Chapter 8 The maze

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The maze is lot different in dark it's not as green but is lid up with white lights.

It's so beautiful.

"Welcome to the family Ciara!"

Josh says cheerful

"Thank you"

I murmur.

"Im sorry about my wife"

I'm silent I can't answer it.
I'm not okay about this I don't like when people treat me like crap.

"Andrew is her only son and she's really protective over him. she believes you're not good enough for him. But I know better you are the best thing that could happened to this family."

And he pulls me closer.

"Thank you josh I appreciate it. But I don't get it why she hates me so much"

A tear slips down my cheeks.

"She doesn't hate you sweetheart. How could anybody hate such pretty girl like you?"

I let out a sob I can't keep the cry in any longer.

We are now in less light and it's pretty much just the light of the stars and the bit from the maze.

I start crying.

I just can't handle it anymore.
Josh notice I'm crying and he grabs my shoulders and looks me in the eyes

"oh sweetheart why are you crying?"

And he pulls me into his arms and strokes my back.

I can't answer I'm crying to much.
I lose control over my feet and fall to the earth and josh grabs me right before I hit it brutally.

I'm crying like a baby.
He sits down on the ground holding me in his arms stroking my hair

"hush little darling don't cry everything is going to be alright "

he sings

"I-i jujust cant handle nono more.
Thi-this is susupposed to be safe space for me. I I have hahad to much beating in my my life I ca-can't handle No-no more."

I sob and He pulls my head of his shoulder looking me in the eye wiping my tears away.

"Ciara tell me what happened to you before you met my son"

I look at him.

I feel safe here.
This is a safe place right by the lake that I love.

"My sister killed herself because of my father. She was the one person that I trusted and loved. My father hit me and I was not allowed to have any friends because he was an narcissistic arse. My father died 4 months ago,heart attack. I was alone I went to bar named American Dream and got drunk every night sleeping with random guys and smoking my lungs out. Then I met Andrew and nothing has been the same since. My life is a dream now and I worry one day i'll wake up in my old bed smelling alcohol and weed from the living room. Locked in my own room so I couldn't see the world."

I say my voice shaking.

"Oh that's terrible how could anybody do that to my sweetheart! Don't worry! You'll never have to worry again you have us now! We are your new family"

He pulls me into his arms and whisper into my ear

"you'll be save from the darkness of this terrible world. This is our save place"

I walk into our bedroom.

Andrew is sitting at the end of the bed and when I walk in he looks at me. And then all of sudden stands up.

"you've been crying! What's going on love?"

He asks worried and I give him a small smile.

"It nothing to worry about. I'm okay."

I walk into his arms and he holds me into his arms.

"I'm sorry about mom. She needs time too adjust"

"It's okay, really, don't worry!"

I say and smile to him.
He looks down on me kissing my forehead.

"do you know I love you?"

I grin and say.

"No I didn't. That's totally new news to me"

and I walk a way from him to the closet.

"I'm madly in love with you. I don't know what you did to me"

I laugh and undress and putt my dirty dress in the laundry and change into my night dress. I walk back to him.

"Honey why does your mom dislike me?"

I know he can't lie to me he doesn't show empathy like normal persons so he doesn't know he's supposed to unless I let him know.

"She thinks your cheap gold digger and that you are going to hurt me"

So that's what she thinks of me!
Great my mother in law think im using her son so I can get my cheap ass from being broke

great just great!

I walk into our bathroom and clean of my dirty make up, its all over my face after the crying at the lake.

Andrew walks in and I turn around looking at him approaching me.

He leans down and kisses me and then pulls me up so I'm sitting at the table. He slowly removes my dress and I do not stop him.

The kiss is getting more intense every second,he pulls down his pants and I lift his t shirt and i brush my finger over his perfectly shaped 6 pack.

I'm the luckiest girl alive.

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