Chapter 29 Hell no.

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"Hey babe."
Andrew said.
"So I just got another job. And I will be out of town for like week or two."
"What kind of job?"
I ask memorizing the conversation I hear between him and Leo after he came off last job.
"Very well paid job. Leo is also coming."
"Where you going?"
"First stop is Canada."
"I'll call you and keep you updated."
And he places his hands around me and kisses me softly on the lips
"When do you leave?"
"Yeah sorry for the short notice"
"It's aight."
I say.
"But hey I'll see you tonight! I'll have to go to my yoga class!"
"Okay babe"
And I kiss his cheek and head out off the house.

My car pulls up in front of Justin's gates.
I hear the bell say.
"Hey it's Ciara"
And the gates slowly opens and I drive in.

"Hey love"
Justin greets me and kisses my forehead. I'm dressed up in gym cloths so in in running pants and sport bra and hoodie.
"see your ready to practice."
He grins at me and i nod smiling back.
"Then let's go!"
He smacks my ass and starts running off laughing and I laugh as same as I follow him.

I can't stand on my feet I'm exhausted.
"Good practice"
I sigh as Justin sits next to me.
"Hey by the way Andrew and Leo are leaving the country for week or two for some job."
"Some job huh?"
Justin says mockingly.
"Yeah I don't really know what he won't tell me.."
"So I'm probably going to spent shit loads of time here for awhile."
"I don't mind. I like having you here."
And he blinks me and I giggle.
"Well I sure as hell missed you."
"So how you feeling?"
And I take minute answering mentally I'm feeling good.
Physically like dying.
I look at the clock it's 8pm.
"I think I should get going"
He nods.

"How was yoga?"
Leo asks mockingly. As I walk in haltering.
"Surprisingly good"
"So this Justin guy?"
"What about him?"
"How do you know him?"
He raises his eyebrow.
"Old friends known him since we were like 8 year old."
"Why didn't he show up to the wedding"
And I feel my heart break a bit.
He wasn't at the wedding but how I wished he was it would had made it lot less awkward having someone my side..
"When we were 17 he moved away and we kind lost connection"
"So how do you guys met again?"
I do t reply what can I say? I called him up for drugs? Hell no..
"How did you meet him again?"
He looks at me like I grew another head..
"Ciara I don't like him."
What is his deal.
"I don't like this guy."
"You've only met him once?"
"No I've met him before."
"What? When?"
"Years ago. We used to be friends.."
"So he like knows this family?"
"No. Just me."
"What do you mean?"
" I used to be in sort of drug you know.. Like hardcore ones and because his dad is this drug lord me and him used to get fucked up all the the time."
I nod I knew about his drug business but I didn't know his dad was a drug lord..
"You knew?!?"
He yells at me.
"Knew what?"
"About the drugs?!"
"Well I didn't know you did them but well yeah I knew his dad was in the business."
"Why would you even be around that kind of people? It's dangerous?!"
"As I said we go long back Leo."
I say with calming voice.
"I do care about him deeply and he will always have place in my heart Leo. I don't really care about the drug business"
"You love him?"
He spat at me.
"Leo calm down..."
"No I will not calm down your in love with a drug lord and your married to my brother!"
Okay well that was over the line!
"Excuse you! But last time I knew I was not in love with him and since when do you care I'm married to your brother? You surely didn't give a fuck while you were banging me in our bed? Or in it closet?!"
"Don't mention it."
He spits at me.
"Leo stop being annoying fucking brat! You can't just go around being rude as fuck!"
And then his fist met my face and everything goes black.

"Well shit.."
I hear a distant voice say. Everything is black and I feel severe pain in my face and something warm leaking down my face.
"Ciara open your eyes."
I hear a soft voice say.
I force my eyes open and see josh soft figure looking down on me.
"She's awake?!"
I hear anxious voice say and Leo comes in my direction.
I feel endless anger toward him now and I feel my hear race.
Josh says warning.
"Ciara sweetie do you know what happened?"
And nod as I sit up.
"go get a Smoothie in the fridge!"
Josh orders Leo and Leo's out.
"I'm sorry Ciara."
He whispers. I just stare at the wall in front off me.
"Where's Andrew?"
"Does he know about this?"
And josh shakes his head.
Then his warm towel touches my face washing the blood.
Then Leo comes back looking at me with sorry eyes.
I shot him the death glare as he hands me the smoothie.
I Finish drinking it then I walk out off the room.
I don't go to my bedroom. If Leo hits me I sure as hell don't trust Andrew either. I curl up in the library sofa and fall asleep.

They've already left and I go up grabbing a bag and fill it with my cloths and things then I leave.

Hey Justin
I'm coming over.
- C

And I pull up infront of his house and into the house I don't bother to knock and I run into Justin office where I see him with suitcase filled with money. His face snaps toward me as I slam the door open.
"Holy shit Ciara!"
And he stands up and I run in his arm.
"Who the fuck did this to you I'll kill him."
And I start to cry half off my face is bruised.
"Ciara it's okay."
He whispers into my ear as he squeezes me in his arms.
"Is it okay if I'll stay with you?"
"I wouldn't let you leave this house with out me!"
He then pulls away a bit and scans my face.
"Tell me who did this?"
"Leo Albi?!"
He almost yells and I nod.
"I knew he was fucked up but this is over the head fucked up"
I stare at him a bit.
"Why didn't you tell me you two knew each other?"
He looks startled at my comment.
"Well i didn't think it mattered.."
"I would had liked it if you had.."
And he nods.

"She will be treated with respect and like a princess! If I hear anyone and I mean anyone disrespectful to her they'll pay with their life's!"
Justin orders the people and they nod staring at me. It felt bit uncomfortable but I liked this safety feeling.
For the first time in forever I felt save.

1 week later.
I haven't answered Andrews calls or anyone of the Albi's calls.
Justin made sure that I practiced self defense like crazy all this week and my body is exhausted. My bruise is bit smaller and my eye isn't swollen anymore.
My face is like a rainbow because it got so many colors in it...
I strip out of cloths and slip in the bathtub.
Everybody in Justin house had treated me like queen.
I liked it.
I also went shopping.
This week I felt more sane than in months.

1 week later.

"God you have some guts coming here!"
I hear Justin yell and I run toward him.
I see Leo walk toward him and not much far behind Andrew...
"Give her back.."
Leo spits at Justin and Andrews eyes finally meet mine.
He says confused.
I feel Justin hands showing me behind him.
"She's never coming anywhere near you again."
Justin spits back I can feel Andrews eyes look at my face.
"Did he do this to you?"
Andrew finally spots as he comes closer and hide my face in Justin back my heart is pumping super fast right now I don't knowing its anger or fright..
"No I would never lay hand on her you dick! But your brother here would!"
Justin spits at Justin.
I look bit up seeing confused Andrew standing there.
I take Justin's arm and step next to him looking at both of them.
They look so much alike it's scary but the difference now is Leo is looking at me with guilt and Andrew stares at me with what hate? Pity? I don't know.
"You said you'd leave her alone!"
Andrew punches Leo and Leo just stands there doesn't even bother to defend him self.
Then Andrew stands up walking toward me and I feel Justin's hand tightened around me.
I order Andrew.
He looks confused.
"I don't trust you. Don't come near me."
Now I can see he's clearly pissed.
"You heard her"
Justin says in deep voice.
"Shut the fuck up!"
He spits at Justin.
"Ciara baby."
He then looks at me.
"I would never do anything like That to you!"
"You already have! Remember I was at hospital! For week! And you didn't even bother to show up! And now your fucking twin brother beat me! I've gone trough enough shit like this before to know no I don't deserve this shit!"
Leo finally says.
"No shut up Leo! You fucking hit me! How dare you! I'm the only person in that house who cared about you! I was the only one who defended you beside Andrew! Why do you think the asylum hasn't come for you yet? Your family hates you! They don't want you there! So how dare you!"
I spit at him.
Justin takes his hands off me and I walk toward Leo.
"You are a asshole and you don't deserve anything good!"
I hit him in the chest pushing him away.
Andrew whispers besides me.
I snap at him.
"Come home. This is family business we don't need other people in it."
"Oh there you go wrong brother!"
Justin says.
"I'm the only family she has left and do you really think I'd let her leave with you guys?"
Justin says pushing me away from them.
"Family my ass you haven't been there for her in years! You left her!"
"I've been more family to her than you'll ever be."
He says in deep voice.
I can see Justin getting mad.
"Ciara do you really want to be with this pathetic drug dealer?"
And he looks at me expecting me to say anything.
"Oh I'm so pathetic huh?what about you bounty hunter?"
And Andrews eyes widen.
"Oh so you didn't tell her ?"
Justin smirks at Andrew.
"Bounty hunter huh"
I say.
"So we've been married for almost a year and you've been keeping this away from my all that time?"
I see Andrew swallow his Adam Apple.
"Ciara I can explai-"
"Forget it I'm over this conversation!"
And I turn around and walk into the house leaving them three behind.

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