Back to school

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Background: After Jack dies Alex goes back to school instead of living with the Pleasures.

The ringing of an alarm clock wakes me up. I must've fallen asleep around 2:00 this morning. My sleep schedule has been thrown off ever since Jack's death. It's been two months and everything has changed. I now live on my own even though I'm a minor. I didn't want to put anybody else in danger especially Sabina and her parents so I decided to live by myself. Mrs. Jones owed me and I told her that I deserve to at least decide where to live. After much debating she reluctantly agreed.

I glance at the clock that reads 6:45am and slowly get out of bed. I take a quick shower and dress into my school uniform. It feels like I haven't worn it in years. I've been missing school for about three months and I missed a lot more before then.

After Jack's dea- death I just wanted to take some time to myself but now I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do. First off because I missed more school. Second there is only so many times you can call out sick before they stop believing it. And third because last time I was sitting in class at good old Brookland someone tried to shoot me. Of course they don't know for sure it was me they were after but it's not very hard to figure out.

I haven't had contact with anybody for the past couple months except for Smithers and Jones occasionally. They both know I'm going back to school today and wished me luck.

I leave my house at 7:00 and begin my walk to school. It feels almost normal but I don't remember what normal feels like. I walk into the grounds of Brookland and I almost immediately see my best friend Tom running towards me. He throws his arms around me which attracts some looks from others.

"Oh my god your alive," he says and I nod in return. "Where the hell have you been Alex?" Tom asks me.

"I just took some time off," I tell him.

"Did they send you out again?" He asks talking about mi6 and I shake my head in return.

We head into school together and go to first period which Tom is in. We have Geometry first period. While sitting in the classroom I remember the times when I sat here without a care in the world. Oh how things change.

Mr. Brooks walks in and begins taking attendance without looking up.






"Here," I reply which makes everyone including Mr. Brooks look up. He looks shocked as do half of the rest of the class.

"Alex your back," he manages to say. I nod in return to his question. "Hopefully it's for good this time," he says and I don't respond to that.

I sit through the remainder of class in complete silence. When the bell rings I get up and head to the next class that I have.

As I enter the classroom my teacher stops me.

"Alex, the principal would like to see you," the elder woman who always wore a dress to school told me. I nod and turn around ignoring the snickers and 'druggie' comments.

As I walk to the office the secretary leads me to the principal's room. I knock and get a soft "enter," in reply.

Mr. Tate smiles at me, it was kind but not happy.

"Please take a seat Alex," he says while gesturing for me to sit on a chair across from his desk. "It's good to see you."

"Thank you sir," I politely reply not really knowing how to answer that.

Mr. Tate sighs, "as you know you've been out of school for quite so time and we just don't believe the sick excuse anymore."

Alex also lets out a sigh because he knew this would happen eventually.

"Care to tell me where you have been?" He asks me. I of course can't legally tell him.

"I can't exactly say sir," I tell him honestly.

"I contacted your guardian and their coming in now," Mr. Tate informs me. I look at him confused.

"My guardian?" I ask. He stares at me a second probably to tell if I'm joking or not.

"Why do you sound surprised?"

Our conversation is interrupted by a knock on the door followed by Mrs. Jones entering. I look up at her in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" I ask genuinely wanting to know the answer.

"Well I'm put down for all of your contact information," The head of mi6 says. Well that's news to me.

"Seriously?" I ask but am interrupted, rudely might I add, by Mr. Tate clearing his throat.

"You must be Mrs. Jones I'm Mr. Tate," he introduces.

"Yes that would be me," she answers him and then takes a seat next to me.

"Well as you know, Alex has missed quite a bit of school. And we just can't overlook this anymore," Mr. Tate says.

"Oh I see," Mrs. Jones then turns to look at me. "Well as you know Alex has been through quite a lot."

Mr. Tate sighs. "Yes I know but we can't overlook his absences."

Mrs. Jones smiles at him. "I work for the government and I'm sure we could work something out."

"What area do you work for if you don't mind me asking?"

Well that's not happening I mean, right? She can't just spill government positions and secrets.

"I'm the head of mi6," Mrs. Jones answers leaving me and Mr. Tate in shock.

"Now I need you to sign something," she said and Mr. Tate signed the documents without hesitation.

"Now that that's done let's move on. Alex Rider has worked for us on many occasions..."

A/n: I just want to point out that I don't own any of the characters and these are just some fanfics of Anthony Horowitz's Alex Rider series.

P.s. I will take any requests or ideas for one shots just comment or message me.

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