Chapter 14 Wake up.

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I wake up and Andrew is not next to me.

I instantly panic.

I stand up still wearing only my panties I grab a t-shirt of Andrew and wear it.

I walk into the kitchen and see Andrew is outside on the phone.
He looks like he's angry.

I stare at him for a little while I eat. Then he hangs up and walks in slamming the door behind him.

"Oh your awake?"

I can hear his the anger in his voice.


and I give him little smile.
As He walks into our bedroom.
Closing the door after him.
I sit for a little while, paralyzed.

Then I stand up following him.
I open the door where Andrew is sitting at the end of our bed with is face in his hands .

"Is everything okay?"

He looks at me startled He obviously didn't hear me come in.

"Everything is fine."

He says dry as Sahara.
He stands up taking me into his arms.

"Nothing I can't handle."

Im wearing a sea blue dress.
dancing like there is no tomorrow.
I smile and pick up seashell and whisper my secret in her and throw her back to the sea.

I'm like a fairy right now.

I'm beautiful.

It's dark outside but somehow I can see and the sea is filled with lights.
I see Andrew walk by looking at me as I wave him. His eyes are like fire.

No literally I can see flames in his eyes as he walks right at me.

Racing his hand up and smacking me down.


I look at him.
He's so angry.
Why did he hit me?
I stand up looking at him.

"I know what you did slut!"

And he rips the dress of me

"what the hell are you wearing? You look like clown!"

I can feel warm tears on my cheeks looking at what used to be my dress on the beach.

Torn apart.

I'm left only wearing my panties.

"Why are you crying!?"

He screams.

"Why are you doing this Andrew?"

I sob as He lifts his hand up again and I flinch away.


He screams at me as his fist hits my cheekbone. I instantly grab my chin and fall to the ground crying my eyes out.


I scream and scream as he keeps hitting me.


"Ciara wake up!"

"Ciara babe wake up!!"

I wake up by being shaken back to reality. Literally still crying my eyes out.

"Babe you okay it was just a dream"

he says as he holds me in his arms and kisses my forehead.

"Everything is okay you're save here with me. I won't let nobody hurt my baby girl!"

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