It was going too well(request)

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A/n: I hope this is what you had in mind ;)

His day was going better than he could have ever imagined. It had been a long time since Alex Rider had had a good day.

For the first time in months Alex got a full nights rest without it being interrupted by a nightmare of his previous escapades. He felt refreshed from the sleep that he had previously been deprived of.

MI6 has yet to contact him. He wasn't called for almost two months. Alex enjoyed the peace and he relished in his vacation from spying.

Alex has gone back to school with a bruised face and a broken arm. Of course the rumors that followed him sparked up again. He knew all about the conspiracies attached to his name but he didn't let them phase him. Alex had Tom and that was good enough for him. Of course the fact that these were conspiracies about himself came with some stuff he didn't want to deal with. The bullying seemed to go up every time he came back. It started with a few insults here and there but it progressed into physical fights. Alex didn't mind it though. They punched weak.

This particular day nobody had bothered him. He figured that they had gotten used to him being around again. After all this was his longest time back in almost two years.

Things were looking up for him and he was ready for something good to happen to him. Alex figured he deserved at least that much.

Walking into school that morning, Alex felt like every other schoolchild in the world. It may not have been a lot to others but to Alex it was everything. To Alex it was the sign of his MI6 nightmare coming to an end.

Tom walked up to him like normal and the two friends walked to their classes like everyone else at Brooklands. Classes were boring per usual but Alex tried his best to focus unlike his peers. His grades had already drastically dropped from the missions he was sent on so he had to work extra hard to get everything done in time. Alex miraculously was able to catch up to his peers to the shock of his teachers.

It was second period of that wonderful day when things began to go south. Alex sat at a table in his chemistry class and Tom sat across from him so they could easily talk to the annoyance of their teacher, Mr. Meyers.

They were going over a few of the recently found elements when the door burst open. Men dressed in all black flooded the classroom effectively scaring his classmates. Alex immediately recognized the all black uniform as Scorpias. He knew that they were here for him and he couldn't help but sigh.

Before anyone could process the events three bodies were thrown into the room. Black threaded bags were tied over their heads so nobody could tell who they were even Alex couldn't tell. He only had a guess about one of them.

A man steps towards Alex who wearily eyes him. Alex knows who he is and tenses. His peers, frozen in shock, and his teachers terrified look said it all. Some girls let their tears fall but the Scorpia agents paid them no mind.

Dr. Three walks up to Alex who just stares at the board straight ahead. Three rips of his dark mask that didn't hide his identity in the slightest. It was probably meant to be like that though. A small knife glints in the small beams of sunlight coming through the blinds. Alex tenses and Three notices which brings a smirk to the mans face.

"My my Alex, you sure have grown," Three says with a malevolent smile. Alex doesn't dare move from his position. Dr. Three takes the opportunity to run his knife along the teens face. The knife doesn't cut deep enough to scar but it cuts deep enough to bleed. Alex doesn't wince or show any weakness just as Scorpia had taught him to.

"Can't use him as your child spy anymore, Can you Jones?" Three says mockingly while confirming Alex's suspension as to one of the unidentifiable bodies. Tulip Jones' bag was ripped off her head in a quick gesture. Her eyes lock on Alex before she takes n her surroundings. Alex's peers watch in shock but don't dare to make a move.

Before anyone says anything g to cut the growing silence Three takes the small blade and shoves it in Alex's leg expertly. It misses his artery but is in the nerves. It's bad but not enough that he can't recover from it. "Can you Jones?" Three repeats with more vigor.

Jones keeps her face blank as she looks at the boy she helped ruin. "No we can not," she says lowly. Dr. Three smirks at her.

"You really shouldn't have pulled him into this life in the first place," he says while taking the knife out getting a small wince from the action. "MI6, good old MI6," he continues. "Government employs child," Three says as if reading a headline.

Alex gets annoyed and curious. "Cut the chit chat Three," he begins. "Who's in the bags?" He asks his torturer. Three smiles at him and then motions for the men to take the bags off.

Alex griminess when he sees the faces of Yassen and himself. Julius Grief. Three laughs at Alex's face of anger aimed towards Julius.

"What the hell are they doing here and how the fuck is Gregorovich alive?" Alex asks.

"He's a difficult man to kill," Three explains. Alex glares at Three and the rest of the Scorpia agents.

"What do you want?" He asks the torturer. Dr. Three just smiles.

"My dear Alex, you have three options. Actually four. You can kill Yassen and we'll let you come join us in his place. You'd get paid and recive everything that Gregorovich ever owned. You can kill Jones and be free of MI6. Scorpia will not touch you again or," Three pauses. "You can kill Julius but you will be taken back with us and tortured which will be live streamed all over the world."

Alex pauses. "The fourth?" He asks.

"We kill Tom," Three says. Alex doesn't even consider it but Tom just looks at his best friend bravely almost asking him to pick the fourth option. It's either become a traitor to the country, become an assassin, or be killed for the entire world to view. Time wasn't even an option.

Three presses a knife into Alex's hand already know that the boys best friend was out of the option. The class and Mr. Meyers held their breath waiting to watch their classmate and student murder someone in cold blood.

Alex knew immediately who he would choose. Even if he does because if it it would have been worth it just to watch him die.

Alex plunges the knife deep into the heart of the man who took everything g from him. The man who took Jack away from him. He felt no remorse as he watched the life drain from his clones eyes. Jones looks at Alex in pity. She was almost hoping the boy choose the easy option and killed her. He could have a semi normal life but not now. Not anymore. Yassen was both happy and sad. He didn't want Johns son to get killed especially after the lengths he went to, to keep him alive. He also didn't want Alex to be a contract killer. He didn't want that for anyone especially not the boy he'd grown fond of. Tom let out a few tears at his best mates choice. He would've been glad to die to save his friends life but now he would have to watch as the same boy died in pain.

Julius Grief stopped breathing and in a way so did Alex. The Scorpia men began walking out of the classroom and Alex obediently followed them knowing that there was no way around it. Three was eventually the only one left in the classroom with the crying, terrified children and equally terrified teacher.

"Alex Rider," he says. "MI6's greatest spy. The best spy in the world. The world that the teen saved one too many times," Three continues. "The world that gave him nothing back."

Three leaves the room after that and the helicopters that they came in took off taking Alex with them.

The children sit in shock while Yassen and Mrs. Jones get out of their restraints MI6 get there a few minutes later.

"I want eyes kept on that helicopter," Jones orders as agents swarm around her. "Someone take care of the children as well. They're pretty shocked, they just witnessed a murder."

Julius's body is taken away so that the kids don't have to see it anymore.

"Get some OSA's and for Christ's sake don't loose that helicopter!" Jones continues to order. Even Alan Blunt comes to try and explain things to everyone.

So much for Alex having a happy, normal life. Now he may not even have his life.

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