Football or Soccer pt. 1 (request)

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It has been a few weeks since Alex Rider began to live with the Pleasures. After Jacks sudden death and Blunts retirement, Jones decided it was best to live somewhere else with someone he knew. It turned out to be California with the Sabina and her parents.

Joe Byrne, the head of the CIA, helped Alex get a visa so he could live there. Helping save the world had its perks.

"So Alex, I was thinking that maybe it's time for you to start school," Mrs. Pleasure offered as the family were eating dinner.

The blonde teenage spy looked up from his plate and nodded with a small shrug. "Sure, why not?" He spoke.

They all returned to eating the pot roast, Mrs. Pleasure with a smile on her face.

The following evening the Pleasures sat down and explained to Alex how school was going to work. It was basically just a hour long conversation about how Sabina will help him with everything.

The first day of school for Alex was different from what he was used to. Every morning he would wake up, Jack would feed him, he would grab his bike, head over to Toms, and then they'd go to school together on their bikes. In America he had to take the bus because he didn't have a bike to ride nor does he know how to get to the school so he has to settle for the bus alongside Sabina.

The bus was a nightmare for Alex. He hates to say it but he preferred Malagosto over that godforsaken bus. At least the students there were relatively quiet, even if their job was to kill people.

"You'll get used to it," Sabina unhelpfully assures.

'Don't bet on it,' Alex thinks to himself.

As soon as the doors to what Alex refers to as the 'panic room' opens, the ex spy almost jumps out of the doors. Sabina joins him in getting off the headache inducing automobile along with the crazies aka the students.

Sabina leads Alex to the office and along the way eventually loses San to get there himself. She stopped at least three times to have conversations with friends so Alex ditched her and tried to find the main office by himself. It wasn't too hard given that there were several signs leading to the office.

"How may I help you," the short lady at the front desk asks.

"I'm new here," says the boy.

"Alexander Rider?" The woman asks while glancing down at her papers. Alex gives a simple nod in return. The woman shoves a schedule in his hands and he walks off.

The building also wasn't too hard to navigate for the assassin trained spy. He easily made his way to his first period class which he just so happened to share with Sabina.

After sitting in an empty seat towards the back of the classroom Sabina comes waking in and straight towards Alex.

"Where the hell did you go?" She asks him while giving him a small but firm snack on the arm. Alex innocently looked up at her.

"You were taking too long," he defends.

"Well I could have introduced you to some people if you waited," she replies. Alex just shrugs her off because to be completely honest he wasn't looking to become popular like he knew Sabina was.

The classroom silences as the teacher walks in and Sabina sits in the desk behind Alex.

"Good morning guys," the man says. He looks over his students and his eyes land on Alex.

"You must be new," he says to Alex who gives a nod in return. "Well I'm Mr. Johnston and you are?" He asks.

"Alex Rider," he introduces earning looks from his peers at his British accent. Even Mr. Johnston looks at him in curiosity.

"Where abouts are you from?" He asks the new student.

"'round Chelsea sir," Alex replies and gets a nod in return.

"What are you doing in America then Alex? If you don't mind me asking that is."

"My previous guardian passed away so I came to live with some friends," Alex answers.

"Oh I'm sorry," Mr. Johnston apologizes to Alex who just brushes it off. The English class starts and ends eventually. Alex not paying that much attention but still putting in a bit of effort.

Alex's next class, math, went just about the same but the teacher had made him stand in front of the class and introduce himself.

Next came lunch. Thank god Alex thought as he made his way to an unfortunately crowded cafeteria. Sabina dragged him, quite literally, to her table where the people he could only assume were the popular group.

"Everyone, this is Alex he's going to be staying with my family now," Sab introduces.

They all say hello to him some more pleasantly than others.

"So where are you from Alex?" A blonde haired kid asks.

"Chelsea," Alex answers.

"You play soccer?"

"I did play some football back home," Alex replies.


"It football. You play with your feet," Alex states. 'Fucking Americans' he thinks silently.

"Whatever man," the kid, who he was still unsure of his name, said. "Well I'm Trey and tryouts are today so feel free to come."

Alex thinks on it a bit. He figure why the hell not. He missed playing some footie with Tom and his old friends and why not. Alex was pretty good at it anyway.

The final two periods of the day were pretty boring and Alex tells Sab that he was gonna stay for tryouts.

Alex made his way down to the "soccer" fields. Though he had no fear he figured he could get some after today. A group of boys were already there including Trey.

Trey came and greeted him.

"Hey man, you decided to tryout?" He asks earning a nod from the spy.

"I don't have any gear," Alex tells him.

"It's fine I have some extra cleats and coach should have some socks and shin guards you can borrow," Trey assures. Alex gets the cleats from Trey and then gets lead to the football coach.

"Hey Coach, this is Alex he needs to borrow socks and shins," Trey says. The tall but slim man nods and grabs his bag.

"Alex was it?" The man checks.

"Yes sir," Alex replies.

"Ah, and English boy," the Coach states obviously. "Play back home?"

"Yes sir," Alex answers.

"What position?"

"Striker but I could fall back to defense when I needed to," Alex replies and earns a nod from the man. Alex takes the socks and shins being offered and quickly puts the gear on.

The tryouts start and Alex could quickly tell he was one of the more experienced on the team. They mainly scrimmaged each other and that's how they spent the hour.

Coach stoped Alex after practice as he was about to leave.

"You're good kid," he tells him.

"Thank you sir," Alex replies.

"I can already tell you you made the cut. Come back tomorrow anyway," the man says.

"Of course," Alex says with a small smile.

"Also I need your medical records if you don't have them I can't let you play so if you need to have your parents get me your file or go to a doctor for a physical."

Alex pauses realizing he would never successfully pass a physical. "Yes sir," Alex replies anyway before walking away.

Now what was he going to do?

A/n: there will be another part btw I just don't know when I'll write it

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