Chapter 32-she's lost.

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Justin's POV
He shot her! I tried to save her.
I saw the life go out of her eyes.
I saw the only person I ever loved die.
He killed her! That jealous son of a bitch! I shot the guy who killed my love immediately and I was about to attack Andrew when I heard Leo yell that she was loosing a lot of blood.
She was mine.
But because of the fucking marriage she put herself trough he had the upper hand now and I couldn't do anything.
He was her number one contact and he'd plan her funeral.
I've never been so mad in my life.
Things were finally going right. She was healthy again,happy and training he took that away from her and me. How will I ever be happy again? Is life even worth living anymore?

Andrew's POV.
I ordered her to be taken away. She was supposed to go home with me and be save. When I heard that gunshot I felt my heart drop. She dropped to the floor immediately and I froze I saw Justin making his way toward me but I couldn't move i just stood there. I've seen many life's been taken away but I've never felt this guilt in my life before. Leo is screaming something and Justin stopped and ran toward lifeless Ciara.
He was shaking her screaming.
She's coming home alright but she will be dead. How could I let this happen? I basically pulled the trigger to my own wife I killed her. I didn't know she could defend herself this way. Justin must have taught her.. She was lot more innocent when she lived with me.
It's like she became who she was always meant to be when she was with him. Just looking at her with him how happy she was how she smiled she was happy and I took that away! How can I live with my self. I killed the person I loved.

Leo's POV
They were supposed to get her but they couldn't it was making me mad.
When did she learn to fight like that. When did she become such a strong person looking at her all I wanted was to have her back home in my arms to enjoy the new her. I looked at her beautiful long red hair that touched her ass and the beautiful green dress. she'd gained some weight she looks healthy and happy.
I want her.
Then I heart another gunshot and her scream as she fell to the ground. My eyes widen as I ran toward her body. She was loosing a lot of blood i screamed out. I could see how much pain she was in.
I could see her die.
Justin ran toward me and grabbed her away from me and I felt my heart break as he took her and shook her and yelled at her to stay and not leave him.
She was already dead I knew. I felt numb.
She's dead.
Ciara Wilson or Ciara Albi or Ciara Graystone is dead.
And the last piece of human in me died with her.

Bella's POV
Ciara is dead.
I've been acting like maniac since I heard it I almost stabbed Andrew and Leo how dare they to kill my only fucking friend!
She got shot. I felt terrible I knew she was happy. She was about to leave us I know my brothers didn't Handle it well because my psychopath brothers were both in love with her. That selfish bastards.
I take deep breath before I step out and into the limo.
The funeral will be filled with people who loved her and adored her I don't think she knew how many people loved her. It makes me sad that Ana's godmother is dead. My best friend is dead.

Josh's POV
My boys killed the love in their lives.
Things will never be the same I can already see the good side in them die. She didn't know but she kept everybody sane. She was the key to happiness in this house even when she was sad we all loved her. Even when she left we all loved her. The Graystones are wealthy people and if it weren't for the fact I knew they were so close since they were kids I would had thought she was doing this because of the money. But I saw how happy she was with him.I never met her but I saw her from distance how she laughed and smiled and how they kissed that was true love no matter how much I love my boys I knew she deserved that Graystone boy. He made her happier then either of them could.
Ciara Albi is dead and there is no turning back. I invited the Graystones to the funeral because I knew how that boy loved her. Who didn't she was amazing.
I can't help but to be scared what's about to come now.

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