Normal Life

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I watch as the buildings in London get smaller and smaller until I can no longer see them. The place that I have called home my entire life is the place that I'm leaving behind. Mr. Pleasure sits silently in the seat beside me while I star out the airplane window. After Jacks death Jones decided to pull me out of the field and send me to America to live with Sabina and her family. I said yes because I felt that I did need some sort of change in my life. The Pleasures are nice people too. They know that I have some sort of connection to MI6 but I never went into detail about my life with them. I may tell them one day. Jones said it was fine and she would just have them sign an OSA when they do find out.

The plane touches down at the airport and I find it interesting to see what my new home is like. I follow everyone off the plane and go to get my bags.

"Ready to see the girls Alex?" Mr. Pleasure asks me. I give him a small smile and nod. He returns the gesture and we both grab our bags mine obviously having a lot more in it. I technically still own Ian's house but currently it is not being used. I just didn't want to sell it and I couldn't rent it out it would be kind of suspicious to have that many security systems for one home. I don't know why I never questioned my uncle on that.

"Alex," I hear before Sabina crushes me into a hug. I wrap my arms around her as she buries her face into my shoulder. I smile, missing that comforting feeling of a hug. Scorpia agents don't exactly do that.

"Hey Sabina," I say and she smiles brightly at me as she pulls away. She grabs my hand while keeping eye contact.

"Welcome home," she says.
It's been about a week since I arrived in America. It's been nice so far. The places to visit here are cool and hanging out with Sabina and her family has been nice.

I walk downstairs with Sabina as Mrs. pleasure calls us down for dinner. The four of us sit down at the table where plates are set up for our supper.

"How was you day Alex?" Mrs. Pleasure asks.

"It was fine," I answer her. She smiles back and reply's with a, "good."

We continue to eat the grilled chicken that Mrs. Pleasure before Mr. Pleasure speaks up.

"How do you feel about starting school?" He asks me. I haven't really thought about it since being here. I kind of forgot that school existed. Luckily my spy life didn't really effect my academics that much last year. I always found learning pretty simple and the only thing that really affected my grades last year were the absences.

"I'm fine with starting," I answer him. He nods and Sabina starts talking about how nice everyone at her school is. After dinner the Pleasures help me pick out some classes as they had already contacted the school and I was starting school next week.
My fist day of school tomorrow in almost four months. It will be interesting to get a new reputations school because back at Brookland I was just druggie Alex.

Sabina wakes me up early to get ready. Sabina being well Sabina picks out an outfit for me to wear saying something about how boys have no sense of fashion. My wardrobe is kind of weird given that during all the missions I had to have different appearances but Sabina doesn't know that she just thinks I bought random clothes. I would have worn some of my old clothing but most of it is either too small or extremely big. In the end Sabina picks out a leather jacket I wore for one of my missions some combat pants and a plain white t shirt. I'm fine with it and just grab the phone Smithers made me to work like a real phone as well as a few special features. Sabina and I grab some food and head to the bus stop where a yellow bus comes to stop in front of us. The bus is crowded and loud but Sabina and I find an empty seat towards the back.

"Are you okay?" She asks me. I look towards her.

"Yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be," I answer her.

"I was just wondering. When we get to school I'll introduce you to a few of my friends and I'll show you to our first class because it's the same for both of us," Sabina tells me and I give her a smile which she easily returns. I forgot how much I missed her when she moved away. I missed her smile and our random talks. I missed everything about her.

When we finally arrive at the high school everyone quickly gets off the bus. I'm mostly ignored but a few people look at me curiously.

"New kids hot," one girls says as I walk by and it appears that Sabina heard it too and quickly grabs my hand to intertwine our fingers. I don't refuse because I think we've both been aware of our feelings towards each other for a while now. Sabina leads me over to a group of kids consisting of a boy with read hair and dark clothes, a girl with purple streaks in her brown hair who is looking at her phone, and a guy with his nose in a book that leaves me in shock when he looks up.

"Hey guys," Sabina greets when we get there. "This is Nico, Alissa, and James."

James stares at me for a second in confusion. James Sprintz was the boy I met when I was at Point Blanc. He was my only friend at that place so when we meet each other's eyes I slightly freeze.

"Everyone this is," Sabina starts but is cut of by James mumbling a name.

"Alex," he says and walks towards me to give me a quick hug.

"Hey James what are you doing here?" I asks him. He snorts a laugh before answering me. "I should ask you the same thing," he reply's.

"How do you guys know each other?" Sabina asks. The two of us share a Look because we can't just come out and say 'oh we met at this crazy exclusive academy when the person in charge was absolutely insane and tried to lock us in a cell while he made clones of kids.' That might be frowned upon.

"We met at school," James answers.

Sabina looks surprised. "Oh you went to Brookland?" She asks him. He gives her a confused look.

"No at an Academy," he answers. Sabina then turns in confusion to me.

"What academy?" She asks me. Well shit. I can't exactly get out of this situation easily.

"Point Blanc," I answer her which makes her eyes widen.

"That exclusive academy that got shut down?" Sab asks. James and I both nod. "What were you two doing at such a prestigious academy?" We both sigh and James answers her before I can.

"My father is Dieter Sprintz Who is a rich banker and if you know Alex then you must know that his father is Mr. Friend," James says to Sabina.

"What?" She asks and he other stare at us in confusion too.

"Your father is Sir David Friend?" The boy named Nico asks.

"Uh no I was in this weird situation and I went to the Academy under a different name for particular reasons," I answer vaguely.

"Wait you name isn't Alex Friend?" James asks.

"No it's Alex Rider," I tell him.

"Should have known," he says. "You were kind of odd and you did save my ass I'll give you that," James says. I give him a small smile and everyone just looks at us in confusion. "I also heard that Grief and this people were arrested which is good." I nod in agreement with James' statements.

Before anybody else can say anything the bell rings and everyone parts except for Sab and I.

"I'm confused," she says as she leads me to the classroom.

"Later," I tell her with a sigh.
I sit on a couch next to Sabina and Mr. and Mrs. pleasure sit across from us.

"I worked as a spy for MI6," I inform them and they all look to me in shock. That's when I launch into my crazy, insane, complicated life with MI6.

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