Chapter 7 Suprise!

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Every time he touches me the rush of joy and happiness goes trough my body.

I've missed him so much.
His touch, his present I've forgot how amazing sex we had every time.

I love him every inch of him every part of him. we are looking into each other's eyes just enjoying each other.

"You are my everything "

He whisper sweetly to me.

"And you are mine!"

He sits up looking down on me.

"Ciara Wilson. Will you marry me?"

"What? Like are you for real ?!"

I'm so surprised never in million years would I believe this could happen!

"Yes I'm serious!"

I sit up with big grin on my face


He smiles the beautifullest smile I've seen and pulls me into his arms.


We role around the sheets we are laughing like little kids screaming I love you!

This is the happiest moment of my life!

We fall of the bed I'm on top of him looking him straight into the eyes.
And I fall into deep kiss,
we are both butt naked making out on the Floor.

I love this man to death!
I'll now be forever his!

Mrs Ciara Albi and mr Andrew Albi.

This is the best night of my life I think as I fall asleep with big smile on my face.

I wake up by kisses on my cheeks and his beautiful voice

"Ciara wake up!"

I open my eyes and turn my face to his and say good morning.

"We need to pick a ring"

He says with a husky voice


I asks surprised.

"Yes my princess needs a ring on her finger so everybody know she's mine"

he says smirking at me and kissing my neck.

"Okay let me get cleaned and I'll be ready in 30 minutes."

I say giggling.

"Okay babe. I'll go make breakfast"

He stands up heading for the door.

"Love you"

I yell at him.


And he's gone.

I'm clean I look in the mirror and I finish my make up and make a bun in my hair.

I'm looking pretty boho right now if I'm being honest.

But I like it.

I walk to my fiancé putting food on plate focused on having everything perfect.

"Hey babe."

I say smiling toward him.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes now let's eat babe."

I say smirking at him.

"Sure thing honey"

We sit at the dining table looking at each other every time we take a bite of our food.

"I'm thinking announcing it tonight. Are you okay about that?"

"Of course! I can't wait."

We look for rings. He goes for the biggest diamonds of course.

But i don't want anything big really I'm not sure I want diamond either I like stone.

We have Been looking for hours when we finally see the beautiful ring with pyrope garnet gemstone.

"This one is definitely the right one for you !"

He buys it and puts on my finger as he whisper

"now it's official"

It's 7pm it's not long now until dinner. Im nervous as fuck I've smoked 20 cigarets already to calm my nerves.

I curled my hair so it's kind of wavy and I put eyeliner on eyeliner so my eyes look bit like cat eyes.

I bought a new dress also it's black and it's almost to my knees and I look like a classy mysterious lady.

Andrew walks in looking at me smiling.

"Baby you are the beautifulest human being alive!"

"I love you!"

I give him a kiss and we walk into the dinning room.

Mrs Albi looks at me. I can see she is surprised how I'm looking of course she would.

When she first met me I was wearing a black hoodie and ripped black jeans and mascara was all over my face after crying, and now I'm this fancy girl with my green eyes and red hair and I'm happy.

Instead of making her annoy me I smile to her.
Josh stands up looking at me.

"vad en vacker dam"

I look at him an grin.
Andrew whisper to me

"what did he just say?"

I look at him

"he told me I was beautiful."

and I smile.
Bella is here to she's not happy she was supposed to leave today but Andrew forbid her to.
She's wearing blue dress it's a nice dress.

She's one hell of a beautiful girl.
Everybody has sat down now and we dine the finest food.

As we've all finished to eat Andrew stands up looking to me to warn me he's going to announce it now.

"I like you all to know last night I purposed to my beautiful girlfriend Ciara and she said yes!"

He grabs my hand and squeezes it

"And I'd like you all to welcome her to the family as we are going to get married in two months!"

He bends down and kisses my forehead.

His mother his shocked and sits still just staring at us.

Josh stands up and kisses us both on the cheeks congratulating us,

Bella stands up and gives her big brother a long hug she whisper something in his ear and I can see he stiffens up and the look in his eyes change.

Bella pulls away and says congratulate him and turns to me and hugs me


His mother is still in her seat staring at us.

"Mother go congratulate them don't be a skank!"

Bella commands.
She gives her a hard eye contact and stands up congratulating her son then she stands in front of me looking at me for some time then forcing up a fake smile and walks out of the room.
Andrew looks after her then yells


he Looks at me

"I'm sorry"

then he's after her.
I'm so startled.
Bella hits me in the shoulder

"don't mind her she's a skank. But I better get ready for leaving see you later Siss"

she gives me a smile and walks out of the room.
I look at josh shocked.
I can feel that I'm about to cry and I need another cigarette.

"Come. Take a walk with me"

He grabs my waist and we walk to the maze.

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