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Alex returned to school after a month long mission. Almost nobody recognized him due to his change in appearance. His blonde locks were dyed brown and tattoos and piercings littered his body. He was dropped off in a black car with a man sitting in the driver seat. Everyone knew that Alex's uncle and father had died so who was the man that had just dropped Alex off.

Nobody really talked to the boy so nobody ever got an answer as to who that guy was that day at school. Teachers had a bit of shock show on their faces when they noticed the boy in their class. Alex knew that Tom was sick so he was in and out of Brookland.

The following day Alex drove his motorcycle to school. His guardian had to go in to work early this morning unexpectedly. People were confused as to why a kid this young was riding a motorcycle to school and where he had the money to buy it. Alex of course was given a lot of money from his escapades but no one knew about this.

Alex hopped of of his bike and went to class ignoring all of the stares and comments. He went to his first period class and sat quietly in the back of the classroom. The French teacher walked in and began her lesson. Alex spoke French fluently so he caught himself spacing out a bit.

"-ex. Alex," the woman snapped in his face gaining his attention.

"Yes ma'am?" He asks. She scowls at the boy who never came to school and muttered, "dumb kid who can't even come to class," in French. She figured that nobody spoke a high level of French in that class given that it's not an advanced class. "The office called and the principal would like to speak with you," Alex's teacher said switching back to English.

Alex stood up with his backpack and began to leave. Before he left he turned back to his French teacher. "I'm not dumb," he retorted to her earlier comment shocking the teacher before he left the classroom.

Alex made his way to the office where his principal called him into his office. There was three chairs on one side of the seat in the office and the chair of the principal on the other side. A police man was sitting in a chair. He looked young as if he had just graduated college. The principal of Brookland gestured for Alex to sit while sitting down in his own chair. Alex say next to the police officer and remained silent.

"My name is Officer Collins," the cop stated.

"Alex," he introduced in return. The officer looked at him.

"Why did you drive your motorcycle to school this morning?" The officer asks. Alex didn't see the harm in telling him.

"My guardian had an emergency at work so he couldn't drive me," he told the officer.

"Where does your guardian work," the officer asks the boy in front of him. Alex raises his eyebrows in question but answers the man anyway.

"Government," Alex informs the guy.

"What area?"

"I can't tell you," Alex says. Mr. Smith the principal stepped in here.

"You have to Alex," he said to the kid.

"No I don't actually. I didn't need to answer any of these questions but I did. I can't tell you which part of the government he works in because of legal reasons," Alex says.

"Your fourteen of I'm correct Alex," Officer Collins stated and it was confirmed when Alex nodded.

"You aren't old enough to drive," Officer Collins said and Mr. Smith nodded in agreement.

"I'm different," Alex says not knowing how to go about this.

"How do?" Collins asks.

"I need to drive because of my work," Alex says unsurely.

"What work?" The principal asks him.

"That's classified," Alex says.

"Kid you can't be driving without a license which isn't possible to get at your age," Officer Collins says. A knock on the door sound through the room.

"Come in," Mr. Smith says. Another officer steps through the door.

"Sorry I was late I was in the car making a call," the man said while taking another seat. Alex was leaning back in his chair a bit annoyed.

"Now I heard someone was driving without a license," he said while looking around the office eyes landing on Alex.

"Yes," Officer Collins says but is interrupted by Alex.

"I do have a license. Nobody bother to ask though," Alex says dismissively.

"He fourteen sir," Officer Collins says still not believing anything Alex says.

"Well kid my name is Chief Evans," the police chief introduced. Alex shook his hand that was outstretched.

"Alex Rider," he said in return. Chief Evans eyes widened.

"The Alex Rider?" He said in shock.

"Yes sir," Alex replied.

"Your just a kid," Evans said confused. Before anyone else could say anything the door opened again. In walked Ben Daniels.

"Mr. Daniels," Collins greeted along with the chief. So apparently they have all met Alex thought. Ben did work with the police every now and again.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here Ben?" Chief Evans asks Ben.

"I'm his guardian?" Ben says while pointing at Alex.

"Your Alex Riders guardian?" Evans asked and Ben just nodded.

"Who the hell is Alex Rider?" Collins asked. Alex snickered at that.

"A myth in both the government and the underworld," Evans says. "He's supposed to have been an assassin at one point but some say he works for an intelligence agency."

"MI6," Alex pipes in. Everyone turns to face the kid.

"Your an assassin?" Collins asked.

"Well I'm trained to be one but that was only when I was on a mission," Alex informs the officer.

"Who trains a kid to be an assassin?" Evans asks with an unreadable look on his face.

"Scorpia," Ben says to the chief who's eyes widen along with Officer Collins.

"What is Scorpia?" Mr. Smith asks.

"So am I free to leave now?" Alex asks.

Chief Evans nods and Alex smiles before leaving the room full of confused men.

"What?!"  was the last thing he heard before he was out of ear range.

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