A normal day

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I walk alongside Tom as we wander around the shops. We decide to cut school for a day and just do something normal for once. Lord only knows how much I need it. Being a teenage spy has takin its toll both physically and mentally. The scars that blemish my once clear skin are just a reminder of my days in captivity and running. The nightmares which are yet another reminder of my past, keep me awake at night. MI6 stripped away he remaining normalcy that I had. I was always treated differently because I had no parents. Adults had pity on me and children made jokes about it because I didn't have a mother and father to go home to. I wasn't normal and the small part of me that was normal was taken away from me.

As we walk around the shops I notice a few other kids who skipped school. It's not a very uncommon thing around here and I know everyone around the area has done it at least once. Tom and I stop in a few stores because Tom likes to buy everything he can find. I just buy a few shirts and shoes because after all of my missions none of my clothes fit me anymore.

"So, how was that presentation you had yesterday?" Tom asks me.

"It was fine. A bit boring you know?" I tell him and he nods in understanding. Tom and I make small talk while we make our way to the food court.

"Want a pizza?" I ask Tom and he nod his head in agreement with my suggestion. We enter the court and order a pizza. As we sit down at a table after getting our pizza. I look around out of force of habit. A strange yet familiar feeling washes over me. It's like that moment when you feel that something good or bad is gonna happen.

"Shut up," I hear a deep voice order. I don't turn my head just yet and instead eat my pizza. Of course nothing ever works in my favor and fate just so had it to ruin my day.

"Eagle! Shut up," I hear Wolfs voice snap yet another time. I finally glance at them. K unit are sat at a table a few rows across from me. It's weird to see them in their regular clothes. I'm used to seeing them in uniform as we train day and night. Tom notices me glance over at them and raises his eyebrows in question.

"That's my SAS unit," I say quietly to Tom and he nods in realization. I take one more glance over there and the whole unit seem to be in a heated conversation. Eagle is talking while Fox snaps something at him. Snake just looks a bit annoyed and Wolf is seething. I swear he's about to punch Eagle. I notice people start to look at them as their voices grow louder. They sure do know how to attract attention.

"Can you ever shut up for just five minutes?" Wolf harshly snaps. I silently laugh as Eagle pouts at his harsh words but Eagle being Eagle result in him talking once again.

Tom and I finish our pizza and we decide to subtly walk out of the food court. My luck just had to end right here when Eagle spots me.

"Cubbbbbb?!" Eagle exclaims while running towards me. He trips on a chair which ends up with him tackling me to the ground. I roll my eyes, sigh and gently push him off me. The other members of K unit walk up to me and help Eagle and I up.

"How you doing Cub?" Fox asks with a small smile.

"Good," I tell him. Snake pats me in the back after wolf does. "So what have you guys been up to?" I ask the unit. I immediately regret asking the question as Eagle opens up his mouth. Snake, Fox, and I all sigh where as Wolf looks about ready to commit murder.

All I wanted was a normal day.

A/n: sorry this is really bad and really short. Things have just been stressful lately and I felt bad for not updating in a while. I'll try to update ASAP :)

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