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A/n: sorry I haven't posted an update in so long but I hope you guys enjoy.

The pain that runs in waves through me is blinding. Every beat of my heart, every breath, every small movement I make, elevates my pain. 

The sound of my cell door opening quietly makes me shiver in slight fear. The pain radiating through me is enough. I can't take any more. I keep my head looking down which is the most comfortable position with my arms suspended from the ceiling. They are sore but my legs just can't hold my weight anymore.

Whoever came into the cell I'm being kept in is quiet. They have the quietness and ease of an assassin. I don't look up yet in case I can get any information while they think I'm asleep but instead of talking or torturing me they unclasp my restraints making me fall to the ground.

I feel arms catch me right before my head hit the ground. Those same arms lift me onto my shaking legs.

"We need to go Little Alex," an all to familiar voice says in my arms. The Russian accent is not easily forgotten.

Yassan lifts me up and moves me through the grungy halls of scorpia's base of operations. Scorpia members flood the halls trying to catch us but yassan gets us out of the base successfully.

He sets me down in the backseat of a car so that I can lay out and sleep and that's exactly what I do.

When I wake up I hear a voice on the phone speaking softly. I let my other senses observe the area before opening my eyes.

Eventually I do and Yassan walks over to me. "Hello," I say though it comes out a bit raspy. He smiles slightly before answering in that distinctive Russian accent.

"Good morning little Alex."

"I thought you were dead," I say to him. He smiles and says, "I'm not very easy to kill," which makes me smile.

"Where are we?" I ask while looking around the room I'm in.

"We're in America," he tells me and I look at him in shock. He nods showing me he's being truthful

"How?" I ask.

"After everyone thought I was dead I figured it was a good time to retire. I changed my name and moved to America. Welcome to the land of the free little Alex," he says and I smile in return. It's weird to be free of mi6's clutch.

"You are Alexander Smith, my son," yassan tells me. I hug him, "thank you" I say to him and he smiles in return.

"Hope your American accent is good," Yassan tells me and I look at him in curiosity.

"It's okay why?" I ask him.

"Because you start your new school tomorrow."

Wait what?
"Wake up," Yassan says. I roll over and get up.

"There are some clothes for you in that drawer," Yassan says while pointing to a wardrobe or a dresser rather.

I grab a vans hoodie and put on my old combat pants that Yassan somehow acquired. I then grab a pair of sneakers and head out of the room.

"Ready dad?" I ask Yassan. He laughs a bit and nods while offering me a protein bar. I take it and eat it on our way to the new school. Yassan explains to me our life story which is fairly simple. It only takes about five minutes from the apartment to the school.

"Bye Alex," Yassan says.

"Bye dad," I say in an American accent. I shit the car door and head into the school which is filled with students already. I walk to the office to get my schedule.

"Good morning," I'm greeted by whom I'm guessing is the secretary. I give her a small smile.

"Morning ma'am," I greet her in return.

"How can I help you?" She asks in a friendly manner.

"I'm here to get my schedule," I tell her and she looks down to her computer screen.

"Alexander Smith?" She asks just as the first period bell rings.

"Yes ma'am," I answer her. She then hands me my schedule.

"Your first period class is just around the corner room 24," she tells me and I thank her before making my way to the classroom. I put my hood up as I walk to the classroom that I was directed before knocking on the door. A tall man answers it and smiles at me.

"How can I help you?" He asks me.

"I'm new here," I say while handing him my transfer information. He glances over it.

"Welcome Mr. Smith," he says and I give him a small smile in return.

"Alex is just fine sir," I say.

"Okay Alex," he says. "You can sit in the back row next to Sabina. Sabina can you raise your hand?"

My breath catches in my throat at the name. I glance up slightly to find Sabina Pleasure raising her hand. My head is so far into my hood that she doesn't recognize me yet.

"Also Alex," Mr. Landry, the teachers name I think, says. I turn to him. "If you don't mind taking off the hood. I prefer it if I could see you. Of course you don't have to it's just a small pet peeve of mine."

I sigh before lowering my hood. I see him look at the jagged cut on my face that has almost healed from my time with scorpia. He then jus smiles that I took off my hood. But before I can move, I hear a sharp intake of breath. I look up into Sabina's hopeful eyes. She then looks at the cut on my face and her eyes tear up a bit. She stands up and walks over to me.

"Oh Alex," she says before pulling me into a hug. I hug her back and she starts to cry a bit. I rub her back and give her a small kiss on the forehead.

"It's okay," I whisper to her.

"I thought you died," she chokes up.

"Alex Rider did die," I tell her and she looks at me in confusion. "But Alex Smith was born."

Alex Smith was born, and I have Yassan to thank for that.

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