Chapter 25 Help.

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I wake up and confused on where I am. I start to panic a little by until I realize I'm in the library I must had fallen asleep after Bella's talk.
I groan and stand up with banging headache. I walk out of the library and into my bedroom where I see Andrews sweet body laying in bed and I crawl into his arms not caring about anything or nothing at all.
"Hey beautiful"
I hear him whisper.
"Where were you?"
And he pulls me closer to him and I drift to sleep again breathing in his sweet sent.

" Ciara?"
I groan as I hear a voice pull me from my sweet sleep.
"You awake?"
"Now I am."
And I sit up frustrated. Andrew is standing the in front of me wearing his running cloths.
"Well I was wondering if you would want to go out for a run with me?"
"Are you for real? Are you really waking me for a morning run?"
"Well its healthy and I made a smoothie for you. We are going to do healthy choices for you now so you can be happy"
And he smiles at me really proud of what he's saying.
"Who do you think you are making my schedule?"
"Your husband who is worried about you because after I came home you were worse then when I left and your wrists are sliced up! Your like slowly killing yourself!"
"Yeah well maybe I just deserve to die!"
I yell at him tears leaking down my cheeks.
His eyes widen as he stares at me.
He whispers.
I stand up and walk down stares and get myself a coffee. I stare at the smoothie glass like imagine killin it in my mind.
"are you suicidal?"
"Shut up!"
"You need help"
"Yeah well fuck off"
"Ciara I love you why can't you just accept my help!"
He yells back at me frustrated.
I see leo walk in.
"What's going on in here?"
"Leo stay out off it!"
He yells at leo.
"I don't think so brother I can see your angry and I can see her crying"
I say in a low voice trying not to lose control of my crying.
"Are you okay?"
He asks me with soft look in his eyes.
"Stop this. I don't want help or need any!
im fucking fine why won't you guys get that!!"
I yell.
"Then prove it!"
Andrew shouts back.
"ANDREW leave me alone I'm not in the mood for your shit right now!"
"Well I don't care! either you let me help you or im putting you in a mental hospital!"
I turn around and look at him.
Is he serious im fucking serious
Leo looks at me then at his brother.
"Andrew let's relax little bit now nobody is that sick.."
Leo says with softly voice.
"No leo no you have done enough now it's time for you to back the fuck off!! I'm trying to talk with my sick wife who needs help but won't accept it because she's to fucking selfish to!!"
Okay that's it.
I turn around and literally ran into our bedroom and lock the door after me. I find a bag and start packing my stuff in it. Then I put my hair in a ponytail and switch to my jogging cloths. Then walk out of the room and straight to the house door.
"Where do you think your going?"
I hear Andrews voice behind me.
"Away from here!"
And he holds the door shut so I can't go out.
"Andrew move!"
"Go away!"
I literally scream at him.
"Andrew stop trying this!"
"No I won't stop trying to help my wife to feel better!"
"If you keep this shit on I'll get a fucking divorce!"
He loses his hand off the door and stares blankly at me I can see that I'll really hurt him.
He pulls my bag from my harshly.
Then he pulls me up places me on his shoulder.
"Let me go!"
But he ignores me I scream and hit in the back and kick.
"Let me go you sociopath!!"
Then I feel him throw me on the bed. Then he goes and lock the door and then he stares at me I can see how mad he is. He disappears for second then he comes back and pushes me harshly all into the bed and he grabs my hand and handcuffs me to the bed.
"Shut the fuck up Ciara im fucking tired of you God damn bullshit!!!"
He screams back at me.
I start to kicks and push and try getting away from the bed.
"Stop! You won't get away."
"Release me now Andrew this ain't funny!"
"Do you think this is a joke? Do you think you can just start to act like I don't matter? That you can just leave me? Do you think you have anything better than me?!"
I say in softly voice trying to calm him down I can see fire in his eyes and his fists and he's angrier then I have ever seen him.
He screams at me and punches the wall next to me.
I start to cry historically.
"Stop crying"
He says with a cold voice.
He has no emotion in his eyes.
"Shut up I don't care!"
And he leaves the room and I start crying again as he leaves me alone in the bed. Hours pass until I hear a knock on the door.
It's bella.
Then she opens the door and she sees me locked to the bed.
"Shit are you okay?"
"What did he do?"
"Just locked me here and screamed at me telling my im nothing with out him and punching stuff"
I head echoes in my voice as I try to explain to bella.
"Shit he has lost controll!"
She sits next to me trying to figure out the handcuffs.
"I'm going to get leo maybe he can help"
And she runs out of the door before I can say no.

I hear Leo's voice in the hall coming closer.
"Shit what has he done to you!"
And he runs to me.
"No leo don't! Just leave."
He looks at bella.
"I know about you I don't care just help her!"
"Forget it leo help her!"
"Just leave guys he'll cool down"
"Leave before he comes back now!"
And they stare at me hesitantly before Bella leaves.
"Ciara you know I'll love you so don't ever hesitate to ask me for help I'll do anything you want!"
And he kisses my forehead before walking out the door to.

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