Chapter 31- the end

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I've been receiving endless of texts from Andrew and I was so fed up that I turned off my phone.
I walked outside and lit a joint.
I deserve it I've been hardworking last weeks. I can shoot a gun and I'm getting the hand off self defense well.
I can say I'm proud of myself I finally feel like I'm doing something right.
"Mmhm smells good"
I hear Justin's voice appear behind me.
He kisses me cheek and sits next to me.
"I only have the best"
I blink at him.
"What's the occasion?"
He grins at me as he takes the joint from me taking a puff.
"Well I'm rewarding myself for hardworking practice and also relaxing because Andrew won't stop fucking texting me."
Justin laughs as I frown.
"Well your mine now so he can go fuck himself"
And he blows the smoke in my mouth as he ends it with kiss.
I feel like my stomach is made of stone.
"I'm still married to him"
"We'll work it out"
And he blinks me and gives me the joint and leaves.

"Ciara why are there with him? What the fuck! I'm calling Andrew right now he's been worried sick about your ass!!"
"Bella shut up! And if you call Andrew I'll hang up on you!"
I threaten her. I decided to call Bella to see how it's going back there.
I hear her take few deep breaths.
"Okay I'm here what's up?"
"You know what Leo did?"
"Then you know I'm not coming back?"
"But Andrew would never do such thing to you! He loves you!"
"He already has Bella but I gave him a chance because honestly I didn't have any better option. Also he fucking lied to me! I don't tolerance liars!"
"Bounty hunter?"
"Oh you didn't know?"
"But let's be honest here Ciara is it any better to be with a fucking drug lord?"
"He isn't just drug lord Bella.. He's my child hood friend he has taken care off me since I was 8 years old I got bullied a lot and he alway defended me! And in high school we started dating. He was my first love Bella. You never forget your first love..."
"Ciara I really care about you. You have to come home and deal with this shit! Everybody is going crazy!"
"It's not my problem. "
"It isn't?! Yes it fucking is!"
"I'm going to talk to Justin about divorce and I'll call you again if I want to go trough it. For now bye."
And I hang up on Bella.

1 month later.
" how do you feel?"
Justin asks me. I've been training hard last couple weeks. I feel good real good.
I smirk at him.
"I love you"
"I love you!"
And he grabs the back of my head and kisses me hardly.
"Well you'll be my partner in crime now."
He says proudly and I nod.
"We have a job to do so go change."
I nod as I make my way to our room.
I change in high waisted leather pants ruby red long sleeved crop top. I put my hair in high ponytail and smokey eyes makeup and deep red lips.
I look pretty badass.
I make my way toward Justin and he gives me half smile as he takes my waist and we walk out to our limo.

The man Is tied to a chair in a basement is unconscious.
"You watch and learn babe"
Justin grins at me then he slaps the man in the chair.
He groans as he opens his eyes.
He takes few second before he realize the situation he's in.
"Mr Graystone!"
He almost screams.
I can see how terrified he is as he tries to get loose.
"You disappoint me Hans.."
Justin says with deep voice.
"I,I didn't do it!"
He mumbles.
"Well here's the problem Hans it's that I know you did it and the fact your here still lying to me is bullocks!"
He says and hits Hans in the face.

Me and Justin have agreed to that I won't be torturing because well I can't stomach it..
So I'm there for him. I take care of the money and make sure things are going right. I also get all the information about traitors.
I light a joint and take a deep breath.
"Ahh Wilson!"
My eyes snap open as I hear the voice again. I look around and see man in his 50s.
"Mr Graystone."
"Pleasure seeing you Wilson it sure has been a long time since last."
And he grabs my hand and kisses it.
"The pleasure is all mine."
I smile toward him.
"Well the years surely have treated you well!"
And his eyes scan my body.
I feel slightly uncomfortable how much skin I'm showing right now. Wearing only ripped skinny jeans and crop top.
"Thank you sir."
I nod toward him.
"Oh please call me Alexander!"
I replay.
"I came here to visit my son but the guards told me he was out for the moment but you were out here so I decided to come here to wait for my sons returning."
And he lights a cigar and sits next to me.
"So your Justin's girl again huh?"
And I laugh a bit.
"I guess so"
"But your married"
And I feel like I've been stabbed in the stomach.
"Yes I'm still married. We're dealing with it."
"You were part of the Albi's right?"
And we both take a puff.

"Let's go for dinner"
Justin whispers in my ear.
"Somewhere as fancy as you"
"Oh what did I do to deserve you?"
I grin as he kisses my neck.
"Now go change! My father will be joining us!"
He smacks my ass and laughs and I laugh as I make my way to the bathroom.
I take shower and wash my hair and body nicely.
I step out of the shower and look at myself in the mirror.
I've gained weight you can't see my bones anymore.
But you can still see my scars perfectly. I dry off and head to our closet. I pick out black thong and elegant body slim green dress.

In finally ready as I make my way downstairs where justo and his father are waiting for me.
Their eyes stuck on me as I appear in from of them.
"Looking good love."
Justin say to as I walk toward them.
"Ready to go?"
Alexander asks and I nod.

We all step into the limo and I see couple of black cats follow us.
"So how have you been?"
Alexander asks Justin.
"I've been great father it's been endless pleasure being with Ciara and sure feels less lonely when you have a girl by your arm."
He blinks me.
"It's good. You're still making sure everything is going to okay here?"
"Yes indeed we are"
"So I heard this bummer at the street that Ciara is still married to that Albi boy."
"Yes indeed"
Justin answer.
"What do you plan on doing about that?"
"We are still talking about it."
Justin says dryly.
He wanted to kill Andrew so would get half of everything he had but I don't think I'd have the guts to do that to him or his family. After all they took me in when I needed it.
"Yeah make sure you do."
Alexander replies as he takes a smoke of his cigar.
The limo stops in front of the most expansive restaurant in the state.

"Welcome to the diamond restaurant mr Graystone."
A server greets us and lead us to the table.
"Get us the best wine in the house."
Alexander orders the server and he nods as he walks away.
"So what's your plan? Like is Wilson also with us now ?"
Alexander asks Justin
"Yes I think so. She's been training hard last couple weeks and she can shoot gun perfectly and she's pretty strong to and learned self defense and kickboxing. "
Alexander nods his head.
"But here's the question. Can we trust you?"
He says looking deep in my eyes I'm sure he can see my soul.
I say dominant.
"Because if you ever go behind us back we'll make sure you pay the -"
And the while restaurant is filled with smoke.
Justin screams next to me and I duck down under the table.
Then I feel pair of hands pull me under the table and I scream and turn toward the person and beat them in the face until their grip loosen on me.
Then the fog leaves a bit and you can see and the restaurant is now empty except for us and Leo and Andrew and two other guys I don't know.
I look at Leo's beaten face and I calm my breath.
I scream at them.
I see Justin pull out a gun and then they all do the same leaving me the only person not saving gun..
Why didn't I bring my gun. Stupid Ciara!
"You will not take her away from me!"
Andrew screams out.
"Are you blind I already have!"
Justin screams back.
I feel my heart race like wild animal.
I take step front being in the middle of the Graystones and Albi's
"Get out of the way!"
Leo screams at me.
"Wilson move."
I hear Alexander order me but I choose to ignore it.
I walk toward Andrew who is holding the gun out.
"You don't want to do this."
I say in a calming voice as I push his gun down.
"Ciara come home."
He whispers at me.
"I will when you'll leave here. I told you to leave me alone Andrew. Why won't you respect that?"
His gun raises up again now against my head.
Justin screams out.
I stand stiff I know for fact he won't pull the trigger but I won't test him.
"Take her"
He says in Dominant voice and one of the strange guys make their way toward me trying to grab me but I
I kick them in the stomach making them groan in pain.
Again they try to make move and take me just making me angry as I grab one's gun and shoot him in the leg making him fall.
The next makes a move trying to take me and I aim in his stomach.
"Stop this playing take her now!"
Leo screams.
And the man makes his way to me and I make my gun ready to shoot but he slaps the gun making it move and
Ouch. My.stomach.
"What did you do you fucking idiot!"
I hear another bang and someone drop.
"You bastard!"
I hear another one say.
"Guys she's loosing a lot of blood over here!"
"Ciara stay with me!"
I hear some yell at me and shake me.
And everything goes black.
The next chapter will probably be the last one.

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