Chapter 16- Story ive never told.

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Andrews POV

It's 6am and I'm meeting leo tonight.
I'm a bit nervous to be honest.
Nobody really knows what happened that night where the people died.

Nobody knows that i actually had part in it.

That's why I'm meeting Leo tonight. Leo and me have always had great connection and after he got put into mental hospital I was the only one to visit him.

But no one knows that we are still in touch. Ciara was never supposed to find out about Leo.
I want to keep Leo all to myself.
my family doesn't deserve him anymore.

When Ciara told me about the hospital visit from Leo I felt slightly jealous and angry.

I haven't met my brother since he escaped but she has?

That's so unfair!

But now the wait is over.
We will become one again.

I walk into the valley where Leo told me to meet him.

It's 10pm right now and it's dark outside. I've always liked the darkness, it calms me.

"Well,well,well if it isn't my bastard brother"

I turn around and see Leo walking toward me.

"Long time no see brother!"

"I've missed you!"

And we go in for little man hug

"Ahh come on dude don't get all emotional."

Leo says and I roll my eyes.

"I thought I taught you better than that.."

"I'm not emotional Leo. I'm just happy you're back."

"We'll see we'll see"

"So are you gonna come home with me?"

I ask him.


"I can't wait to see the look on our bastard father we have when I walk in the door"

He says darkly and I laugh.

"But Leo you have to be careful around Ciara though. I love her."

I say and he smirks making me me growl a bit.

"Ahh Ciara sweet girl"

"Really sexy to!"

He says darkly.

"Watch it."

I say warning I can see hes Trying to get trough my skin.

"Maybe we could share her? Like back in the old days."


"Come on don't be selfish!"


I yell at him.

"Calm down brother you're making fool out of yourself."

I give him death look.

I really love my brother but if he'll ever harm Ciara I will put him back myself!

"So are we going or what?!"

"On my way brother"

And we drive back home to the mansion we call home.

Ciara's POV

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