stand up and make my way to them I face and and start making funny faces and talk to her earning some laughs and giggles and I smile like idiot. Bella puts Ana on the floor and I sit next to her keeping up the conversation.
This baby is so beautiful.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look up and meet Andrews eyes who are looking at me softly and adoring.
"Ciara lets go out for a walk"
I nod as he helps me up.
He holds me by the waist as he leads me into the lobby and we go to our outdoors cloths.
"I love seeing you like this. Happy"
And he kisses me softly on the forehead and I smile.
"Wait I need to get my cigarets. I'll be back in few!"
And I run into the maze and get a pack of cigaret which is filled with joints.
Then I return to Andrew who is smiling at me. We go outside and walk into the park which I love we walk and enjoy each other's company.
"I love you so much."
"I love you to."
He stops and looks at me.
"You mean the world to me and I haven't really been there for you lately and I'm so sorry for being a shitty husband. I want you to know that no matter what you can always talk to me and come to me."
"Don't worry"
And I kiss him softly on his lips.
"How was last night?"
I start to think about last nigh. The limo, Justin, alcohol and weed. I smile.
"It was good."
"Who's this friend you met?"
"Well we used to be best friends as kids and teenagers. But then his mom died and he and his father moved away. And he contacted me last night telling me he was in town."
"Yes he's a man?"
"You've never told me this before?"
"Well I didn't know we were doing life story about all of our friends and boyfriends?"
I laugh at his serious face.
"We used to date as teenagers. Young love."
"And you met him last night? What did you guys do?"
"Just clubbing, dancing and drinking."
"Just you two?"
"Can I meet him someday?"
"Because I want to meet my wife's friends. She doesn't really have a lot of them."
He laughs at my respond.
"Let's invite him to diner while he's still in town!"
This will be interesting.

"Yeah hi"
"You out already damn girl."
I giggle at this.
"No not that good"
"Oh what than?"
"Well so my husband wants to meet you because he's stunned that I have friends."
He giggles at That
"So i was wondering if you'd liked to come by our house and dine with us"
"God Ciara why so formal. But yes I'd love to meet your husband."
"Oh thanks Justin. Can you come around 7pm"
"Yes I'll se you then."
"Okay good"
"Wait one more thing"
"Can I bring a date?"
"Okay good see you sweetie."
And he hangs up this sure as hell will be a interesting night...

I wear a classy white dress and put my hair into a classy bun. I feel pretty.
"Hey beautiful"
Andrew walks in in Suit.
"Hey handsom"
He kisses my cheek.
"So are you ready for dinner?"
"Yes they will come in any second!"

I hear the door bell ring and walk toward the door where I open it.
Justin stands there in all his glory with a blond girl wearing a tight black dress. She's kind of slutty to be honest.
"Hello beautiful!"
Just greets and kisses cheek and I kiss his in return.
"Welcome to my home"
"This Ariel"
he points at the blond girl next to him and I nod toward her.
"Come in"
And I walk them into the kitchen where apparently everybody is dining with us.
Andrew stands up and shakes Justin's hand and kisses ariels cheek, and Leo does the same then josh and Bella and Christopher just shake their hands.
Then we all take a seat by the table.
"So your Ciara's friend?"
Josh asks.
"Yeah we known each other since we were kids."
Leo asks surprised.
I feel Andrew hands on my thigh and I look at him and smile at him.
"So how long have you two been married?"
Justin asks us.
"We've been married for couple of months now"
Andrew answers.
"So what to you do?"
Leo asks Justin.
"Well I'm an business man."
He says.
"How can it be that you two have been friend so long but you weren't invited to the wedding?"
Bella asks Justin.
And Justin looks at me slightly before answering.
"We haven't seen each other in 2/3 years now. You can say we lost a connection."
"Why haven't you seen each other so long?"
Josh asks.
"I moved away with father to take over his business's and Ciara stayed behind with her father and sister. How's your sister by the way?"
He asks me and I feel my heart break. I look at him with pity as I see everybody is holding their breath.
"S-she died last year.."
"I'm sorry could you excuse us. Can I talk with you in private?"
He asks me and I nod and I lead him in the maze where I feel it's most private.
"Why didn't you tell me?!"
He asks me bit angry
"You didn't ask"
"Ciara you know!"
He stops and thinks for a bit.
"How did she die ?"
"By her own hand."
I say feeling like someone is crushing my heart.
"She killed her self?'
And he beats the maze wall next to him.
"I'm sorry"
I whisper as he looks at me with angry eyes.
"Let's go back inside."
He says dryly and we walk back in side getting curious eyes from all of them.
"You okay?"
Andrew whispers into my ear as I sit down next to him. I look at Justin who is just focusing on eating and my family is respecting that.
So we all just eat.
"So this is your new family?"
Justin asks as he looks around the table.
"Yeah I guess so"
"Who would had know we would get so far from where we were little?"
And I giggle.
We were poor kids and now it's like we both poop money.
"So when do you leave town?"
Leo asks.
"Oh no I just bought house here. Guess I'll be staying."
And my eyes widen.
I ask again and he nods.
"Oh my god that's great!"
I squeal
And I stand up and hugging him.
And he laughs.
"Well I just found you can't risk on loosing my best friend again can we?"
I feel Andrews and Leo's eyes burn on us. The dinner is finished so we walk them to the door. Me and Andrew I mean.
"It was pleasure meeting you."
Andrew says super formal.
"The pleasure was all mine."
Justin replays. And I pull him into tight hug.
"I missed you so much."
I whisper in his ear.
"And I you."
He replays and we both let go off each other.
"And it was nice to meet you Ariel."
And she nods again. Not much of an speaker is she. But I let not go as I wave them back to their car.
The co close the door and Andrew is looking at me serious look.
"You two are really close huh?"
"Yeah we were I missed him so much! Isn't it great that he's moving in this town?! Ill finally have some friends other than this family!"
I say happy.
"What we aren't enough for you?"
He says mockingly.
And playfully punch him in the arm. As we walk back to our bedroom where we get ready for bed.
I walk in the bathroom and removed make up and strip down my cloths leaving me in a sexy red thong. I walk outside the bathroom where Andrews eyes see me and I walk toward him seductively.
Then I crawl next to him in bed and sit in his lab and curl my arms around his neck.
"Thank you"
I whisper as I start kissing his neck and his hands roam my back finally cupping my ass.
"I love you"
I whisper as I look up at him and kiss him softly on the lips.
"Your mine"
He moans out.
"I'm yours"
I whisper seductivly.
And with that said he pushes me off him taking full control. I'm under his body and he separated my legs so he fits their.
"Your all mine."
He whispers against he kisses down my neck.
"Say it"
He orders and I do what I'm told.
And he starts leaving love marks all over my body as he rips my thong off.

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