Chapter 17- Reunion.

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As I'm walking down to the kitchen I hear Bella scream and something break. Shit and I start running to the kitchen where the sound is.
Bella is standing there with knife in the air screaming something.
While Leo stands the other side of the room.
"Ciara leave now!"
"Hush sis put that God damn knife down and stop acting like child"
"Shut the fuck up Leo. How the fuck could you come in the house? We have to strong security for anyone to break in?!"
"Well our brother let me in sis"
"Bella put that knife down."
She moves away from the kitchen island and toward leo. Leo's eyes get bigger as he sees Bella's pregnant belly.
"You are only 17!"
"Who's the father I'll kill that motherfucker!"
Bella runs at him placing her knife near Leo's throat.
"You will do no such thing Leo! And if you won't leave I'll call the police!"
"Bella relax!"
Andrew walks in the kitchen looking startled at his lil sister with knife at his twin brothers throat.
"Yes I did and I warn you take that fucking knife away from our brothers throat!"
"Or fucking what Andrew?"
"Or I'll have to force you to let go of it and I rather not force my pregnant little sister do anything!"
Andrew is pissed and he walked toward Bella. As Andrew comes closer to Bella staring into her eyes Bella drops the knife.
Leo walk away from Bella toward the kitchen island and grabs the food that Bella obviously just cooked.
"Hey that's mine bastard!"
"Oh shut up bell"
And Christoph walks in staring confused at Leo.
"Oh and who are you if I may ask?"
Leo ask Christoph.
"I'm Bella's boyfriend. Who are you?"
Leo's body studs and he walks toward Christoph as he pushes him to the wall.
"I'm your fucking worst nightmare!"
"Leo let go."
Andrew say demanding.
"We've talked about this!"
"Well you never told me that our baby sister was fucking pregnant !"
"Stop being sensitive!"
Leo turn around facing Andrew and walk out.
Christoph looks shocked as he finally gets some words out.
"Who the fuck was that?"
Nobody says anything Bella is staring ant Andrew giving him the deadliest look she has ever given. And Andrew is not backing down being stubborn ass as he i decide to answer the poor man.
"That Was Andrews twin Leo."
"He has a twin ?!"
"Yes apparently he has" I say and I walk outside. To much stress I need smoke. Getting my way to my smoking place. Picking up my strongest cig lighting it.
"How epic finding you here."
I look up seeing Leo standing other side of the water fountain staring at me.
"You know Leo you can't go around attacking family.."
"I did no such thing."
"You threatened Christoph."
"He's not family"
"He is"
"No he's not!"
"He's your sisters baby father! He's Bella's boyfriend! They've been together for months now he's ducking family!"
"She's only 17 Ciara.."
"She's to young to have a baby"
"She was going to abortion but Andrew didn't let her."
"Can I have a smoke?"
And he walks to me.
"Ehh sure.."
He lights the cig and breaths in the smoke.
"You've dropped your walls."
"What you mean?"
"Your no longer acting like bitch to me."
I don't replay.
"Leo I don't like you very much. And I swear if you ever upset Bella again I'll chop ur dick off!"
"Is that your way of saying you want my dick?"
He smirks at me.
"Stop being cocky. I'm being serious she's my best friend! And I'll protect her with my life Leo!"
"She's my sister"
"She hates you!"
"She just scared because she doesn't know the real story.."
"Leo no matter how you tell the story you still killed fucking 5 boys. You tortured them to death! That's something you can just forgive and the worst thing is you feel no guilt because your fucking psychopath!"
"You haven't taken your meds lately why?"
I look at him how the fuck does he know about that?
" non of your fucking business."
" your such emotional type of human."
He touches my cheek. Smirking at me.
"But your still really beautiful. I like you"
And then he just takes off leaving me standing stiff after his touch.

The last couple of days have been mess. Everybody is fighting and everybody is screaming and threatening each other. This dinner was the last thing I can't handle this shit anymore I step from the table causing everybody to stare at me and I can feel tears running down my cheeks and I turn around and run toward the maze. I don't feel save at the water fountain anymore because leo and Bella are always there so I run at the old spot me and josh always were before everything became well chaos. I run and run until I can see the boat house and I'm out of the maze. I collapse into the grass and start crying historically. I can't breath Im Shaking like crazy and I feel like about to die. Why did everything have to change? Why did leo have to be psychopath? Why did my husband have such fucked up family? What is my life even? I scream in in so much pain. I can't breath my king are about to collapse. It's to long since I got panic attack that I don't remember how I make it stop! I feel somebody grab me into their arms and stroking my back as they pull me closer.
"Ciara breath."
"Focus breath in and out"
I can't see who's voice that is but I try to breath but I can't I'm dying.
"You're okay. Breath in,breath out."
I focus on everything I can on breathing. And I finally get in control of myself. As I see clearly now who's arms I'm in. It's josh of course. Who else comes here. I look At him. I'm emotional exhausted,
"You're okay."
"No worries. I'm going to bring you back to Andrew now he's so worried about you"
I nod as I crawl into his chest and he stand up holding me.
" you found her!"
Andrew sure sounds worried.
"Is she hurt? Why was she screaming??"
"Everything is okay. She just had terrible panic attack and now she's emotional exhausted. You need to go and spoil her. She's been under lot of pressure and you don't want your sweetheart to collapse back into her illness."
"Yes dad."
I can feel Andrews holding me now I can't open my eyes or mouth. My body is to exhausted after the panic attack and my brain hurts to.
"Maybe you two should take a break from the house. Go to our summer house or something to relax and get back into your normal mental health?"
"I'll think about it"
"Andrew you don't need to worry about us. Take care of your wife."
"Ill talk to her about it when she wakes up."
And Andrew is walking away. I can feel out soft Bed and im his warm arms as I drift into dreamless sleep.

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