Chapter 10 Christopher The pornstar

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Waking up to a cold bed is the worst thing that I know. It reminds me of the dark times when I lived with my father.

Today is a day off from the wedding and I think I'm just going to stay in bed and watch movies.

I take a quick shower and head down stairs to get something to eat when I see my Andrew and i jump out of happiness and run toward him!


He turns around and grabs me as I jump into his arms.

"I thought you where in New York?"

"yeah I was it didn't take as long time as I though"

he said and gave me a kiss.

"I missed you so much!"

"And i missed you!"

"Are you up to movie day?"

I ask him grinning.

"Movie day?"

He asks me confused.

"Yeah just laying in bed watching movies."

"Sounds good"

"Great it's a date then"

I grin at him as I cook myself bacon and egg.

"Can you watch over my food as I go out for a quick cig?"

I ask him and He gives me a strange look


I run out and pull a cig to my mouth
His mom has commented that she thinks I smoke to much.

His mom need to mind her own business..

Bella comes out in her underwear and big t-shirt

"Hey bae"

She almost yells at me.

"Hey babe!"

"Soo I went out last nigh"

She says and I smirk.

"Yeah and what?"

I raise my eyebrow

"There is really sexy boy in my bed"

She gives me little laugh and pulls cig out of my pack and lights it.

"Whoop whoop Bella!"

I say raising my hands above my head
And She laughs

"your such a freak"

And I laugh too.

"you just have to deal with it because I'm not going anywhere"

I blink at her

"I sure hope not!"

"So tell me about this boy!"

She looks at me like she won a price or something

"well he's good in the bedroom and really sexy and famous!"

"Wait what!? You picked up an famous person?? What's he famous for?"

"He was a pornstar."

"Okay wait a minute so you just had sex with famous pornstar!?"

I ask her confused and surprised

"Yaas bitch"

Then I laugh at her.

"Your such a slut!"

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