Chapter 30- broken heart.

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Andrew's Diary.
She hasn't answered my calls since I left and when I called home they told me that they'd haven't heard from her either and she's haven't been home..
I'm losing my mind.
I'm tempted to go back and smack the shit out of her..
Leo is acting weird but I don't care my mind is on my wife.
The love of my life.

How could I tell her that I know who Justin is with out blowing my cover as bounty hunter?

When I walked into our room I felt it.
She hasn't been here. No one has been here since I left.
I walked into our closet and lot of her cloths are not here.
That moment I felt my heart break.
Is she with Justin? Is she on a hotel?
I think I just have to figure that out I need her back into arms.

I saw her today..
Her beautiful long red hair and blue eyes and filled lips she was wearing a black ripped skinny jeans and black crop top. She's so beautiful. Then I look closer at her face and I saw the bruise that covers her face I felt my heart break a little I asked her if he did it to her but she didn't answer he did. He told me that he wouldn't touch her I doubt that.. He said Leo hit her and I looked at Leo and I saw the guilt covering his face. How could he?
I lost control and started beating Leo. Justin much to enjoyment. Ciara stopped us and I tried coming to her calming her down but she told me to stay away? She reminded me when I put her on hospital and said she didn't trust me.
I felt like I'd been slapped in the face. Leo tried to talk to her but she snapped at him to which is totally understandable they were close. I could she how angry she was and I've never seen er this worked up before.
I tried to calm her down telling her to come home and we'd get trough this as family but she didn't answer Justin did...
He said he was the only family she had left and that ticked me off if he was so much family were was he at our wedding..?
I snapped at her which was a mistake..
I asked her if she would rather be with a drug dealer like him and he did the exactly the same blowing my cover as bounty hunter. Her face when she heard that I'd never forget it broke my heart to million pieces as she walked away leaving is behind.
When she left Justin stood there laughing at us.
I only have one thing in my mind now.
Kill Justin Graystone.

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