Who is Alex Rider?

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The entire school of Brookland had only one thing on their minds. Who is Alex Rider?

Some students know him as the "druggie". That kid who is addicted to drugs. They make fun of him when he does come to school about how he probably overdosed again. Other students know him as the kid in the gang. Alex Rider always shows up with new injuries and that is the cause of new rumors. Teachers don't know what to think. He misses school all the time and the same excuse is given every time. They are told that he is sick but things just don't match up. Suspicions grew.

It is not unknown information that Alex Rider was orphaned at a young age and his uncle died more recently. Everyone at Brookland knows that he has one friend as well. Tom was almost as secretive as Alex when it came to Riders life. Schoolmates know he knows a lot more about Alex than he lets on. Teachers know it as well which has resulted in them trying to get information from him. Tom has never spoken a word not even to his other friends because he is loyal to his best friend.

A few weeks into the second semester at Brookland Alex Rider returned to school after a two month long mission. He had his hair dyed dark brown and a few tattoos on different parts of his bodies. Alex had never minded actually dying his hair so when he had a mission he wasn't bothered by his change in hair color. The mission involved taking down a drug ring and to go undercover he needed some tattoos. Smithers came up with tattoos that could come off with a particular solution but would otherwise not come off. Of course Alex was in the ring for a couple months and this resulted in him having to get tattoos with some of the guys from the ring. So now he had five real tattoos but only two were visible at his school thanks to his uniform.

Alex Rider walked into his school acting as though he didn't hear the snarky comments about him. He walked through the halls and went to the office to pick up his new schedule.

"Good morning Alex," she secretary greeted the young, mysterious teen. He gave her a small smile and reached out to grab his schedule from her. "There are a few new teachers here but they were just hired a couple weeks ago so you don't have to worry about them judging you," she tells him and although Alex was surprised they hired teachers in the middle of the year, he give her another small smile before heading to his first class.

The schedule told him that he had honors French first period. He could very well be in a much high level class seeing as though he speaks French fluently but between the absences and the class options that's the best he could do. The only other option for language is Spanish which Alex also speaks fluently.

The hallways are filled with school children tryin to make it to class. Alex was lost in the sea of people but made it to the classroom with ease and went unnoticed by other classmates. He really didn't want them asking questions.

Alex entered the half full classroom and went towards an empty seat in the back. He kept the hood of his jacket up as the classroom filled up. He noticed some people looking but simply ignored the stares. After a few minutes the teacher came in.

"Good morning everyone my name is Oliver but you can call me Mr. S," a man with an average height said as he walked into the room. Alex snapped his head up at the voice that he easily recognized. Snake was his SAS units medic and apparently his new French teacher. Alex sighed knowing that this would be a long day.

Oliver entered the room and looked at his class. He's no teacher but he can speak French. He glances over some of his students and makes sure to school his features when his eyes come into contact with the teen sitting in the back of the classroom. He wonders why Cub is here but then realizes what K units mission was. It's to protect their youngest member. Oliver already had the rest of his unit on standby in case something happened as the others did with him.

Alex and Oliver catch eyes for a quick second before Oliver walks behind his desk. Snake looks at the class assignment and notices that this is a honors French class and he knows Cub speaks fluent French. Snake thinks that he should at least be in AP but decided not to comment to the boy about it.

"So you guys are in honors Spanish?" Oliver asks just to double check and is answered with a few nods. "Okay who can tell me a sentence in French?" He asks the students. Nobody raises their hand and he sighs. He looks at the class sheet and calls out a few peoples names. None of them could make a sentence and Oliver was slowly getting aggravated.

After calling on seven students Oliver sighs and calls on Cub. "Mr. Rider please help me," Snake says in an almost pleading tone which almost made Alex laugh. When Alex finally told Snake a sentence he was overjoyed. Snake could finally call it a day. Alex couldn't help but snicker at how bad his unit medic was at teaching and he could only imagine the rest of the unit which he could tell were here as well.

Just as the class was supposed to end a window was broken be multiple masked men jumping into the room. Snake stood up and pressed a button slyly which Alex figures would alert the others. Within seconds Alex was held in a headlock with a knife lightly touching his neck. Snake stood and held his gun at the man who was threatening Cub's life. Soon enough the other members of the unit burst through the door with their guns trained on the other masked men in the room.

One of the men steps forward and rips his mask off. Alex immediately knew who it was and the other members of the unit faintly recognized it yet only Fox put the pieces together. Dr. Three walked closer to Alex who was still in a headlock with the knife almost piercing his skin. 

"My my Alex you have changed," Three says. "I see you still have you unit protecting you."

Snake glances around the room confused. "Who are you?" Oliver asks.

"I'm sad you don't remember me. I'm Dr. three," the man snarls. The rest of k unit's eyes widen. Three just laughs.

"So Alex, are you gonna come with us?" Three asks. Alex is confused but doesn't let it show.

"Why would I do that?" Alex asks his old torturer.

"We want you to be our assassin again. Of course you don't have a choice. You will come back and work as an assassin with us or you can say goodbye to that housekeeper of your who we have eyes on at all times," Three tells Alex. Alex looks into Threes eyes and knows that he's telling the truth. Alex then glances at his unit. Three sees their eye contains takes a knife that was in his pocket and jamming it into Alex's leg. Alex clenched his jaw but didn't let out a sound.

"You still have our training imbedded into you brain," Three says with a malevolent smile. Alex just smiles which makes every other person in the room feel confused at the gesture.

"Your right," Alex says just before he springs into action. He head buts the gut holding him in the headlock before swinging the mans arm, with the knife in hand, around which ended up embedded in another mans chest. The rest of k unit froze not being able to fire in fear of possibly shooting Cub. Not that Alex needed help. By the time the unit were trying to aim a shot Alex had already either killed or knocked out the men. Oliver immediately ran over to the boy and put pressure on the stab wound in the young teens leg.

Ben looked around checking to make sure there were no more men. That's when Fox and Wolf noticed all of students with fear and confusion in their eyes. They would leave Eagle to deal with the children because he acts like one.

Alex Riders schoolmates stares in shock at the seen they just witnessed. Only one of them spoke aloud. A boy by the name of Scott. A boy who was convinced that Alex Rider was a druggie. He stated men question that was in everyone's mind.

"Who the hell is Alex Rider?"


I'm still taking requests if anybody has any. It would be greatly appreciated if you do.

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