Ian pt. 2

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"So why are you at my home?" Asks an confused and agitated Wolf.

"Well, it turns out my dead uncle is not actually dead but very much alive and basically I was brought to MI6 headquarters to be told and-," before Alex can go on Snake, Wolfs roommate chimes in.

"Why MI6?" Snake asks the teen.

"My uncle is-was-is and agent."

Wolf and Snake take in that information but before either says anything Alex is back to explaining.

"So anyway, I was sent to my uncles office and he sat me down to explain what was happening but I obviously already know the story of his life so I just told him the truth. And I also thought Blunt would have told him-"

"Told him what?" Wolf asks.

"That he used me on missions," Alex says in a 'duh' tone.

"Missions?" Snake asks in shock thinking that he was just a rich brat at Beacons.

"Yes get with the program Snake," Alex states. "As I was saying, I thought Blunt would have told him but I guess he didn't so then I blurted out what Blunt did and my uncle was a bit angry. So Ian, he-"

Alex is cut off once again by the unit leader.

"Like Ian Rider?"

"Yes now let me finish," Alex orders. "So Ian locked me in his office to have a chat with Blunt and I just wanted to see someone yell and scold Blunt. I couldn't open the door so scaled the building up to the head of '6s office but I was seen and my uncle yelled at everyone some more. Which that was actually surprising because he kinda looked like he went through a meat grinder but back to what I was saying. Blunt had to just open his stupid bloody mouth and say how he used me because I was smart or some shit like that and my uncle was seething so as he yelled Jones and I made our way out of the room and as I was leaving Blunt was telling him about one of my missions and Ian was pissed so I ran here."

The two members of k unit stare at the teen in shock.

"You scaled the side of MI6 headquarters?" Snake asks concerned and shocked.

Alex brushes it off like it was nothing and Wolf and Snake just sit there processing.

Out of nowhere Wolf and Snakes front door bursts open and Ian Rider angrily makes his way in. Alex's eyes comically widen.

"Oh shit," he says while making a break for it. He knows not to mess with a really, really angry Ian.

"ALEXANDER JOHNATHAN RIDER GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Ian's shout startle the soldiers.

Alex sighs and makes a hard decision. He goes back to the living room where his seething, angry uncle stands with the two SAS soldiers.

"Sit," Ian orders and Alex listens.

"You're going to tell me why you went to SCORPIA right now and you're going to tell me exactly what happened," Ian says in a scarily clam voice that does nothing to hide his anger.

"NOW ALEX," Ian commands sternly when Alex hesitates.

With a deep breath Alex begins the long story. "So it started with Yassen—."

"—and Jack and I escaped so we're still alive and that's good so yeah," Alex finishes and trails off. Ian who stands with his hand in his head finally looks towards his nephew.

"You listened to a dying assassin and went to a huge ass criminal organization where you joined and trained with them only to turn on them from the inside?!" Ian states with a glare.

"Well he was dying what did he have to loose?" Alex weakly defends.

"Kid I—you're grounded," Ian says.

"What? You can't do that. You're technically still dead," Alex realizes his mistake when Ian's face hardens even more. "Wait Ian I'm sorry," Alex apologized.

Ian rolls his eyes at his nephew.

"I missed you kid," Ian says, his mask cracking slightly. Alex doesn't say anything but just stands and hugs his uncle who returns the embrace.

"So does this mean I'm not grounded?" Alex asks hopefully. Ian scowls at the teenager. "Look it wasn't my fault it was Blunts," Alex points out.

"I guess you're ungrounded," Ian says with a sigh. "I did have a long chat with Alan and he's not touching you again."

"Does this mean I can go back to school?" Alex asks hopefully.

"What do you mean back?" Ian asks the kid.

"Well I get pulled out for missions and I recently got back from one. I've been absent more times then I have been present this past year or so."

"You're going back to school permanently Alex. I'll make sure it's taken care of," Ian says making his nephew smile.

"Let's go home then," Alex says while he and his uncle leave.

Snake and Wolf just watch them go in confusion as to what just happened.

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