My class was what?! pt. 2

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"Oh for the love of god," Alex mutters a complaint under his breath as Jones goes over the subject for about the ten time.

"As I just said Alex Rider is a spy for MI6," she's says bluntly. Mr. Anthony, Alex's chem teacher just stares at her in confusion.

"But—," he begins. Again. Before somebody cuts of off.

"Oh for Christs sake," the teen spy exclaims. "I'm a spy. I work for the government and spy for them. Yes I'm fucking fourteen and yes I'm extremely experienced in this line of work. So please for all of our sakes, shut up."

Mr. Anthony looks at his student in shock.

"That was a little uncalled for Alex," Mr. Bray reprimands the teen. Even he's confused at the situation.

"You people hired a teenager for a spy?" Mr. Anthony asks in shock and a bit of anger towards whoever did this to a child.

"Yes we—," Mrs. Jones starts before she is cut off by her employee. Not really employee but more like an internship.

"Yeah, hired is a really loose term," Alex snorts out. Mr. Bray and Mr. Anthony's eyes snap to the mysterious boy who doesn't seem to be as much as a mystery anymore.

"What's that mean?" The principle of Alex's school asks.

"Basically Mr. Bray, at the time Jones wasn't the head of '6 a man named Alan Blunt was," Alex explained. "Basically after my uncle died I decided to look a bit more into his death mainly because they told me that Ian died because he wasn't wearing his seatbelt. Listen Ian was like an old man. He was overprotective, annoying, assholeish, patronizing, headache inducing, over prepared, overly cautious," Alex begins to list.

"Yes we get it," Mr. Bray interrupts.

"Okay so anyway, Ian drives like a grandma so there was no way he died because he wasn't wearing a seat belt. Long story short. I dug into it, I got kidnapped and brought to MI6 HQ, the told me what my uncle and father did for a living, they talked about how good of spies my family had been, anyway they asked me to finish off my uncles mission and I refused to do it. So basically Blunt said if I didn't do it then he would deport my guardian back to the States," Alex uttered.

"THEY BLACKMAILED YOU?!" Mr. Bray exclaims while shooting a look at Mrs. Jones.

"Assholeish isn't a word Alex," Mr. Anthony corrected earning the attention of the room.

"Really?" Alex says with a strong attitude. "That's what you've been caught up on this whole time?" He asks with a shake of his head showing just how done he was with the situation.

"In our defense," Mrs. Jones finally decides to speak up with a clearing of her throat. "Alex had been trained for a significantly large amount of time by his uncle. We still use him today because he's still one of our most skilled agents," she explains.

"We'll surely his uncle couldn't have thought him everything," Mr. Bray says with a small scoff at this entire situation. I mean a teenage spy. He didn't get paid enough to deal with this.

"No I actually went to an SAS base for a while and trained after my ninth mission to get some extra training. Well actually is wasn't the first time I was at the base. I went for about a week before my first mission," Mrs. Jones sent the teen a look telling him to shut up but Alex didn't see her expression and continued to her dismay.

"Technically when I went back to the base is wasn't even for more training. I went to recuperate from my injuries for the previous mission because I had a few broken bones and a bullet hit me here and there. I already had most of my training from when I—," Mrs. Jone saw exactly where this was going and really accented her cut it motion to the boy who still didn't notice.

"—defected from the government and joined a huge criminal organization because an assassin who was trained by my father who also assassinated my uncle told me to when he died in my arms on Air Force one. Anyway I ended up defecting back to MI6 after I trained to be an assassin. I got sent on my first assignation which is when I defected back because I was sent to kill, well actually I was sent to kill—," Alex kept going but Mrs. Jones cleared her throat loudly finally getting the boys attention.

"You we're going to kill someone?" Mr. Anthony asked in shock.

"Well I was only going to kill Mrs. Jones because I thought she killed my father at the time she didn't so we were all good," Alex says brushing it off.

"Oh I can't do this anymore today," Mr. Bray says, exhausted.

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