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"I swear to god I will kill you," Alex threatens. Dr. Three only laughs at the boy not realizing the seriousness behind the threat.

Ignoring Alex he turns back to the group along with the camera that was broadcasting to the entire country. "So Alex where do we even start?" He asks while grabbing a whip and snapping in against my chest. It stings but it won't hurt as much as the words that are about to leave his mouth.

"John was a good man. He worked well under us. I even met him once or twice. He was a great agent of ours only turns out he wasn't an agent of ours at all. A week after we found out he was a double agent we ordered for that plane holding Alex's parents to go down." Three lands another few strikes to Alex's body.

"Shut the hell up Three," Alex snarls but is only answered with more laughter. The students look at their classmate in terror and the adults look at the boy in horror of the things he faced. They don't even know half of it yet though.

"Now Ian Rider," Three continues. "Ian was good but still not as good as John. Both made it into our organization though. We figured out Ian and sent an assassin after him as he left. Yassen did his job quite well." Three then begins on Alex with a knife. The gashes bring an acute pain to his body but he still gives away no reaction. Not that Dr. Three was expecting him to.

"That's when Alex comes into play," Three says while stabbing the end of the knife into Alex's arm getting a small wince from the teenager. "MI6 decided to use him. Blackmail him actually. Turns out that Alex was even better than his father and uncle. Impressive for his age," Three says before motioning for one of the guards to come closer. "Knock his ribs around," were the orders from Dr. Three.

Dr. Three turns back to the mortified people and the live cameras to finish the story.

"After Alex ruined our plans twice we decided to do something about it. Of course he didn't have any family left but he did have his housekeeper," small grunts of pain come from Alex as his ribs snap from the force of the man's fists.

"We killed her and made him watch."

The room is completely silent. Nobody even moves.

"There's only one way this will end Three," Alex spits at the man. The adult just turns back to Alex and smiles before walking out. The guards follow him while grabbing all of the torture items.

The cell door slams shut and Alex just sighs in aggravation. Tom stands up to take the chains off. Once Alex is released he walks over and grabs his shirt from off the ground.

"Let's go," Alex says while going over to the door.

"Where?" His classmate asks.

"Don't know yet," Alex tells him.

"Maybe you should take a break," Tom suggests. Alex gives his best friend a deadpanned look.

"I'm about to get rid of a few pests," Alex says before taking off one of his earrings and putting it on the lock of the door. The lock melts making a quick release for them.

The boy makes his way into the hall with everyone following him in caution. Tom walks behind him and everyone else follows. The group quietly make their way through the halls. Alex motions for everyone to pause while he turns the corner and takes out two guards. He grabs one of their guns and tells everyone to move once again.

Alex makes his way through the halls and comes to another stop when they reach the outside of a door with many voices coming from inside. He hears Dr. Threes voice and knows that it is his chance. Alex waits until the voices stop and Three walks out.

When the man comes out of the room Alex is quick to act. He shoves the adult against the wall and aims the gun towards him.

Three being a well trained Scorpia member knocks the gun away in a fast motion.

With both men being weaponless they start with hand to hand combat. Alex rips the other earring out and shoves it in the door effectively jamming the lock so that no one could come out. Smithers gave him one of each and they both came in hand on more than one occasion so Alex adapted them into his everyday wardrobe.

Dr. Three throws a punch to the right side of Alex's face but the teen dodges it just in time. Alex quickly throws a jab to Threes side and they both continue to try to get hits in. That's until the older man throws a kick to Alex's broken ribs making the boy crumple to the ground.

Three stands over the young teen with a malevolent smile.

"It was always going to end like this Alex," he says before going for a final blow to Alex's head. Before the hit makes contact Alex makes a quick move and hits Dr. Threes pressure point making the man paralyzed.

"The only way that this will end," Alex begins with a glare set on his face. "It will always end with me on top," he spits out at Three. "And as much satisfaction it would bring me to have you die at my hands, I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it because MI6 is here and ready to take you all into custody. And trust me Three, you will rot in a prison cell especially in the place I know you're going. Where you're going to be for the rest of what you know as life," Alex snarls.

He then walks over to the exiting door and outside with everyone else slowly following him to their freedom.

Jones along with many agents flood the place taking all of the members into custody.

That was the end of Scorpias organization.

A/n: I apologize for taking so long. I was on vacation for a couple weeks and I just lost track of time. Along with that I wasn't sure what to write but I finally finished this one so I hope you guys enjoy.

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