Chapter 13 Honymoon.

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If somebody had told me year ago that I would be spending my honeymoon on private island near Bahamas I would never had believed them.

But here I am.

The house we are staying in is so beautiful. Its around 40 degrees outside and I don't really need to wear clothes so the only thing I've been wearing is bikinis. Not that I'm complaining.

It's currently 6am and the sunrise is about begin. I sit On the bench right to the house smoking my cigaret enjoying the view.

I close my eyes trying to hold back tears. Today is 1 year since my sister killed her self.

I imagine her short wavy red hair in the wind and her beautiful smile.
I was always so jealous of her beauty. I remember when she walked the school halls how everybody would stare at her like who wouldn't?

She was perfect...

She had long legs, green eyes and she was the perfect size and she had white straight teethes.

I remember the rumors that went about her..

Terrible people looked at her as the school slut but at the same time they admired her. She really got it all. She was smart, beautiful and badass.

People said we looked alike but we were really nothing alike.

She was tall I was short,
She had short wavy hair red like the fire but mine was long straight and I was strawberry blond,
She was skinny I was curvy,
She was smart I was stupid,
She was popular I was nothing.
But no matter what we always loved each other.

Telling ourself that if we didn't protect each other.

Nobody would.

She was always so happy and cheerful until one day she over dozed on coke.

People thought is was just basic chill gone wrong but if there is something I knew was that my sister did not do drugs other than marijuna.

The day after she died school was silent. They lost their prom queen. But I lost the only person that cared about me and the only person I cared about.

I wipe my tears sucking on my cigaret.
She would had been proud how far I've come. I miss her and I will spend today honoring her.

I kill on my cigaret walking to bed where Andrew is sleeping like baby. I crawl to him burring my head in his neck.

"Wake up baby wake up"

I whisper into his ear as I kiss his earlobe

"Wake up baby"

He opens his eyes holding his hands around my waist now pulling me into his arms.

"Good morning beautiful"

I smile to him. I'm so glad we both decided to go back on our meds. Making our relationship lot healthier. He kisses my forhead.

"What are you thinking about?"

I sit up looking down on him.

"Well today's my sister one years death anniversary."

He looks at me with his blue eyes.
I can see he's confused not sure what he should say.

"So what do you want to do then today?"

He asks

"Could we go down to the Beach?"

I suggest.

"Of course babe"

He smiles and sits up to. Our lips are inches away from each other's he gives me small kiss on the lips and stands up.

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