My class was what?!

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"My class was what?!" Alex shouted at Mrs. Jones, the head of MI6, who stood calmly in front of the teen.

"They were kidnapped Alex," she explains again.

"Yeah I heard you the first time it was rhetorical Jones," the boy replies. "Why do I have to retrieve them?"

"Because they're your class and we don't have anyone else," Jones tells him.

"Nobody? Because the field agents here are all out on missions, MI5 can't help, not one of the thousands of military personnel could help. Is that what you mean to tell me?" Alex questions sarcastically.

With a sigh Mrs. Jones replies. "You're the best option."

"These people hate me," Alex tried to point out.

"A lot of people hate you Alex," Mrs. Jones argues.

"Well, thanks for pointing that out," Alex snorts.

"Oh you know what I mean," Jones says brushing it off.

"No I don't Jones. Why don't you explain it to me?" Alex decides to play dumb.

"You make enemies Alex. You're not exactly the most likable person," Jones tries to explain.

Alex rolls his eyes at her foolish attempt of explaining her shitty personality. With a sigh he stands up and leaves the office to visit Smithers.

"Alex my boy," Smithers greets him. "How are you today?"

"I'm good Smithers. What do you got for me today?" Alex asks excitedly. He always loves the gadgets Smithers makes for him.

Smithers made a phone with several apps to help him, the ever so helpful zig cream, these explosive earrings, and a bracelet that holds a few sedatives.

Alex then leaves to get into the black MI6 car waiting outside the bank for him. He's driven to the place where his class mates were being held. The car wasn't to go any further so they didn't know that Alex was coming.

Alex walked to the clearing with the building in the middle. He observed the guards and how they were set up. There were one guard at each side of the building from what he could see. They make rotations every five minutes and there was a sniper on the roof aiming towards the only path to get there. The way Alex came.  Alex didn't know how to get around for the man on the roof would see him.

Alex glanced up and that's when he noticed. There was a branch just above where the man was if you can get to the other side of the clearing. Alex turns to the tree next to him and begins to climb. Luckily the trees were relatively close to one another so Alex wouldn't have too much trouble getting there. Only problem was he had to be as quiet as possible.

After a while he's finally on the branch above the sniper. He moves swiftly and quietly. He drops down and knocks the guy out. Grabbing the hand gun that was on the man, he makes his way inside from the roof.

Glancing down the corridor Alex tries to estimate the amount of man power they have.

"I can't believe I have to do this shit," he mutters as he counts at least 20 people he'll have to take down.

He quickly shoots off rounds aimed perfectly at the enemies legs, arms and stomachs. He gets half of them down before he runs out of ammo. Alex tosses the now useless gun to the side and has to begin hand to hand combat. They dropped like flies. Alex thought that this was the easiest mission he'd ever done. Theses people were dumbasses who couldn't fight hand to hand for shit.

The last man standing is finally knocked unconscious by Alex's elbow. Alex wipes off the blood from his hands onto his pants. He's about to continue on to try to find his classmates.

When he goes to leave the corridor he finally notices all of the eyes staring at him. The picture must be really confusing. A blonde teenager, standing in the middle of a couple dozen injured men and women, casually wiping blood on his pants, a teen whom they all know and make fun of.

Playing it off casually Alex goes, "oh hey, you're all here," he says. Grabbing a key card off one of the unconscious men he unlocks the cell. Everyone just stands there in shock, not moving, except for one who launches into their hero's arms.

"About time," Tom says while hugging his best mate.

"Shut up asshole," Alex replies while returning the hug.

"What the fuck," Alex's chemistry teacher says still in shock.

"I know right," Alex replies. "Bunch of dumbasses they were. Don't even know how to fight properly. Pathetic," he says while scowling at the man he took the keycard off of. He then turns to leave which toms arm across his back. The two boys begin to leave before realizing nobody's following them.

"You coming or what?" Alex asks the class. "I didn't just waste my day dealing with this shit only for you to stay here," he says when he gets no reply. "Ugh. You know what? Fine whatever. Stay here. Do what you want. For the record though. I did just risk my life several times to save all of your asses so I would be somewhat grateful."

Eventually the class got out of their shock and they filled him out of the building.

"Oh shit," Alex says while remembering the men on the ground.

"Okay just stay put for a sec," Alex says before slipping outside. Grunts and gunshots could be heard from where the class was standing.

"What. The. Fu—."

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