A reason to fight

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I slowly blink my eyes open. The light is blinding at first but my eyes slowly adjust to the light. I make an attempt to move my arms and legs but it results in nothing. I realize that my hands and ankles are strapped to a metal chair.

I realize that my entire body is throbbing. The pain almost paralyzing but not quite. I blink the exhaustion out of my eyes and it all comes back to me.

I was undercover at a Scorpia base but they quickly found out my identity. I then got a visit from Dr. three and here we are.

As if reading my mind, in walks Three.

"Why Alex," he says. "You think we wouldn't find out it was you?"

I don't respond to him. It may have pissed him off but I don't care that much.

Three scowls at my silence but quickly grabs a knife off of the nice table which holds a lot of sadistic tools.

Dr. Three stabs the knife into my stomach which hurts like hell but I make no reaction. Okay maybe I did piss this dude off.

He grips the knife and twists it before yanking it out of me.

"Take him to the other room," Three orders to the guards. Two men walk up and untie me. They punch me a bit and I pretend to be unconscious.

I take note of where we're going while being "unconscious." To be honest it's their fault for falling for all of my tricks. I wouldn't have noticed the exit if they knew I was awake.

One of the guards drops one half of my body to unlock the cell door. The two of them then throw my limp body into the cell. They quickly lock back up and leave.

I roll over and groan a bit. I then look around my relocation.

"Fuck me," I say under my breath. I look around at all of the eyes staring at me. Everyone is silent as they stare at me.

"Alex?" Sabina Pleasure calls out to me in question. I give her a small smile and wave.

"Hey Sab," I greet.

"Rider," My chemistry teacher says in confusion.

"Alex Rider," my principal says. Thank you Mr. Anthony I think we established that it was me.

"Cub?" Wolf asks. I give him a smile and before I know it Snake is walks over to me.

"Shirt off," he orders. I roll my eyes but comply. He glances at my injured body. Snakes eyes lock on the bleeding stab wound and quickly takes his undershirt off. He puts pressure on my wound while o just lie there unbothered.

"Is that a stab wound?" A girl that I recognize from my class asks. I can't believe my entire class and the teacher and principal are here. Don't forget my SAS unit and Sabina.

Snake ignores the question as do I. Once the bleeding stops Snake throws the shirt to the side and looks at the wound again.

"That's going to get infected," he tells me.

"Great, just what I need," I mutter. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He rest of the unit make their way over and ask if there's anything they can do to help.

"Are we going to die?" A boy from my class asks. I shrug but everyone else assures him no. Their "no"s sound very unsure.

"Where are we?" Mr. Anthony asks.

"Japan," I tell him. He looks over to me.

"What is happening?" He mutters. I just shrug.

"Cub I think you have internal bleeding," Snake tells me.

"Yeah I think so too," I tell him. Based off of the throbbing in certain parts of my body.

"Okay so what do you think your injuries are?" Snake asks me. I look up to him and he glares. I know he wants the honest answer.

"Internal bleeding, the knife nicked something I think, a set of cracked ribs, a infection, sprained wrist and ankle, and a possible concussion," I tell him. He glares at me and I shrink in on myself.

I hear some people from my school gasp in shock. I shrug them off and look at Tom. He just rolls his eyes at me and I shrug him off as well.

"So how do we get out of this?" Fox asks me. I sigh and glance at the large amount of people in the room. I can't get them all put and it seems like some of them know it.

"SAS will come soon and get us out but you all have to lay low for now," I tell everyone. "Also if they come for me let them take me. Do I make myself clear?" I ask K unit, Tom, and Sabina. Sabina and Tom reluctantly nod but it takes a bit more convincing for my unit.

"But Cub-" Wolf starts but I cut him off.

"No you will stay out and keep your mouth shut," I demand. The unit eventually agree and everyone rests for a few hours.

A while later Dr. Three walks in with two of Scorpias men. Most of the kids react in fear and the others just glare at Three along with k unit.

Three just gives everyone a sickening smile before turning to me.

"How are you feeling?" He asks mockingly.

"Fantastic," I reply with a snarl. The two men who followed Three into the room grab me and chain my arms to the wall. I didn't even notice them before but then again I was losing a lot of blood at the time. 

Dr. Three then walks over to me with a whip. I stare him dead in the eyes showing him that I'm not scared. He smiles at me and cracks the whip against my back.

It stings and burns but I don't give him any reaction. Three does it repeatedly until my back was fully cut and bleeding. My body droops from the blood I've lost. I glare at my unit to make sure they stay where they are.

"This is what you get for destroying our organization," Three spits at me. I give him a sarcastic smile in return.

"That was fun wasn't it?" I spit back. In return he cracks the whip harder against my lower back. "You got defeated by a bloody school boy. How does that feel Three? How does it feel to get outsmarted by a measly teenager?" I ask him mocking him about his failures.

"You were trained!" Dr. Three shouts in defense. I laugh a bit at his face. "Your uncle trained you!" I shrug at his statement.

"I'm still just a kid," I tell him.

Three reaches up and releases the chains. I collapse to the ground and Three and his minions leave the room.

I feel as though all of the energy has been drained out of me while Snake patches me up. I sleep for a while after that. When I wake up again I hear guns blaring.

I become alert pretty quickly and I notice that everyone in the room are huddled in a corner. K unit are prepared to fight and I make myself ready to fight as well.

Three and the men from earlier burst into the room. They begin to go for one of the kids in my class but I quickly stop them by knocking them both out. More men come in and I fight despite my injuries.

I walk over to Three after all of the men are taken down and hit Threes pressure point which immediately knocks him out.

SAS units bursts through the door but I pass out from the loss of blood.

I won because of one a single reason. I had a reason to fight.

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