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"Are you serious?" Sargent Tyler asks the head of MI6. Tulip Jones sighs but orders him in return. "You want to send bloody school children to my SAS base?" Tyler nearly shouts.

"Yes. They are in need of protection. I will also be sending Alex or Cub as you call him. Alex will arrive later and the other kids will arrive in a few days," Mrs. Jones tells the Sargent. Jones had received a threat on a few students at Brookland. She thought the best thing to do was place them in a military base. They were allowed to bring one family member along but that's it.

Tyler thinks that the woman had finally lost it. First they put a teenager into the field and now they were sending him children to protect. They only child Tyler could even say he liked was Alex.

Alex Rider has just returned from a mission in America. After the end of the mission he headed to the bank.

"Jones," he says in greeting to his "boss." She opens a peppermint and places it in her mouth.

"Alex," she greets back. "We're sending you to Beacons," she says dismissively. Alex didn't complain. There were worse places to be. Instead he gets up from the seat he had just sat in and goes to leave. "Oh and Alex," Jones says in a concerned voice making the young boy turn to her. "Make sure to have a medical examination before you leave," she tells him. Jones knows that he wouldn't let anyone know about his injuries unless forced. Alex knows that he is being forced therefore he just nods in answer.

Alex walks through the halls of the "bank" down to the medical area. This is an area he's become quite accustomed to.

"Rider what do you have this time?" one of the medics ask me. Alex shrugs a bit.

"Nothing much," he replies even though they both know that that's not true.

"Well let me rephrase that, what will you be showing me today?" She asks again. Alex gives her his wrist though he already knows that the bone is broken. He's pretty sure he has a broken leg and a few broken ribs along with a gunshot wound on his abdomen as well. But she doesn't need to know about those Alex thinks to himself.

"Well it's broken alright," she says to herself with a sigh. "You always find a way to get hurt don't you Alex," she says to me with a fond smile. He returns the smile and say, "Well you know me doc and besides you wouldn't have a job without me," Alex says and she snorts a bit.

"Your not wrong," she tells me with a small chuckle. She bandages Alex's broken wrist tightly know that he doesn't want a cast. Alex knows she's going to give me a brace anyway but they know he probably won't wear it. It definitely doesn't hurt compared to other things that he's been through.

Alex takes the brace and grabs the bag with his stuff in it before exiting the bank. There's a car waiting to drive him to Beacons. Alex gets in wordlessly and relaxes in the car on the drive.

When Alex arrives he grabs his things and hops out of the car after saying his thanks to the driver. Tyler greets the boy at the gate and he lets Alex in.

"How are you doing kid?" Tyler asks the boy he's grown fond of.

"I'm good thank you," Alex replies.

"What happened to the wrist?" He Sargent asks. He can't help but worry for the poor kid.

"It's broken," Alex shrugs it off like it's nothin which concerns Tyler.

"Well come to me if you need anything Cub," Tyler says before going his separate way. Alex turns to walk towards his unit cabin.

He doesn't knock but instead just walks quietly in. Alex is amused to say the least when he silently enters. Wolf has wrestled Eagle to the ground and Snake stands above them while scolding them like the mom he is.

Fox just stands in the comet snickering to himself. Alex just stops and watches the rest play out.

"Stop messing with my things!" Wolf shouts at the hyperactive member of their unit. Eagle gives Wolf a looks that feigns innocence.

"I didn't know that would happen," Eagle says ignoring Snake rolling his eyes and focusing on Wolfs angry glare.

"What did you think was going to happen when you put glitter in my shampoo?!" Wolf shouts angrily. Alex then takes a closer look at his unit leader. He notices the pink shimmer in Wolfs hair and can't help but let out a small chuckle.

All of the attention in the room turns to Alex. Eagle is the first to react.

"Cub!" He shouts gleefully while launching himself at the teen. Alex hugs Eagle back for a moment.

"Hey Cub," Wolf and Fox greet. Snake then walks over to the boy.

"What happened to your hand?" Snake asks Alex in concern while looking over the rest of the teens body. Alex shrugs him off annoyed by the unit medics fretting.

"I'm fine Snake," Alex assures. Snake rolls his eyes knowing that the kid was lying. Alex just walks past him and places his stuff on his bunk and changing into the SAS uniform.

"Wanna Tim the course now?" Wolf asks Alex. Alex agrees to doing the course because it's easy and required.

The unit walks to the course and Alex gets to the starting point. Wolf tells him to start and Alex zips through the course.

"Okay show off lets go get some food," Fox says jokingly at Alex. The five of them go to the hall to eat some food.

"So what's new with you Cub?" Snake asks the boy.

The rest of the night they unit catches up and the next couple of days were similar. Alex however was not informed about his classmates arrival. To say Alex will be surprised is a understatement.

K unit of course would have told Cub but they didn't know Alex wasn't informed.

"K unit, you will be taking care of the kids and their families. Cub your in charge of them and Wolf help him out," the unit all agrees to their Sargents orders. "They're at the gate now," Tyler informs them.

Alex exits alongside his unit and cant help but ask the question.

"What children?" He asks and the unit looks at him in confusion. Alex just raises his eyebrows. "What children?" He stresses this time when repeating his question.

The unit exchange glances.

"We thought someone told you," Snake says which confuses Alex more.

Alex raises his eyebrows and the unit sighs and exchange a few more looks.

This really will be a surprise.

A/n: Okay so I will be working on part 2 soon and I will publish it as soon as I have finished. I just want to say a quick thanks for the love I have gotten for this one shot book. I never expected people to even read it so thank you guys. 💞

Also happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈

Alex Rider one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now