Chapter 20 Suprise!

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"Wake up sleepyhead!"
I groan not in the mood to be awoken.
"What do you want Bella?"
She crawls into the bed next to me.
"Ahh I'm bored chris just went to work so I'm going to annoy the fuck out of you while Andrews out of town."
"Oh how lucky I am"
"Stop with the sarcasm I know you love me"
I look at the clock it's only 11 am. God Bella can be annoying. It's been couple of days since Andrew left to Europe and I've been really lonely. Bella turns on some tv show I don't really know. I just cuddle myself up to her and we watch tv together.

"Emm Bella?"
"Did you just pee in my bed?"
"I've lost my water!"
"We need to go to the hospital!!"
"Okay but we need to pack some shit first!"
"Yeah that's good idea"
I run toward Bella's room and pull out of an big bag and throw some cozy cloths in it and her toothbrush and her iPhone charger and computer. That's everything she needs for now.
"CIaRA hurry up!!"
"I'm coming"
I run toward the door where she's waiting for me.
And I give her the bag as we run toward the car.

"Christopher you need to come to the hospital Bella just lost her water!"
"She did?!"
"Yes hurry up!"
And I hang up the phone. I know josh works at this hospital I need to find him. He's working on the floor below us. I run down the stares and into the lobby of 3th floor "Josh! Is josh here?!"
The nurse looks at me like she just saw a ghost.
"Answer me woman I need to find dr.josh alibi! Now!"
"You mean dr.albi?"
"Yes where is he?!"
"I think he's in his office I'll call him."
"No time!"
And I run toward Josh's office and beat it open.
"Ciara? What are you doing?"
"Are you okay?"
I stop trying to catch my breath.
"Bella is at the hospital. She's having the baby!"
"What? Let's go then!"
And josh grabs my band and we run toward Bella's room.
"I got josh and I have called Chris he's on his way!"
"Okay thanks Ciara!"
"What aBout mom!?"
I look at her slightly embarrassed. I didn't want to call mrs Albi she didn't like me and I didn't like her. Josh senses my embarrassment as he makes accuses and goes calling his wife.
"Ciara thank you!"
"For what?"
"Being here for me"
"Ahhhh motherfucker!"
"Is everything alright?!"
"No she's coming!!!!"
"Shit fuck doctor!!!"
And the doctors run in.
"I need you to stay outside for me."
He points at me.
"No buts out!"
And I'm pushed out by blonde nurse.
I sit by the chair next to the room when I see Christopher running toward me.
"Is she in there?"
"Why are you out here?"
"They won't let me stay in there.."
"Oh sorry and he opens the door and. Closes behind him.
I sit there for hours and Bella doesn't stop screaming. Mrs Albi is holding Josh's hand anxiously. I'm so stressed out I decide to call Andrew.
"Hey u okay?"
"You don't sound so good?"
"I'm at the hospital I don't like hospitals"
"Why are you at the hospital ?!"
"Bella's having the baby."
"Yeah she's been delivering it for hours. Is it bad I want to leave and just go home?"
"No babe. You should go home and have some rest."
"I'm such terrible friend"
I sob in the phone.
"No your not Ciara you just don't handle hospitals well. Bella will understand."
"You sure?"
"Yes 100%"
"Now go home and get some sleep. I love you babe!"
"Love you to"
"See you soon bye"
And he hangs up the phone. I walk toward josh and mrs Albi.
"Emm I'm going home. I don't handle hospital well and this is taking lot longer then I though."
"Yeah sure sweetheart"
Josh looks at me with care.
I nod at him and turn around when I hear mrs Albi murmur "what a good friend she is"
With sarcasm in her voice.
"Hush Tina" josh says to her and I'm out of the hospital.

I walk in side the mansion and the dogs run toward me. I slide down the door as they come and lay in my arms. And I start sobbing endlessly. My world is falling apart. I hate myself so much.. I just want to die.
Lola lick my face which is her way of trying to cheer me up. Funny to think these dogs despised me first and now the love me more than another family member here specially Lola. Dexter didn't like me as much Andrew was always his favorite but Lola was enough for me.
I pet Lola on the head as I pull my legs to my chest and start cry even more.
I look up and see Leo's standing across the lobby.
"What do you want?"
He walk toward me and I don't really want him anyway near me but I know it's impossible to argue with leo.
"What's wrong?"
"Fuck you!"
"Right back at you!"
Lola growls at him standing protectively between me and him as does dexter.
"I hate these dogs!"
"They hate you to."
"I can see that."
"Ciara tell me what's wrong"
"Don't even fucking other with me leo! Okay? I'm a mess! I can't handle shit like normal people!"
I stand up.
Petting dexters and Lola's head letting them know I was okay.
"I just want to fucking leave this place im sick of it!"
And I walk out of the room heading toward my room. I hear leo following me.but I don't care. He won't get past Lola unless I want him to.
I open the bedroom door and lola jumps on my bed and I laugh a little. She may look scary but she's such a sweetheart.i close the door and strip down into my underwear and slip under my covers cuddling up to Lola.

I wake up by Lola growling next to me. She stares at the door and growls like an wolf.
"Hush baby"
and I pet her head when I hear knocking on the door.
"Who is it?"
"What you want?"
"You to open the door?"
"Not happening"
"Okay then. But I'm going to the hospital to see Ana I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."
I stand up and open the door staring. At him.
"Are you allowed there?"
"Well hello to you too"
And he lets his eyes scan my body. When I figure im not wearing clothes just panties.
And I grab big t shirt and pull it over my head.
"Damn you Ciara"
"Fuck off!"
"Are going to come with me?"
"Okay I'll leave in hour so hurry up sexy!" And he walks away
"I heard that!"
"I don't give a fuck!"
I close the door and pick some outfit I want to wear.
Black ripped jeans and crop top and then some short which I leave unbuttoned. I out some make up on my face just going with the natural look. And then put my hair into messy bun.

Leo's waiting for me in the kitchen.
"Hello beautiful"
He says and smirks at me.
"Not cool.."
"What that I saw you naked?"
"Forget that!"
I grab some yogurt and start eating it.
"I missed you"
He laughs.
"Well I can see you out your walls back up"
"Better save then sorry"
"Well maybe your to late for that. I've already fucked you Ciara!"
And he grabs me ass.
"Leo don't fucking do that!"
And I slap him hard in the face leaving my hand mark on his cheek.
"Oh fuck"
And he puts his hand on his cheek
"You shouldn't had done that Ciara."
He's really pissed now. I think it's best for me to get out of here before something happened and I turn away from him and walk toward the door.
"No fucking way your leaving!"
And he grabs my hand and pulls me hard back.
"Get off me!"
"You are a crazy fucking hoe"
And his hand is in my hair holding my head still as he stares into my eyes.
"I fucking hate you!"
I spit at him. He may be angry but so am I! Nobody treats me like this anymore!
"I know you don't hate me Ciara. Because if you did you wouldn't had let me get into your pants."
He smirks at me.
"Get off me leo"
"Not until you ask nicely"
He presses his body at mine his mouth only inch away from mine.
And his hand slowly goes off my hair and slowly down my back. I hate him but fuck me I want kiss the living shit out off him right now. I stare at him he's looking at my lips I know that he's about to kiss me. But should I move away or not? I stand still I can't move I can't make this decision.

"Can I kiss you"
He moves a piece of my hair from my face.
"I really want to"
"Me to"
And he leans down and I push my self against him. Fuck me I'm screwed.. I need to fucking stop kissing him. But I can't. I can't pull away.
He pulls away smiling down at me.
"Should we go to the hospital now?"
He holds out his and and I put mine in his as we walk out.

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